The Lost King of Geraptiku: Part Eight by violajunky
When Torinia and Donis, with Zar on his shoulder, finally
reached the battlefield, the sun was hanging low, and Donis was exhausted. Their
side of the battlefield was dotted with dark blue tents as far as the eye could
see. Many different Neopets and Petpets scurried from tent to tent, shouting orders
at their subordinates as they ran. Donis stared at this sight and Zar grinned.
"Isn't it marvelous?" Zar asked.
"Yes, but why did it have to be so far away?"
Donis whined, rubbing his aching legs.
"Here," Torinia said, handing him another vial
full of a dark goopy green liquid.
"What's this?" Donis asked, uncorking the bottle.
"Slorg Syrup. Drink!"
Donis did as she said, and immediately felt the
familiar surge of energy run through his veins.
"Sir Donis!" yelled a voice from the closest
blue tent.
Donis swiveled around and came face to face with
a short white Draik who was dressed head to toe in golden armor.
"Lieutenant Grayson at your service!" he yelled,
saluting Donis with his gloved claw.
"Er... hi?" Donis said nervously.
"Follow me," Grayson said, grabbing Donis' paw
and pulling him towards the most extravagant tent Donis had ever seen.
The tent was decorated with two huge golden flags
with large blue Ds woven into them. The blue fabric the tent was made of glimmered
with a golden sheen in the setting sun. Donis gulped and reluctantly followed
Grayson inside.
"This," Grayson said, "is your army."
Inside the tent sat about ten or eleven different
Neopets, including Torinia and her Tasu. In the middle of the Neopets was a
huge wooden table with a large map tossed over the top. On the map were small
wooden figures painted either red or blue. At the end of the table was a small
golden chair that Grayson motioned to.
"Sit down, my dear King," he said, bowing deeply.
Donis gulped and sat down in the chair. The other
members of the tent grinned widely at Donis, obviously waiting for his commands.
"Er," he said nervously, "Is this the whole army?"
"Ha!" Grayson laughed, and the rest of the tent
members laughed along with him. "Don't be silly! This tent is just for those
of us who are important! The little warriors must stay outside to polish their
weapons while we talk about the strategies of war."
Donis gasped, and at
that moment, something sparked in his mind.
"Little, eh?" Donis thought to Zar, "Everyone
thought I was little and couldn't possibly be of any importance, and look at
me now! I'm a king!"
Having made up his mind, Donis nodded and said,
"Really? Well, I wish to speak to these 'Little Warriors.'"
"W-w-what?" Grayson asked, completely stunned.
"You heard me!" Donis shouted. "Now!"
"Uh... yes sir!" said Grayson, nervously saluting
He then pointed to a small green JubJub who sat
at his side and yelled, "Kirt! Fetch the warriors."
"All of them, sir?" Kirt asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Of course! Now go!"
As Kirt hopped off to fetch the warriors, Donis
sat patiently and twiddled his thumbs as the rest of the army slowly made its
way to the tent
"Are you sure about this, Donis?" Zar asked,
slithering off from Donis' lap onto the soft purple pillow that lay at the side
of the golden chair.
"Very sure," he answered, grinning at the stunned
Kirt who walked back into the tent.
"Um, Donis, sir?" he asked, saluting Donis and
staring nervously round the tent.
"Yes, Kirt?" Donis answered from the head of
the table.
"They're here," he said, pulling back the tent
There, standing at attention in perfectly straight
rows, were approximately 200 warriors of varying strengths and sizes. They all,
however, were wearing silver armor with sapphire blue Ds on the chest plate.
"Welcome," Donis said, bowing to the warriors.
The members inside the tent gasped at this display,
but let Donis continue as he was, after all, the king.
"I called you all here today to tell you what
we are fighting this battle for, and how we are going to fight it," Donis said,
pacing in front of the warriors. He gulped nervously and stared at the warriors
for a while, but soon continued.
"This is not going to be a battle of bloodshed,"
he said, "Nor is it going to be a mercy battle. I have asked my personal trainer
and magician, Mrs. Torinia, to fit your weapons with a special spell that will
send our enemies to this unnecessarily huge tent that stands behind me, where
they will be kept until every single one is captured. Then we will make them
our slaves! How does that sound?"
For a moment, the whole battlefield was quiet.
Then, a slow clap emerged from behind Donis and he swiveled around to see who
it was. Torinia was clapping steadily, and walked out to Donis and stood by
his side. She smiled and winked at him as, slowly, the other tent members begin
to clap. Soon the whole battlefield was filled with the clapping and cheering
of Donis' army.
"I doubt that Vagio will be so kind!" Donis yelled
over the crowd. "So go! And prepare yourselves to win!"
That night, Donis sat in his pajamas at his desk
in the tent that Grayson had led him to after dinner. He stared at the map that
showed the placement of his troops and rubbed back the tiredness in his eyes.
Suddenly, he heard a knock at the wood that held his tent up and jumped with
"Donis? It's Torinia, can I come in?" Torinia
asked, pulling back the tent flap.
"Yeah, sure," Donis said, rolling up the map
and stuffing it into his desk drawer.
