Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 182,656,530 Issue: 231 | 16th day of Running, Y8
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Chibi Pals

by puffibunni

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Jhudora & Illusen: WHATEVER!

by spock_luvr


Kesshe trotted happily towards the school gates at a brisk pace, swinging her lunchbox with pent-up excited energy. She was eager to meet many new friends at school...

by nut862


State of Oddity
Trouble with a petpet... or an owner?

by neemoose


Amethyst Kadoatie: Part Three
Amethyst purred and ran out into the garden to get the treat pouch. I followed her lazily… but I wasn't quick enough. As soon as I had got to the flowerbed I was knocked into the air...

by candykitty

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