Fyora Does the Editorial! by ladyariel32
This Week: Faerie Queen Fyora graces us with her presence as a treat for Fyora
Day. As we all know, Her Highness is one of the busiest (if not, the busiest)
people in Neopia and her agreeing to write an editorial is a very, very big thing,
Hello, Neopia! This is Fyora, your Faerie Queen speaking. Since it’s Fyora
Day (I mean, really, just a day? Puh-lease. Why couldn’t you have made it a
week, a month, a year, forever? After all I’ve done for you... heh, just joking.
No, really!), I decided to, ah, express my gratitude by finally getting around
to answering questions I got in my fanmail (well, the most interesting ones,
anyway) in my very own editorial. Without further ado...
Hi. My brother says Faeries don’t exist. Is that true? – BugtheSkeith’s
younger brother
Tell your brother to meet me at the dark alley beside 14234 Magical Road, Neopia
Central later at 3:45 PM NST sharp. If he doesn’t come, I’m going to visit your
Neohome and deal with him personally. *cracks knuckles*
Seriously, Faeries exist. I mean, just because he failed to bring me a Robo
Aisha for my quest (which he decided not to do after two months of making me
wait, by the way)... really, that was so ten years ago!
Hello, Fyora! I’m Blue and I’m a Blue Acara. Recently, my owner bought me
a Purple Paint brush and I was wondering, do you think purple would look good
on my fur? I know it’s the best colour in Neopia but I still have my doubts.
Here’s my picture and what I’ll look like after the paint job (if I ever decide
to get painted that is). – Blue the Acara
Before and After
Ah, much as I hate to admit it, purple doesn’t look good on you. See, all the
purple makes you look so washed up. I would suggest getting painted Orange,
instead. It emphasizes the colour of your eyes.
Blue and orange go together!
I can’t find the Hidden Tower! Help! I really want to buy a Rainbow Fountain
Faerie Doll. I’ve been saving up for quite a while now and I have enough. But
then, I went to Faerieland and I couldn’t find your tower. Where is it? – Wants
to Buy a Rainbow Fountain Faerie Doll
You can find the Hidden Tower by clicking here.
Haha! Made you click! *chortle chortle* Seriously, did you expect me to give
away my tower’s secret location just like that? I mean, it’s called the Hidden
Tower, for Neopia’s sake! H-I-D-D-E-N! Okay, I’ll stop now.
I understand how you feel about Rainbow Fountain Faerie Dolls, though (so shiny!).
So, why don’t you look for my tower again? And, harder this time. It’s not that
hard to find, you know. Unless you’re looking for it at the Virtupets Space
Station. *blink blink* But, if you still can’t find it, I suggest you try and
find one at the Trading Post or at the Auctions, instead.
You are so mean! Why do you keep the Hidden Tower hidden? – Looking for
the Hidden Tower
*sniff* I’m a busy Faerie. I mean, hello! Besides taking care of Neopia, I
also govern the Hidden Tower, give quests, write novels, design Faerie Caves,
and make public appearances every single day. I keep the tower hidden because
I don’t want to be bombarded by too many pets (and their frenzied owners) all
the time. I’m not being mean. I’m just trying to keep up with my schedule.
Since you rule over Neopia, you’ve probably visited every part of it, right?
So, my burning question is, does Jelly World exist? If it does, have you been
there? Is it any good? – I am a believer
No, Jelly World doesn’t exist. Therefore, I haven’t been there. But if it existed
(which, I repeat, it doesn’t), I would have played Jelly Blobs of Doom (which
of course, doesn’t exist either because Jelly World doesn’t exist – want me
to go over that again?).
Hi. It’s me again. My brother says you’re really Sloth in disguise? Is that
true? – BugtheSkeith’s brother
Sloth is a good Neopian. He’s just a misunderstood guy. Sure, he has a weird-shaped
head but let’s not hold that against him, pets and owners! And, even though
he tries to take over Neopia every five seconds, I still believe that deep inside
that almost rotten heart of his, he’s a good guy!
Psyche! Sloth, a good Neopian? Ha! That’s a joke, a joke, I tell you! And,
me? Sloth in disguise? That is so farfetched, it’s almost... funny. But
it isn’t. In fact, it’s the ultimate insult. Get ready, BugtheSkeith, because
if you don’t clean up your act this very second, you’re going to get what’s
coming to you! I’m not the Faerie Queen for nothing, you know...
