Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 115,191,906 Issue: 230 | 9th day of Running, Y8
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by orca1026

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Wait – What Happened to the Other Smileys?
Before I begin my explanation of collected research, I must tell you that in this article, I will not provide those desperate emotionless-filled Neopians with a guide to beating all eight levels of this game, but I will explore who exactly stole these smileys.

by __jxhn_


It took THAT long to get Breakfast?!?

by thepinkpixel


Curse of the Urn
The Ruki brushed some more of the sand away, narrowing his eyes in scrutiny, and “hmmed” interestedly at what he saw...

by laurelinden


Happy!! Ohhh Wait -- Never Mind...
What do you mean, cancelled?

Also by fillin

by richnangela005

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