Kois and Peophins: Long Lost Siblings? by lassie_nikki
Neopia is a world of wonders and mystery. One wonder of Neopia is the similarity
(yet with fierce differences) between two of the most popular Neopets species:
Koi and Peophins. There are rumors that the two are distant relatives. Many try
to determine this but it is very difficult to find the true answer when their
family trees are as huge as a giant Meepit and go back incredibly far! Thus, I’ve
researched both species and compiled data comparing the likeness and differences
between each. Let’s begin with the similarities.
• Of course the most basic resemblance is the fact that both species are Maraquan-based
and can swim incredibly well! Peophins and Koi are known for their lovely vacations
on the beach or very instructive swim lessons given to Baby Neopets. Just think
about it- the two species could be responsible for the very evil Pirates known
to sail Neopia’s seas simply because they told them how to swim when they were
• Both species have the ability to be painted numerous different colors. Neither
species is boring in the least! All Neopet owners are happy with a pet that
is open to being several different colors, and Koi/Peophins have no objection
to being made a new color when their owner desires it.
• Both species have a great sense of adventure. This much is known from their
books titled Koi Tales and Scary Peophin Tales. These books describe wild and
crazy stories of famous Koi and Peophins. Some stories concern love, others
discuss adventure and, best of all, certain tales inform Neopians about the
incredibly weird or demented Peophins that inhabit Neopia.
• One rather depressing similarity between the two species is their lack of
mention in the Neopedia! There are articles concerning the Cybunny Carnival,
an Attack Pea and even a Bendy Light Desk! However, the writer of the famous
Neopedia somehow left out two of the most popular species on Neopia. When one
inquires about Koi and Peophins to the Neopedia, all the information they will
receive is an annoyingly cheery Red Lenny telling them their search returned
no articles. It is quite disappointing to find that there is no recorded history
of the mysterious species.
Now that we’re aware of some of their similarities, take a look at several
of the things that differentiate the two from each other.
• It’s obvious that the Peophin cares more about its appearance than any Koi.
There are several products for Peophins that enhance their beauty such as Peophin
Mane Brush, Peophin Shampoo, Peophin Fragrant Soap, and Pretty Peophins. The
Peophin Mane Brush could never be used on a Koi seeing as Koi have no mane
to brush! Having no fur also prevents Koi from using Peophin Shampoo. Of course,
the owner could use the Shampoo on a Koi, but I’m not quite sure what good it
would accomplish. Apparently, some neat-freak Peophin came along and believed
the species wasn’t concerned enough already about its appearance and decided
to release Peophin Bubble Bath and Nail Polish too! Needless to say, Peophins
are very orderly.
• Some might wonder why the rare, magical species of Peophin wasn’t made Limited
Edition rather than the common Koi. Those who brought up this disagreement were
simply given Asparagus from Adam to stay quiet about the issue. This brings
me to the second difference: Koi are Limited Edition and only released on certain
special days to the public whereas Peophins are plentiful and created daily
among Neopians.
• While we’re on the subject, I might as well mention that the two species
have very different personalities. Despite the Peophin’s picky ways, Peophins
are typically shy and don’t mix with other Neopets very often. Of course, Koi
are outgoing, friendly and quite popular among the Maraqua inhabitants. Stick
them together and perhaps the Koi could bring out the Peophin’s bright and loving
• Peophins’ main characteristic that many Neopians find amazing is their ability
to bring good fortune and happiness to their owners. Once beyond their shy ways,
the Peophins will truly open up and be a great pet. They are mysterious and
magical, yet very generous and loving towards those who love them back. Quite
the opposite, a Koi’s major characteristic is their creativity. Koi are incredibly
inventive and have been known to create many useful items. One of their best
inventions was Utility Fish. Utility Fish are Petpets and household helpers
all in one! What would we do without Neopia’s advanced technology? Let’s not
find out!
• Another key distinction between the two is their interest in books. There
are at least 14 Koi-based stories and books in Neopia, while there are only
7 books concerning Peophins! This should be evidence enough that Koi enjoy reading
and take it much more seriously than Peophins do. I think a Koi’s interest in
books balances out with a Peophin’s concern for its appearance.
• Peophins are often so wrapped up in fixing their mane or getting a manicure
that they forget to have fun! Koi, however, are masters at playing. Koi play
with their friends, owners or by themselves and are entertained easily by simple
Koi-based toys. Examples of their interesting playthings include Koi Bath Buddy
and the several colored Koi keyrings.
• Along with their majestic, mature and loving nature, Peophins naturally are
most compatible with other pets and Petpets. Thus, the Peo was made and surely
resembles a Peophin. A Petpet named after and very similar to the Peophin is
something the Koi envies greatly.
It sure is amazing the comparisons you can come up with when you put your
head to it! As you can see, there are many characteristics of Koi and Peophins
that separate them from each other. Rumors still remain that the two are closely
or perhaps distantly related but I believe each of the species is different
and special in their own way. Neopians should most definitely learn to appreciate
both of the species separately and be thankful for their unique differences!
If all the species of Neopia were the same, it would just be plain and boring.
Have a great Koi Day, everyone!