What’s it like being queen? – A passing pet
Don’t ask. *sigh* Being queen has its perks (front row seats at the Tyrannian
Concert Hall, gourmet food all the time, gorgeous clothes, etc.) but whew, the
rest gets tiring after a while. I have all sorts of protocol to follow, meetings
to attend where we talk about my least favourite subject (politics), and tons
of paperwork that keep on multiplying the more I work on them. Believe me, you
don’t ever want to be queen.
Okay, I lied. It’s fun being queen. You get to boss other pets and Faeries
around and jump up and down on your deluxe luxury bed and snort food through
your nose without anyone laughing at you. I could go and on and on. Somebody
stop me from embarrassing myself.
Recently, I went to this petpage and I saw this pet painted a wonderful
colour. She looked just like you (well, except that she’s an Aisha)! So, I thought,
maybe she got painted with a Fyora paint brush! Were you the one who gave her
that p/b? If you are, could you send me one, too, ‘cause I’m your number one
fan. – Fyora’s Number One Fan
I’m flattered but sadly, no such paint brush exists. Right, TNT? *wink wink
nudge nudge* There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look like me but wouldn’t
you want to develop your own unique style, instead? *smiles encouragingly* If
you really, really, really want to look like me, though, why don’t you
improvise? Here’s a simple guide I made:
Materials needed:
Purple paint brush OR Royal paint brush
Faerie paint brush OR wire and cloth
Purple nail varnish or hoof polish
Princess or Queen outfit
Fyora’s Hair Care
Purple eyeshadow
Pink blush
Pink lipstick
Wing Sock
- Paint yourself Purple, the colour of royalty (and my favourite colour).
If your budget can afford it, use a Royal paint brush instead for royal authenticity.
- Paint part of your upper back with a Faerie paint brush to get Faerie wings.
Of course, if you’re already a winged Neopet (such as Shoyrus and Eyries),
you can skip this step. Don’t have enough NP for a Faerie paint brush? Then,
make some out of wire and cloth (preferably silk).
- If you didn’t use a Royal paint brush in No. 1, get your hands on some elegant
Princess or Queen clothes. Don’t forget to wear a tiara!
- Apply purple nail varnish OR hoof polish on your nails/hooves. Now, a little
makeup can do wonders for your face so brush your eyelids with purple eyeshadow
and blend some pink blush onto your cheeks for a healthy glow. Unfortunately,
purple lipstick doesn't exist in Neopia yet so you'll have to make do with
pink lipstick for your lips.
- Read my book, 'Fyora's Hair Care' (if you haven’t already). Check out what
brush or comb suits your hair/fur and which products to use on it to make
it lush and shiny.
- Purchase a Wing Sock which, from now on, will be one of your best
friends. Just place it on your wings (one at a time) and it will be polished
until it shines!
I want to be a Faerie! I want to do magic and stuff... like you do! Can you
turn me into a Faerie? – Faerie Wannabe
*resists the urge to roll her eyes* If you really want to be a Faerie, then
paint yourself Faerie for Neopia’s sake! Of course, looks are only part of it
so yes, I do see that you have a problem. Let’s see... there are plenty of books
out there that can teach you about magic like “Lost Spells of Neopia” or “Water
Magic.” Scrolls are also very useful. I suggest you start with “Beginners Curses.”
It's lots of fun! Now, my dear, you can become a different sort of Faerie -
a class all your own!
Hey there, Fyora! This is BugtheSkeith. My little brother’s being a pain
in the neck lately and I don’t know what to do. He keeps on blaming me for all
the bad things he himself has done. I keep telling my owner my brother ate the
cookies (scratched the sofa, broke the lamp – you get the idea), not me, but
she doesn’t believe me! Help! – BugtheSkeith
What?!? Why, if there’s an ounce of truth in what you claim, your little brother’s
in for a treat. *wicked smile* So... your brother’s going around calling me names
and blaming you, huh? We’ll see about that. And, if you’re the one who’s lying,
BugtheSkeith, I have a little something for you, as well...
Well, that’s the end of my editorial. I never thought answering questions could
turn out to be fun. Heh. I needed the break. Thank you all for reading my editorial
and thank Neopia for Fyora Day!
Excuse me while I go visit BugtheSkeith’s Neohome. Unfinished business beckons...
Author’s Note: This was written all in the name of fun so don’t get your
hackles up! ;) Comments/suggestions/questions are always welcome so don’t hesitate
to Neomail me.