Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 117,249,079 Issue: 235 | 14th day of Eating, Y8
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by obviousfakename

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Fruity Adventures!
Have you ever wondered if Royal Lupes are vegetarians or not?!?!?

Art by cosmicfire918

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The Sleeper
The Glowing Techo took a deep breath and threw her hand over the top of the cliff, taking hold of the hard dirt as soon as her palm touched it...

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A New Friend
Halfway through poking around in the empty cupboards, Kaerhas heard the doorbell ring. His boredom melted away faster than a Brucicle in the Lost Desert, and the Bori made a dash for the front door...

by kyrinn


Traces of Faeryllium: Part Two
Though Taeshne was trying her hardest to concentrate on the new discovery, her earlier confrontation with Anberra had set her nerves on edge...

by ee365

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