Traveling Library Tale by anime_cybunny
"Hey! Wait up!"
I was running behind a traveling library wagon,
out of breath as ever. I ran for about five miles - the longest distance I ever
ran in my life. I was a strawberry Poogle that loved to read books, and I had
already read forty-seven of them.
"Whoa! Slow down, Buster! A strawberry Poogle's
right behind me!" the traveling librarian yelped as he hopped off the wagon.
He was a yellow Scorchio that was kind enough to pull over. A brown Uni was
pulling the wagon, which contained about a hundred books.
"Thank you for stopping," I panted.
"Not a problem at all," the librarian replied
with a smile. He peered at me to see who I actually was. "Cuteguin!" he gasped.
"I thought you lived in the village I passed five days ago!"
I shook my head. "Nope, I live in the village
up ahead." I pointed it out.
The librarian shifted directions and approached
me slowly. "You are the great Cuteguin, right? The one who received second place
in the Beauty Contest, and read forty-seven books?" he asked with curiosity.
I nodded. This librarian seemed delighted to
see me, as if I was a legend of some sort. "It is great to meet you. My name's
Gold." He pointed to the brown Uni. "That's Buster, my friend and trustworthy
Uni. We travel along together as a library."
"Library?" I asked. I never heard of a library
that's on wheels.
"Yes, my dear," Gold replied with a chuckle.
"This is the Neopia Central Traveling Library. This is where Neopians who don't
know where to find books can get the same experience. This traveling library
arrives at the same village once every three weeks. The citizens pay a mere
fee of at least 100 Neopoints to choose a book. These books are very magical
and mysterious."
I nodded as he continued on with his explanation.
When he finally finished I asked, "So that's how the traveling library business
works?" Gold nodded. He pushed a window upward to make it open. I stared in
awe as I saw the books neatly lined up.
Gold noticed me staring and asked, "Would you
like to work with me?"
Work with a traveling library that roamed Neopia
Central? I thought about it for a moment.
Gold smiled at me. "I shall give you a reward,
of course," he chuckled and directed me to where he sat.
"Sir, this is an excellent offer!" I exclaimed.
Gold turned at me and pulled the window shut.
"I am happy that you have accepted, Cuteguin,"
he said and I climbed on the wagon. The traveling library was packed full of
books. From mysteries to faerie tales, there were so many to choose! I wondered
how Gold and Buster managed to survive.
About five hours later, we made it to the next
village, and Neopians swarmed around the wagon. I was amazed at how many people
actually liked books.
"Books! Books! Get your books here!" Gold wheezed
and Buster sighed. I told Gold that I would take over the shouting. He nodded
and I took his place.
"The Neopia Central Traveling Library is closing!"
I yelled. "We will be back in three weeks! Have a great read, everyone!"
Buster started pulling the wagon out of the village
and galloped to the nearest inn to stay for the night. I sighed with relief
after I climbed into bed. Gold smiled and coughed as he shut off the light.
Buster was sleeping outside, keeping an eye on the wagon. His snores were so
loud that about everyone in the inn could hear him.
The next day, I rose from my bed and made breakfast.
I noticed Gold wasn't looking too well. He coughed and wheezed as if he inhaled
a lot of smoke. I rushed to his bedside and looked at him.
"Are you all right, Gold?" I asked with worry.
"It's not a problem," Gold replied. He and I
paid for the room and went outside to see Buster. He was rushing us through
the inventory check.
It usually took about two days to get to the
next village, so Buster was going extra fast to make up time. His special hooves
were shiny as ever, even though he ran on mud a couple of times. Gold coughed
some more and I tried to control Buster.
I looked at Gold. "Are you sure you are okay,
Gold?" I asked. Gold nodded his head and looked at the sky.
That was not a fantastic sign. "Buster, let's
hurry to the nearest hospital," I commanded. It was obvious that Gold wasn't
in great shape. The brown Uni nodded and picked up speed. Once again, it was
difficult to control him. I grabbed a map and looked at the nearest village.
It mentioned that a hospital was located, so Buster quickly gained speed.
When we finally arrived, a doctor examined Gold.
"Well, this is quite common. This traveling librarian has a case of Kikoughela,"
the doctor noted and passed me a slip of paper. Buster was worried about his
The note said, "Cure for Kikoughela: Kikoughela
Syrup." I sighed and rushed out the door. I looked through the glass window,
hoping to find a nearby pharmacy. If there's a hospital in the village, there
must be a pharmacy nearby, correct?
Sadly, I heard from villagers that there wasn't
a pharmacy in the village. I raced back to the hospital and grabbed Buster.
"Buster and I shall go to the nearest pharmacy," I said and closed the door.
Before I left, the sharp doctor stopped me.
"The village to the east has a pharmacy," he
stated. I sighed and Buster pushed me out of the hospital.
I climbed onto Buster's back, hoping that he
would trust me enough to ride him. "Okay Buster," I whispered. "Let's go to
the next village!"
Buster nodded and sped off in an instant. In
about three hours, we finally made it to the pharmacy. I sighed with relief
as I carried my spare change into the building. The nurse looked at me as if
I were crazy.
"I'm sorry, but we don't carry Kikoughela Syrup
until morning. Please come back later." She shrugged and went back to count
the stock.
I was now angry and frustrated. "What do you
mean you don't have any? This is an emergency!" I shouted.
The nurse sighed and continued counting. "Kikoughela
Syrup is rare in this village. You more than likely won't be able to find it,"
she replied. "Try again tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? I don't have TIME to wait for tomorrow!"
I yelled again and looked next to me. A label for a random medicine peeled off
and under it was Kikoughela Syrup. I grinned and placed 500 Neopoints on the
"Okay," I grumbled. "I'll wait until tomorrow."
I left the pharmacy and gave a cheesy smile to Buster. He knew that I found
a bargain for the medicine.
Buster dashed back to the hospital. It seemed
that the workers there only described diseases. Sure it was fine and great,
but not exactly helpful if you have to travel for miles to the next village.
I gave Gold the medicine after he entered the room. Gold sat up and didn't cough
or wheeze anymore.
He turned to me. "Thanks, Cuteguin," he said.
"No problem," I replied and hugged the Scorchio.
An hour later, the traveling library was back
on the road. It stopped at a popular place in Neopia Central: Guild Headquarters.
I hopped off of the wagon. "Thanks for the ride." I smiled.
Gold nodded as I pivoted and started my way toward
home. "Wait, Cuteguin!" Gold called. I rushed back to the wagon instantly.
"What is it?" I asked. Buster smiled and Gold
opened the window and grabbed a book.
"This is for you. Thanks for helping me," he
stated and handed the book. I noticed that I ended up with Acara Aquatics. I
danced around with my book, delighted as ever.
"Thanks a bunch, Gold!" I waved and smiled.
Gold nodded and winked. "See you in three weeks."
I nodded as the traveling library started off toward the next village. I looked
down at my new book and raced to my Neohome to read it.
The End