Web of Vernax - a Guide to Spinning by miseryguts5720
HAUNTED WOODS - OK, so you’re an arachnophile? That means you like to file racks,
yes? What? Scroll Racks? Toast racks? Ah, no, it means you like Spyders. Well
then, my friend, you’ll feel right at home in Web of Vernax. Walk with me a while
and I will see if I can explain the game to you.
In this game you are a Spyder, and a very handsome one, I might add. Your aim
is to survive! To do this you must catch the bugs (Vernax) that scurry around
so that you may feast on them later. Web spinning is simple for we Spyders.
Just point to where you want to start the web, click and hold down the left
mouse button and move the mouse in the direction you want the web to go. Once
you see an arrow pointing in the right direction, simply release the button
and away it goes. You will need to trap the Vernax within a square or rectangle
of webs; however, the corners of your webs don’t all have to meet. You can run
a longer web in one direction and then cut across the middle of it to make the
trap. For the purposes of the guide and to cause less confusion, I will call
a single strand a web, and the four-sided web a trap.
Whilst you are constructing your traps, be very careful not to let any Vernax
touch a web as it is being spun or you will lose a life. You can also lose a
life if the timer runs out, so keep an eye on the beautifully decorated grandfather
clock on the right of your screen. On the subject of lives, you can get an extra
life by running webs through the little Spyder Bites that appear randomly on
the screen. A Spyder Bite is a little fellow with big red glowing eyes – you
can’t miss him. Be sure to get him quickly, though; he doesn’t stay around for
very long. You need ten of the little fellows to gain one extra life.
To get maximum points your traps should be as small as possible. However there’s
no point in trying for a teeny trap if you lose a life in the process. You will
just have to find a happy medium between getting a big score for your capture
and making sure you don’t lose a life. As the Vernax get faster your traps will
have to be bigger so the little darlings don’t run into the web as you are spinning
it, thereby costing you a life.
You can get a bonus score if you only need to spin 1, 2, 3 or 4 webs to trap
all of the Vernax on any 1 level. This is usually only possible when you have
just 1 or 2 Vernax to catch, i.e. levels 1 and 2, 8 and 9, etc. Use the corners
of the screen to catch them, preferable using only 2 webs per Vernax. If you
are really skilful, you can trap a Vernax with just 1 web on level 1 and maybe
level 2. You will need to start your web just before the Vernax moves into the
trap area, so it has time to run across (or down) the whole width (or length)
of the screen. This one is quite tricky, but you get 75 bonus points for it
so you may want to try it. Practice it a bit - if you miss, you can always restart
the game.
You also get a bonus when you catch more than 1 Vernax in the same trap – so
if you see 2 or 3 heading in the same direction, get spinning! You will even
get a natty little tune if you catch 4 or more in one trap. Score-wise it is
better to catch multiple Vernax in slightly bigger traps than just individually
in smaller traps, although, of course, catching multiples in a small trap is
really good!
In Level 6 you will be introduced to the evil red Spyder. He’s a nasty creature
who removes your webs, usually just as you are about to trap a Vernax, of course.
The only way to be rid of him is if, when he is removing your beautifully spun
and strategically placed web, he ends up away from the edges so he has no webs
to travel along. You can set up some traps for him by spinning a few webs that
go nowhere and hoping he will choose one of these webs to remove. As you move
up in levels you will encounter more and more red Spyders. It is also a good
tactic for trapping Vernax too. Have four or five webs parallel to each other
about and evenly spread along one side of the screen. Then as Vernax enter an
area you simply have to run the final web between two of them, making the trap
as small as possible. By the way, the Vernax will bounce off any webs you have
spun (including the ends), but I am sure you have noticed that already.
At level 8 you go back to having just one Vernax to trap, but he is moving
considerably faster. Now you will find that your traps have to be bigger so
you don’t lose a life. Just keep playing using the methods I have suggested
and you will be scoring big in no time at all. If you are playing for Neopoints
only, then you can stop when your score reaches 2500 as this will give you the
maximum 1000 NP. If you are playing for glory and a very cool looking trophy,
then just keep on playing. I myself have only managed a bronze trophy so far,
but I will keep trying. I would really like a gold one.
One big downside to playing this game is that there are no breaks. There is
no pause button and you don’t even get to pause in between levels, the next
level just starts automatically. This can be a bit of a pain, especially when
you are trying to write a game guide and your time keeps running out!
Sadly, there are no codes or other tricks that I know of to aid you in this
game. Please, if you find one, let me know and I will include it in a later
edition of this guide, with due credit of course. Good luck, my friend. I hope
you find this guide useful. Feel free to drop me a Neomail if you have any comments
or extra hints to offer, I would really like that gold trophy!