For the Altador Cup: Part Three by lili483
After all of her training as a diplomat, Trinna knew that
she couldn't let on that anything that she thought had changed. She sat perfectly
composed, making idle chit-chat, until Tilly returned with the tea.
"So," said Trinna coolly, sipping her tea. "Do
any of you know Kira and Mira? They're in charge of all flight-based operations,
from moving things to defending the city. I was thinking of going to a match
of the Altador Cup with them in four days. It's Mystery Island versus Faerieland,
so I just have to go. And, since they're going to root for Mystery Island, I
figured I'd go along too. You're all welcome to join us."
"What a... nice offer," replied Tilly.
"However, we had something a little different
in mind," continued Sam.
"Yes, we were thinking of taking you to the very
first match, Altador versus Krawk Island tomorrow."
"Oh, it's lot's of fun, Trinna, you'll love it!
And you'll get to see me and Ellie play."
Hmm, thought Trinna, If I agree to
go to this thing, it'll be more time to spend with Sam, Tilly and Ellie, to
figure out what's going on.
"Sure, I'll come," replied Trinna.
"Great then! It's settled. Sam will pick you
up at one, because the game starts at two. That'll leave time to get there,
get our seats, and maybe get a quick bite to eat."
After this exchange, as Trinna was walking back
to her lodgings (alone, of course, since Sam had had to go with Ellie to a nighttime
practice), she tried desperately to figure out how she was going to find out
what was up. The answer was there; Trinna just didn't see it.
When she reached the palace, and her room, she
continued to ponder what to do. Time and again she picked up her Flexible Pencil,
beginning to write her plan, before furiously throwing it back down again because
she had nothing to write. Finally, throwing the pencil with an exasperated growl,
Trinna decided to give up for the night. As she put on her most comfortable
Valentines Day T-shirt and sat down on her bed, she once again pondered the
situation. Suddenly, the gears of her mind began to turn, and she had an idea.
Her plan was simple: Sam and Tilly would have
to figure out some way to keep their charade up during the game. If the potions
that Tilly specialized in were being used, somehow, then a dose would have to
be administered pre-game. Of course, Tilly would have to confer with Sam right
before any action was taken. All Trinna had to do was stick to Sam, and she'd
have her answer.
* * *
The next day dawned bright and beautiful. The
weather was perfect for Yooyuball, and the entire city was excited about the
first game of the tournament, and even more excited because it would be their
own Altadorian team against Krawk Island.
Trinna was to be found bustling around her room,
making sure that everything was ready. She had spent extra time today on her
wardrobe, because she needed to be inconspicuous, and at the same time she needed
to appear normal to Sam and Tilly. Finally, she had decided on a very versatile
I Love Fyora T-shirt and a pair of Heart Shaped Sunglasses. The shirt would
cover her wings, and the sunglasses would hide her expressions of surprise,
as well as making it look like the shirt was merely being worn for the colors,
and not because Trinna was supporting Faerieland.
Putting the finishing touches on her ensemble
(a little Pink Blush can work wonders!), Trinna finally heard the all-important
knock at her door. Being careful not to flutter, as was her habit, she walked
to the door, and opened it. She'd have to remember about the fluttering for
the entire day, or she wouldn't be able to get the eyes off of her.
"Hey Sam!" greeted Trinna.
"Hey yourself! Are you excited?" he replied.
"Sure am! I bet you're really psyched."
"Certainly! Well, Tilly hates it when I'm late
for stuff, so, shall we be off? By the way, I love the outfit!"
Perfect, thought Trinna smugly. Arm in
arm, they walked out the door.
* * *
Tilly was in a panic. It was 10 minutes before
she had to leave to go meet Sam and Trinna at the Colosseum, and her latest
batch of memorandum was missing. The lemon cookies were all baked, they were
out on the table, and all they needed was the dousing of memorandum. Oh Adam
above! she thought desperately. Where could it be?!
For the fifth time, she searched the kitchen.
Then she looked in Ellie's room. Finally, she looked in her own room. Suddenly,
it struck her. The one place she hadn't looked! She went into the main corridor,
and walked to the doorway of the kitchen. Then, she walked exactly three and
a half paces forward, turned to the wall, and selected the spot where the fifth
stone from the bottom should be. Touching the spot with her middle finger and
thumb, she whispered the magic words.
"Lesspoken Arise," she breathed. Suddenly, the
wall vanished to reveal a small hole, inside of which was a bottle. It didn't
seem to be her latest batch, but it was memorandum and it was there. Since it
would be a little weaker than expected, she'd just have to put on a little more.
