Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 182,656,530 Issue: 231 | 16th day of Running, Y8
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When Life Gives You...

by ssjelitegirl

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by greysun189


Amethyst Kadoatie: Part Three
Amethyst purred and ran out into the garden to get the treat pouch. I followed her lazily… but I wasn't quick enough. As soon as I had got to the flowerbed I was knocked into the air...

by candykitty


The Greatest Treasure of All: Part One
Katrina the blue Kacheek sat on a Pink Tile Patio Chair in the yard outside her neohome, leaning back and enjoying the nice weather. She was surrounded by Sillie Daisies happily bobbing in the cool breeze. It was a beautiful, peaceful day. She looked up at the clouds and smiled…

by kacheeklover3579


Walk the Plank: Part Two
Diran quickly grabbed hold of the mast. Looking upward through the rain, he could see a silhouette of a Krawk up in the crow's nest, letting down the sails. He dove to the left to avoid being crushed by the massive sail...

by puppy200010

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