Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 115,191,906 Issue: 230 | 9th day of Running, Y8
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A Spongey Situation

by lunatic_kiss

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Triple Negative
Prepare to die!

by sillygirl_543


Notions and Nonsense
A raspberry can be such a rude fruit.

Art by peri0neo

by patjade


Starlight Invasion: Star City
In the warehouse behind Bryne, the hundreds of Grundo babies- identically goggle-eyed and gormless, the lot of them- lay dormant in their little cots...

by rainbow_daydreamer


Out of the Turmaculus' Jaws
I watched the pets going down the streets with wide, bright eyes. They were fascinating to me, and so many of them looked friendly and kind...

by nut862

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