It didn't really matter, though. Ellie was sure to not notice.
* * *
The day was fabulous, the Colosseum was fabulous,
everything was fabulous! Trinna wanted to soar through the air with the sun
on her wings, but she knew that now was not the right time. Composing herself,
she patiently followed Sam while he led her through the twisted passageways
into the heart of the building, where the field was. Since they were here pre-game,
and Sam and Ellie were such important members of the team, they were allowed
to eat right on the grass.
As they walked out upon the freshly cut lawn,
Sam scanned the area for Tilly. Surprisingly, she wasn't there. Bewildered,
Sam took a few steps forward before turning back to Trinna.
"I guess... I guess Tilly isn't here yet. We'll
have to... wait," he said.
Suddenly, the figure of a bright faerie Wocky
could be seen running towards them.
"Sam, Sam, I'm so sorry I'm late! I couldn't
find the... lemon extract, to finish the cookies, and I know that Ellie can't
play without them! But I finally found some, so I rushed here as fast as I could!"
she panted to Sam. Then, turning to Trinna, she said, "They're her good luck
charm, you know. She doesn't ever play a game without them, not even practice!"
"Ah, well, no harm done. I'll be right back,
I'm going off to find Ellie. I'll bring her the cookies. You two can set up
our picnic," said Sam, smiling.
Oh no! thought Trinna. I need to go
with him. I bet it's those cookies, but I need to be sure.
"Sam, wait! I'd love to come with you, and...
oh! I can look for her from the air!"
"Well... Sure then. You fly up and look for her
from up there, and if you see her, call to me. I'll look down here. She probably
won't be far, but you can never tell, right?"
While this would ruin Trinna's plan of inconspicuousness,
she needed to see what was going to happen between Sam and Ellie. Luckily, all
her shirts had wing slits in them, so all she needed to do was unbutton a few
buttons, and she was able to spring into the air.
Unlike what Sam probably intended, Trinna didn't
rise very high in the air. She went just high enough to see the entire field
without moving her position. Luckily, from this altitude she was still able
to hear everything that passed on the field. Following Sam with her eyes, she
waited patiently until he reached Ellie, who seemed to be a little out of it.
"Feeling a little confused?" he said kindly.
"Uh-huh," Ellie replied.
"Here, now, this'll help. It's your favorite
lemon cookies, made by Tilly! Eat up, and everything will come into sharp focus.
You'll remember everything you need to do."
This was plenty of evidence for Trinna was to
be sure. It was probably something awful like memorandum, although she wasn't
sure if Tilly could make that or not. Either way, it didn't matter. She knew
that it was all in the cookies, and now all Trinna had to do was to have Ellie
go a few hours cookie-less. Trinna knew a thing or two about magic, and she
knew that if you were dealing with an intelligent, athletic, all-around incredible
girl like Ellie, even memorandum didn't last too long.
* * *
The rest of the afternoon passed with no mishaps.
Trinna cheered when Tilly cheered, and that always seemed to be just fine. This
left Trinna free to start thinking about how she was going to get a hold of
Ellie long enough to keep the cookies away from her. Of course, Tilly and Sam
would have told her that she always needed to eat the cookies if they were offered
to her. That meant that Trinna would have to get Sam and Tilly away for a few
hours, at least.
After the game, Tilly suggested that they all
get dinner together, which sounded like a marvelous idea. As they walked towards
the market, Trinna struck up a conversation with Ellie about the finer points
of Yooyuball. Apparently this was a good topic in the eyes of Tilly and Sam,
because no one stopped them. As they neared the food shop, Trinna was struck
with a bit of inspiration.
"Ellie, it's so much fun to chat with you!" she
said. "I only wish we had more time together."
"Oh, me too!" replied Ellie.
"Well... Maybe... I had an idea. How would you
like to have a sleepover?"
"Oh, that sounds lovely! Tonight?"
"Why not?"
"Can I, Sam, please? I promise that I'll make
up the practice time."
Stopping, Sam turned to look at Ellie. Considering
for a moment, he finally said, "Sure, you can go. And you don't even have to
make up the time. You did great out there today. Just eat plenty of cookies
for good luck." With that, he handed her the box filled with leftover cookies
from earlier.
After the group had gotten some food, they were
about to part, Ellie and Trinna to the Hall of Heroes, and Sam and Tilly to
Tilly's house.
"This was fun," said Trinna. "We'll see you tomorrow."
To be continued...