Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 118,827,471 Issue: 239 | 12th day of Hunting, Y8
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by eyeslikestars

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Nothing is As it Seems: Part One
"One day," Pete promised, "I am going to wake up before you do and clamp that beak shut."

by estantia


Tropical Tragedy: Search for the Jungly Jem - Part Three
"Are you okay?" Ailis asked. "You took quite a trip through the tunnel..."

by cheopspyramid


Snowball Fight is true to its name. Although this time, it’s one-sided, meaning no cold surprises smacking you! Sounds like a good deal to me.

by macleod22789


The Five Sacred Stones of Geraptiku: Part Four
After a few minutes' walk, we found ourselves in a large cavern where a Kyrii with strange markings was waiting for us...

by dan4884

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