Babysitting Blues: Part Two by dragons_rule211
"Trisha is going to kill me!" Andrew exclaimed sadly. Lily
just smiled, her mouth full. They were in the kitchen, Lily sitting at the table
(fifteen old issues of the NT were under her so she could reach the table) and
Andy was pacing the kitchen, always keeping an eye on the now happy Kacheek.
She was eating an Iceberg Sundae.
He hadn't known what to do and if he hadn't
done something quickly she would have passed out sooner or later.
"Anny, I wanna pway a game! Pwease?" Lily made
her bottom lip shoot out and her eyes got huge and sparkly. Andy tried to look
away but couldn't. He mentally cursed Rae for also making him a softy for the
baby face.
"What kind of game?" he asked cautiously.
"I wanna pway hide and peek!" she said happily.
"Don't you mean hide and seek?"
"That's wha I sad, hide and peek!"
"Okay. How about you hide and I… peek," Andy
finished lamely.
"Yay!" Lily cheered. Andy turned around and
started counting out loud.
"One. Two. Three. Four." Lily bolted out of
the kitchen and down the hall.
"Twenty. Twenty-one. Twenty-two. Twenty-three."
Lily could hear Andy counting in the room right next her. She was in his room
looking for a good place to hide. Then she saw his open window.
"Puwfect!" she whispered. Lily toddled over
to the open window and after some struggling to get onto the ledge she did.
Slowly she stood up and looked down. Right below her was a snake bush that would
make a great slide. Taking a minute to swing her arms back and forth she jumped
and slid down the bush.
Once she was on the ground Lily looked around.
She spotted a very big pastel snowflake tree. It would hide her perfectly. Lily
waddled over to the tree slowly, only falling down twice. She heard Andy through
the open window.
"Ninety. Ninety-one. Ninety-two." She waddled
faster. He was almost ready to start looking!
Finally she reached the tree. It was much bigger
up close.
"Oh wewl," Lily said. She started climbing.
"Ready or not, here I come!" Andy shouted.
"Huwy!" she said to herself. This was much harder
than it looked!
"Come out, come out wherever you are," Andy
said as he looked in the bathroom. The curtain hung around the bathtub.
"I wonder where Lily is," the shadow Ruki said
quietly. He yanked the curtain back. Empty!
"Where is she?" he asked himself. As he walked
down the hallway he saw his bedroom door was open.
"Hmmm. I wonder if she could be in there," Andrew
made his way silently to his room.
"GOTCHA!" he yelled, hoping that would scare
Lily. It didn't. So he looked everywhere a baby could possibly hide and she
was nowhere in his room. Then he felt a cool breeze.
"Must have left the window op- Lily!" Andy yelled.
He had been walking over to the window to shut it when he saw Lily hanging from
a high branch on the pastel snowflake tree! She was crying. It looked like she
could fall at any minute!
Andrew jumped out of his window and sprinted
over to the tree. He stopped right below Lily.
"Lily! It's okay! You can let go! I'll catch you!"
he called up.
"NO!" she screamed. "I WANT MY MOMMY!" Lily
started to cry again.
"Oh, no," Andrew whispered. "Come on Lily! I
promise I'll catch you!"
"NO! MOMMY HELP M-" then she stopped. A smile
started to come across her face, but it was to small for Andy to see.
"Anny, I come down if I can have an icey cweam
sundy, an chocat koga pudding, an a chocat min slusie. Oh! An a aishi cinnanim
woll too!" Lily looked down at Andy.
"NO WAY! Lily, you're coming down here whether
you like it or not!" Andrew started climbing up the tree.
"NO! GO WAY ANNY! I wan my canie!"
"You're not-getting-any-candy!" the Ruki grunted
as he laboriously made his way up the tall tree.
Lily started to swing back and forth on the
"I drop it you twi to get me, Anny," the baby
Kacheek warned.
"No you won't, Lily."
"Yep. I wiwl." She let her left paw hang by
her side. Now only her right paw was keeping her from falling over ten feet
to the ground.
Andy started to panic. Now what?
