Melody's Song by _ducky_dude__
The voice rippled up through the water, as clear and pure
as the ocean that surrounded its possessor. The currents seemed to slow and all
life around the beautiful voice seemed to way in time with its tune.
Above the water I sat on a rock partly out to
sea. The melody arising from the waters was not as clear as it was under the
water, yet I listened, straining my ears to catch every note. That voice, I
had heard it before - above the water. It had always been beautiful, as beautiful
as the one who sang with it.
But now I could only sit on this rock and listen
to it. I ached to hear it one more time, to hear it clearly and not have to
strain my ears to listen. I used to take it for granted, but now I realised
how precious it was.
Sing your song one more time, Melody,
I wished.
Sing it for me.
The blue Uni laughed as she jumped over the waves.
The ocean spray dampened her fur, but she didn't care. What were a few damp
hairs compared to the joy of playing in the ocean?
A red Shoyru was watching her from the side.
Melody, his little sister, was obsessed with the ocean and always wanted to
go to the beach. This was hard, as they lived in Neopia Central, but every time
they saved up enough Neopoints Daeran would catch the boat to Mystery Island
and let her play in the surf.
He approached her from behind and tickled her.
"Stop! Stop!" she giggled. Her voice was soft
and filled with joy. Daeran smiled and let go. His sister slashed him and he
splashed her back. Soon they were caught up in an all out water fight.
About an hour later they dragged themselves up
onto the white sands of the beach. Melody lay down, her eyes closing. "I'll
just rest here for a few moments…" she muttered. Soon Daeran could see she was
deeply asleep. His own eyelids started to feel heavy as well, so he lay down
beside his sister. Just a few minutes, he thought, and then I'll get
The Shoyru was awakened by the sensation of cold
water lapping on his feet. He opened his eyes to see stars shining above him.
Quickly he jumped up. His sister still lay beside him. "Melody? Melody! We have
to go!" he said, gently shaking her awake. She sat up, rubbing her eyes.
"How long were we asleep?" the Uni asked, bewildered
at the sudden darkness that surrounded them. There was not a soul in sight,
save for her brother who was already on his feet, making his way to the harbour.
"A few hours at least. Now come on, before the
last boat leaves!" he said. But his sister was transfixed by something out to
sea. He sighed and spread his wings and took to the air. He landed beside her,
looked out at what she was staring at and gasped. A Maraquan Aisha was sitting
on a rock not too far away. Her tail was dangling over the side and she was
It was a beautiful, wordless song; it reminded
Daeran of crashing waves, of gentle tides and of clear, still waters. He looked
at his sister. Melody was gaping in awe. As the figure out to sea finished her
song, the Uni began another one. Her voice echoed out over the waves, as clear
as that of the Aisha's. The Shoyru was amazed. He had always known his sister
had a good voice, but he didn't remember it being that incredible!
The Aisha twisted round, a look of shocked admiration
on her face. When she saw the two figures on the beach her eyes lingered on
Melody, before she dived into the sea.
The next few days were a blur to Daeran. He remembered
getting on a boat, arriving, grabbing food from the Money Tree, and other things.
But all the time his sister had a dazed look on her face, as if she were somewhere
Three days after their visit to Mystery Island
they were eating their meal in the shelter of an abandoned doorstep. Melody
took a deep breath. "Is there any way that I could be like that Aisha?" she
blurted out. The Shoyru beside her buried his face in his hands. He had known
this day would come.
"Yes," he murmured. His sister's face lit up
with delight and excitement.
"How?" she cried in excitement. "How can I become
like her?"
Daeran's heart hurt. "We have to buy a Maraquan
Paint Brush. That will turn you into someone who can live underwater. But…"
his sister's face fell. It hurt for him to continue. "But we can't afford one.
We can barely get enough to eat, and those things cost millions of Neopoints!
I'm so sorry, Melody, I really am so sorry."
The Uni stared at the ground. "It's all right,
I understand," she said, but her voice was choked up as though something was
blocking it. She insisted that she was all right, although her eyes were watering
and she was clearly forcing back tears. Her brother put his arms around her.
"It's alright to cry," he said softly, as the
tears trickled down his sister's cheeks. "Hey, I'll take you back to the beach
soon, we've still got some change left over from last time!" he smiled, trying
to cheer her up. But his sister remained sad, and he left to try and grab something
from the Money Tree, deciding to give her a bit of space. He would bring her
to the beach next week. That should cheer her up.
"Look out there, Daeran!"
Melody was in the water again and pointed out
to where a lone faerie streaked across the sky. Her brother followed where she
was pointing, admiring the faerie's speed and grace. The Uni jumped over the
waves as they came in to shore, laughing the whole time. Her brother looked
at the sun. Soon it would start to set; they would have to go home.
About ten minutes later pink streaked across
the sky. The siblings watched together as the sun disappeared. Then Daeran suggested
that they should leave.
"But there isn't another boat for half an hour!"
Melody laughed. She was right. While they were admiring the sun, the boat they
had been planning to board had left the island. Now they would have to wait
for the next one. The Uni started to sing softly. Daeran went up the beach to
sit down on the softer sand. The beach was deserted; everyone else had left.
He kept a close eye on his sister as she played, singing softly all the time.
Then something rose out of the water.
It was a Maraquan Aisha, right in front of Melody!
The Uni was staring at the Neopet in amazement; Daeran felt rooted to the ground
he sat on. The Aisha reached out a hand to his sister, who took it as though
in a trance. She continued to sing as she was slowly led into the water. Through
this all a change was coming over Melody; she was becoming something different.
The Shoyru wanted to run to his sister, but he
couldn't. His feet were rooted to the ground. Finally he broke free and unfolded
his wings, but even as he flew down he knew he was too late. Just as he arrived
at the water's edge she disappeared under the water. "Melody!" he shouted, in
a vain attempt to make her come back.
"Melody! Melody!" he cried, flying over the water,
shouting as loudly as he could. He came to rest on the rock where they had first
seen the Aisha singing. "Melody!" he shouted, but he knew it was no use. Salty
tears fell from his eyes and mingled with the water in the ocean. His sister,
the one ray of happiness in his life, the thing that kept him going when it
was cold on the streets, the one person who had always been able to cheer him
up no matter what the situation, had left him.
Melody was gone.
I never went back to Neopia Central. I stayed
here, and I came out to this rock every night. I gave up shouting long ago;
now I just sit and listen to the beautiful song that could only be hers.
A year is a long time. Every day I recall that
time on the beach, and wish that melody was here now.
The song suddenly stopped. I stood up, wondering
what had happened. I saw a figure coming up out of the water. I stepped back,
about to fly off the rock if danger threatened.
A Maraquan Uni rose up out of the water. "Hello
Daeran," she said.
"Melody?" I whispered, hardly daring to believe
it. The Uni smiled. "Why did you leave me?" I asked.
"The Maraquan people fell in love with my song.
They took me to Maraqua and didn't allow me to come up again. Tonight, however,
they have let me come to you and let me bring you back to my home," she explained,
eyes shining with tears of joy.
"How will you do that?" I asked, amazed at what
was happening
"The Maraquan people taught me more than just
how to sing!" she smiled. Then she reached out her hand. I took it as she led
me into the water.
"Sing your song, Melody," I whispered. As we
descended beneath the waves I felt myself changing, but I didn't care. I didn't
care what happened or how I changed. My sister and I were together again, and
that was all that mattered.
I disappeared beneath the surface to the sound
of Melody's song.
The End