Torinia walked over to Donis' small cot that
lay beside the desk and sat down. They stared at each other for a while, then
Torinia patted a spot on the cot beside her, and Donis sat next to her. Zar,
who lay on the pillow, opened one eye, winked at Torinia, who winked back, then
closed his eyes and fell back asleep.
"Something's changed in you, Donis," Torinia
said, softly.
"Yes," Donis said.
"Do you know why?"
"Well," he answered, scratching his head, "When
I heard Grayson refer to the warriors as 'little', I guess it sparked some sort
of pent-up anger in me, and I decided that everyone here was important enough
to fight for. Even the Petpetpets that crawl in the dirt. I'm not sure where
that speech came from; I just sort of made it up as I went along."
He laughed a little and Torinia smiled.
"You're starting to remember, aren't you?" she
Donis nodded and said, "I remember how it felt
to be king and the responsibility I had to the people of Geraptiku."
"That's good," Torinia said, patting him on the
back. "This will help you to beat Lord Vagio."
"How?" Donis asked.
"Lord Vagio doesn't love or care for anything
besides himself. His ego always gets in the way." She then stood up and started
to leave.
"Wait!" Donis said. "I still don't understand."
"Oh look at the time!" Torinia said. "I have
to go bathe Jada now! Tootles!"
She then turned and ran back to her tent, leaving
Donis sitting, completely befuddled, on his cot.
"Do you know what she meant?" Donis asked Zar
who opened his eyes and slithered off the pillow.
"Yes, but I think you should figure it out for
yourself," he answered, slithering to the end of the bed.
Donis glared in contempt, and no matter how much
he bugged him, Zar would not answer. He finally gave up, threw his robe across
the tent, and fell asleep.
"Are you ready?" Zar asked Donis.
It was early the next morning when Grayson, who
told him that Vagio's army was fast approaching, awakened Donis. Donis, yawning
and stretching, had reached for the bottle of Slorg Syrup left over from his
trek yesterday, and immediately felt rejuvenated.
"As ready as I'll ever be," Donis answered, raising
his sword.
"Charge!" Grayson yelled pointing his sword at
Vagio's approaching army.
What felt like days later, but in fact were only
a few hours, Donis crouched behind a rock with Zar at his feet.
"Where do you think he is?" Donis asked, peering
around the edge of the rock. What he saw made Donis lose his breath.
"What is it?" Zar asked.
"Vagio," Donis whispered, standing up from behind
the rock.
"How many times," Vagio said, walking towards
him, "have I told you that I'm a Lord now?"
He raised his claws and sent two huge fireballs
zooming towards Donis, who ducked behind the rock. The fireballs whizzed past
his head and hit a member of Vagio's army who was busy battling Grayson about
fifty feet away.
"I see Torinia has trained you well," Vagio said,
sending another fireball towards Donis.
Donis lifted his sword, concentrated on the fireball
and pulled his sword through the air.
As the fireball exploded, Donis laughed and said,
"Yes, she has."
After an hour of battling with Vagio, Zar slowly
slithered towards Vagio's ankles.
"What are you doing?" Donis asked Zar with his
"Just watch," the Quetzal answered.
Then Zar began to throw dirt from the ground
on to Vagio's heavily embroidered cloak. Suddenly, Donis remembered Torinia's
words and grinned.
"Oh Lord Vagio," he called, "You've got a little
dirt on the hem of your marvelous cloak!"
Vagio gasped and looked down.
"Oh my goodness! My precious cloak!" he said,
sending small fireballs at Zar who quickly slithered out of his reach.
Donis laughed and took the opportunity to send
a huge stream of water at Vagio. The water hit him in the middle of his back,
and he screamed with surprise.
"Why you-" he began, but Donis didn't get to
hear the rest of his insult, for he vanished in a puff of blue smoke only to
reappear seconds later in front of his whole army that was encased within the
large blue containment tent.
"So," Torinia said, crossing her arms, "after
all that, you're just going to leave us here?"
A week after vanquishing Vagio's army, Donis,
Zar, Torinia and Jada returned back to Torinia's house.
"We discussed this," Donis said. "I'll only be
gone for two days. I just want to explain everything to Hana. Then I'll be back
to become King of Geraptiku once more."
"I know," Torinia said, "But I don't want you
to leave!"
She pounced at Donis who sat on the floor packing
Hana's Emergency Supply Kit bag full of supplies, along with a gift for Fyren
and Hana, for his trip back to the door in the middle of the woods. Donis laughed
and hugged Torinia back.
"I just wish," she said, jumping up and brushing
her eyes, "I just wish we had more cookies."
She snapped her fingers, and a red Krawk with
his hands and feet contained in golden handcuffs, ran around the corner of the
living room and bowed deeply.
"Yes, your eminence?" Vagio asked, with a slight
twang of impertinence in his voice.
"More cookies, please!" Torinia commanded.
"Yes, your eminence... " Vagio said, bowing again.
As he ran back to fetch more cookies, Donis laughed
and said, "I'm going to miss you too, Torinia."
The End
Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed my series! Please know that I do not condone
the theory that all Lupes enjoy eating Chias; that's just the way that Fyren
is. XD If you have any comments, questions or concerns don't feel shy to neomail
me! Tootles!