Hundreds of miles away in Faerieland were the
two owners, oblivious to the danger their two pets were in. They were waiting
in the huge line. And was it ever HUGE! There were over ten thousand people
"Did all of Neopia come to this or what?" muttered
"Well, duh! Fyora herself is going to be here
for a book signing! Who wouldn't want her to sign one of their books?" Trisha
whispered. She had a point. But Raven had an uneasy feeling about what was going
on back at home that Trisha was obviously unaware of.
"I just hope we can get this over with fast
so we can get back home. I'm not comfortable at the thought of Andy watching
Lily after dark," Raven said nervously, fixing her hair. That was her habit
when she was scared or nervous, messing with her hair. Trisha caught on.
"Sis, they'll be fine. You know that! And Lily
is so easy to take care of! Why I bet right now they're having the best time!"
"I guess you're right, Trish." The teen sighed.
"Please come down, Lily!" Andrew cried. He was
back on the ground, below Lily and she had agreed to hang by both paws now that
he was on the ground.
"Not untwl you give me cany!" she said.
Andrew sighed heavily. He was going to be in
so much trouble!
"Fine Lily! I'll give you the candy!"
"Awl of it?" Lily asked suspiciously.
"Yes! I'll give you the Ice Cream Sundae, the
Chocolate Kougra Pudding and the Chocolate Mint Slushie!" he said sadly. His
mom was going to kill him!
"You fogot de aishi cinnanim woll!" she called
"That too and I'll even read you your story
twelve times! Now please come down!"
"Otay!" Lily released her paws and plummeted
into Andy's arms.
"Anny, yowr the bestest cousin evew!" she said,
snuggling her head into his shoulder. Lily wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Uh huh," he mumbled. He ran back to the front
door and opened it.
Or at least, he tried to. It was locked.
Andrew shook the doorknob viciously. This was
just great! He yelled in frustration.
"Anny, waw wong?" Lily asked curiously.
"The door's locked!" he snapped.
"Waw abouw youw winow?"
Andrew's eyes widened. Of course! His window!
How could he have forgotten?
"Lily, you're a genius!" The little Kacheek
hid her face from him, but he saw that she had an enormous smile. She giggled
Andy ran over to his window, but what he saw
did not make him happy. His window was shut tight. Maybe it's not locked,
he thought hopefully. But we have Satellite Security! Andy remembered
Even so he reached out his hand to try and see
if by some slim chance of luck it would open for him.
"Next!" a sharp voice called.
"That's us!" Trisha squealed. Raven just nodded.
She knew something was wrong back at her house, but she didn't know what.
Trisha grabbed Rae by the arm and dragged her
into the room. Sitting at a magnificent table were five faeries. One was the
Library Faerie, one was a strict looking Fire Faerie that they didn't know,
another was the Healing Springs Faerie, another was the beloved Soup Faerie,
and the last (and certainly not least) faerie, who was sitting right in the
middle of them was-
"Queen Fyora!" Trish cried. She ran up to the
table, not caring about the dirty looks being thrown her way by some of the
other people in the room.
Raven slowly made her way up to the table, nodding
respectfully to the faeries as she went.
"We have been waiting to see you for so long,
your majesty!" the older teen exclaimed. Her short, auburn hair was swinging
wildly in her ponytail as she looked at all the faeries.
They were also looking back at her. Some curiously
and others disapprovingly. Trisha was wearing dark jeans and a Fyora Rules!
T-shirt. She only had on a little bit of make-up, but still looked beautiful.
Then as Raven approached they turned to look
at her. She wore no make-up (except eye liner), a black knee-length skirt, black
combat boots and a Twisted Roses T-shirt. Her hair was down in no real style.
The faeries seemed to like Trisha more than her. Raven seemed like she would
fit in well with some darkness faeries, more than in this type of regal setting.
"So, my dears, what is it you wish from me?"
Fyora asked with a royal air.
"We were wondering if you would sign our books,
m'lady," Raven asked quietly. "All of you, actually."
The faeries shared a look. Then they all smiled.
They knew that they had been wrong to judge this teen just by what she wore.
"We would be honored to sign your books, girls,"
the Soup Faerie replied happily.
Raven and Trisha smiled broadly at each other.
Andy's paw was trembling slightly as he reached
for the window. He grabbed hold of the bottom and pulled up…
To be continued...