Are You Tired of Having a Shop That's ALWAYS Full? by kt2kool109
MARKETPLACE - Does it seem that no one is buying from your shop? Your till always
seems to be zero? Unless you’re using your shop as a gallery, this is BAD! That’s
why I'm here to help you poor, poor shop owners. If you follow my instructions,
not only will you sell an item or 2, you will probably sell out COMPLETELY! No
longer will your shop go MONTHS without selling a thing!
Now, this is probably one of the most important parts of your shop. The shop
layout should have a theme, and it should be inviting. After all, would YOU
want to buy from a shop that looks like the user isn’t willing to work hard
and doesn’t care about their shop? I don’t think so! You want to make your shop
look inviting and interesting, or else people will think you don't put much
work into it.
Try soft colors like blue, pink, purple, or things like that to make it look
relaxing or inviting. Or, if you want to make your shop look like fun, try red
or orange, colors like that, and yes, it's okay to show a little of your personality
in your shop. For example, if you just can’t get enough of basketball, make
a basketball layout.
If you are very tech savvy, then it might be a good idea to make your very
own shop layout! I suggest you do that! Many people will appreciate the originality
of the lookup, and they will want to buy more from your shop.
If not, then don’t fret! There are many different layout sites out there specifically
designed for neopets! If you’re still having trouble finding one, try looking
at other peoples shops. Often times there will be a link to the web-site where
they got the layout (although you SHOULD NEVER MAKE YOUR SHOP LOOK THE SAME
AS SOMEONE ELSE'S! 1, that’s stealing, and 2, where’s the fun in that?) These
sites usually have great user look-up graphics, too.
However, there is too much of a good thing X(! Some things to avoid are the
gothic look, too many fun-images, and links to quizzes! AVOID THE GOTHIC LOOK!
Not only does this make your shop look uninviting and evil, it is also very
hard to read the prices (unless your shop is SO overpriced that you don't want
other Neopians to see it)!
It's also a good idea to have a blog to announce sales and new items that
will soon be sold. Try getting one that’s colorful, easy to notice, and simple
to read. After all, what’s the point of having a blog if no one will read it!?
Another thing to avoid is too many fun images. One or two are fine, but when
you have too many, it takes a very long time to load, and it's also VERY distracting!
DISTRACTED SHOPPERS DO NOT BUY! I know those cute little animated images are
almost irresistible, (especially all of those petpet ones!) but you MUST RESIST!
Don't let those little dancing petpet images control you!
busy taking a quiz to buy ANYTHING from your shop! If you really like these
quizzes, put the link on your user lookup, not your shop!
Music is also a nice thing to add; just make sure it goes with your layout
and it isn't too annoying. For example, if you had a layout with faeries and
unicorns, you wouldn't want heavy metal to be playing, right! That would be
too weird! Don’t get something really annoying, either! If you can sit through
the song for 5 minutes without wanting to smash the computer with a SLEDGE HAMMER,
then your music is fine. (Note, I do not encourage doing that, you will get
in so much trouble, and you have to buy another computer!)
Now that you know how the layout should look, let's talk about PRICING! You
don't want to sell a pile of dung for 50,000 neopoints (unless you're LOOKING
for idiots to buy your stuff), but you don't want to sell your prized, rare,
“it took me 3 years to save up for this” Queen Fyora doll for 15 neopoints,
either! To make sure the price isn't too high or low, enter the name of your
item on the shop wizard, and refresh 3 to 5 times. That way, you can see what
it's really worth. If it is worth over 99,999 neopoints, then put it up for
auction or keep it in your trades! Try making your item one neopoint lower than
the cheapest item; that way, people will notice your shop, and they will buy
a lot more from it. It’s also a good idea to have sales every once in a while.
That way, you will get loyal customers, and more buyers!
Now that you you know how to PRICE your shop, it's important to know what
items to sell! Now, neopets provides HUNDREDS, MAYBE THOUSANDS of items to buy
(thanks TNT!), but these are some of the best items to sell…
1. Petpets. Everybody LOVES THEM!
2. Any food item with the word “day” in it. These items can easily double,
even triple in value!
3. If you have any map pieces on hand, SELL THEM, but first, you should try
collecting the whole map! I’ve noticed that people who have a full map sell
a lot more for a higher price! It saves people the inconvenience of having to
search all over the place for it.
4. SELL BOOKS! Every time I put a book in my shop, it sells almost instantly!
5. You can never go wrong when you sell codestones or dubloons! These always
sell out; many Neopians are addicted to collecting and/or using these items
for improving their pet’s Battledome skills!
6. You can NEVER go wrong with avatar items. Just remember ALWAYS post which
items are avatar items and which are not, and explain to your customers how
to USE the avatar items to get the avatar.
Now, what’s the point about having an extremely well-run shop if no one KNOWS
about it? That’s what advertising is for, and you don’t need to spend 4,000,000
NP on the noticeboard to do it, either! If your shop is quite small, you will
probably need to depend on the shop wizard since it’s MUCH easier to find the
big, size 1000 shops on the marketplace page! Try pricing your items one neopoint
lower than what they usually cost.
Now, some of the best places to advertise are the noticeboard, on the chat
boards, and by neomailing your friends.
When you are advertising on the neoboards or neomailing, here are some dos
and don’ts.
-DO have a nice, friendly message.
-DO have a link to your shop.
-DO make a nice little poem or list.
-DO tell your shoppers how to bookmark your shop. That way, they will visit
more often, AND they’ll tell their friends! THAT MEANS MORE CUSTOMERS! :D
-DON’T spam, you WILL get reported for this!
-DON’T make your message inappropriate.
-DON’T say “come and donate to me!” This is annoying; people don’t want to
“donate.” They want to BUY good, well priced items!
-DON’T say to people, “if you don’t buy from my shop, you’re not cool.” This
is VERY mean! Who would want to buy from a mean person? If you do this, it WILL
backfire on you, I guarantee it!
Another good idea for advertising is to have the link to your shop as your
siggy. That way, even when you’re chatting for fun, you will be gathering up
potential buyers!
Oh, and when you advertise on the noticeboard, try advertising on the LAST
page! This may seem crazy, but more people go to the very last page instead
of jumping from page to page! This also saves you a LOT of neopoints! Try using
fun images to get your notice noticed even more!
Now that you have read my article, I hope you use these tips wisely, and you
run a VERY successful, hard-to-keep-even-half-full shop!