Wystella and the Novas by hotchick859
"Alright, class, settle down." The prim blue Usul adjusted
her glasses as she called her class to attention. The long day of neoschool was
coming to a close, and the students were getting restless. Clearing her throat,
she continued.
"Before I dismiss you for the day, I'm assigning
you a writing project." She scowled as a paper airplane whizzed past her head.
Wystella lifted her head off of her desk. Perking
up at the word 'writing', the blue Shoyru turned her full attention to Ms. Callhom.
The neoschool day had stretched on forever with mercilessly dull lectures from
their history teacher, pointless musings about evolution in science, and algebra
that made her eyes water. After suffering through an unforgiving P.E. class
last period, she and her classmates couldn't care less about what their language
arts teacher had to say. The fact that there were ten minutes left on the last
day of school before the weekend wasn't helping, either. In fact, a generous
percentage of the class had dozed off already. Wystella, being the studious
Neopet that she was, struggled to stay awake through Ms. Callhom's reading of
Robin Lupe. As soon as the blue Usul mentioned writing, Wystella roused
herself from her half asleep state and listened attentively.
"Over the weekend I want you to write a two page
story about an exciting experience that you've, well, experienced. It will be
due when I see you on Monday, no later. And if you-" The dismissal bell rang
as Ms. Callhom tried to finish her instructions of the project. Unfortunately,
the students were in no mood to listen and made a mad dash for the exit at the
first sound of the bell. Wystella chuckled to herself as she gathered her notebooks
into her air faerie back pack. Slinging it over her shoulder, she trotted after
her classmates.
"Hey Wysty! We're going to the Chocolate Factory
for a while, wanna come with?" Ginny yelled over the excited murmur of the just-released
students. The blue Gnorbu was one of Wystella's dearest friends. Wystella looked
over at her and the group of four pets gathered around her, ready to spend their
weekends doing absolutely nothing.
"Actually, I was gonna get started on that writing
assignment for Language Arts," she explained, blushing sheepishly. No one does
their homework on a Friday. It's so much more convenient to put it off until
Sunday, so maximum relaxation time can be achieved over the woefully brief weekend.
Ginny gave Wystella an odd look, and then shrugged.
"Whatever. Your loss. C'mon guys." She signaled
to her group of friends and they merrily set off for the Chocolate Factory,
Wystella sighed. Well, time to go home and get to work, she thought.
Her mind began working to recall an adventure worthy of her assignment as she
started off towards home.
Wystella chewed thoughtfully on the back of her
pencil as she stared at the blank page in front of her. The greatest adventure
of her life; that shouldn't be so hard! She had plenty of adventures. Then why
was this story so hard?
The blue Shoyru groaned pitifully, letting her
head hit the desk. Her mind was drawing a blank when it came to a time she truly
had an exciting, memorable adventure. Resting her head against the desk, she
gazed longingly out the window. The sun had set, and the deep royal blue of
night had overtaken the clear, light blue of daytime. Stars sat nestled in the
rich blanket of the deep set blue, their soft luminescent glows shedding light
unto the darkness of the night.
Wystella sighed. What she wouldn't give to be
out there, floating with all the stars. But no. She'd chosen to lock herself
in her room and write her essay. Biting her lip, she turned her attention back
to her essay.
There were plenty of times she could write about.
After all, she had such an amazing life. Great family, great petpet, great friends
- If they're so great, why are they all letting you suffer? Why can't you
think of an adventure if your life is just so great? The disturbing thought
popped into her mind, making her jump. Where had that come from? Was her life
really so great, if she couldn't even recall a single memorable moment in her
life? Wystella shook her head furiously. That wasn't true at all. As if to prove
her unwanted thoughts wrong, she began to scrawl various events down on her
paper. She could write about the time she was at Ginny's birthday party, and
someone had said - wait, what did they say? And who said it? Furrowing her brow,
Wystella wrote down another event. She could write about the time Nylairr had
filled a water balloon with dung, or was it salmon mousse tea? She couldn't
Realizing what was going on, Wystella cried out
in frustration. Sure, she had had good times, but she couldn't remember them!
Apparently, none of them were special enough to hold a permanent place in her
mind. Her deep blue orbs widened. Was her life that dull? Tears began rolling
down her cheeks against her will. Wiping her eyes, she willed herself to stop.
She was so pathetic, crying over a stupid essay. So what if her life wasn't
exciting? She was still a good writer, and could just make something up, right?
Writers need to have experiences to write about, the nagging voice in
her head came back. You'll never be great. You're just so pathetic, weeping
over a school essay! If anyone saw you now -
"STOP IT!!!" Wystella's shriek pierced the silence,
ripping through it like wet tissue. She flopped onto her starry bed sheets,
pulled her knees to her chest, and wept pitifully.
Wystella quickly wiped her eyes as she heard
a knock.
"Who's there?" she said through her sniffles.
When no one answered, she got up and walked to the door, swinging it open. No
one was there. Irked, she flopped back onto her bed.
After a few minutes, the knocking came back.
Louder now, it went on continuously until Wystella got up from her bed. Looking
around, she began hunting for the source of the annoying noise. Realizing it
wasn't the door, she turned to her window. What she saw after she looked out
into the blackish-blue of the night would burn in her memory forever.
Outside her window, a nova no bigger than her
hand was hovering, as a group of others darted happily around the sky. Streaks
of golden light were left in their wake, coloring the late night sky with their
brilliance. Wystella was in a trance as the nova fidgeted around, trying to
tell her something. Understanding almost immediately, she opened the window.
The nova flew in, its golden trail leaving sprinklings of powder to float down
to the ground.
"Mwee!" It made a strange tinkling noise as it
buzzed around Wystella's awestruck form. It used its petite limbs to tug at
her hand, signaling that she should get up. It led her out the window, and into
the beautifully nova-filled night. After it released her hand from its grip,
the nova charged at Wystella's mouth with full force. Her mouth was agape, which
gave the nova the perfect opportunity to fly into it. Coughing and sputtering,
she spit the nova out. The glowing mote had left its pixie-dust like residue
on her tongue, and a foul taste along with it. Extremely irritated, Wystella
shot a glare at the nova that was so icy that it could've made Taelia shiver.
"What was that for?!?" she spat angrily. The
nova flinched, and Wystella felt a pang of remorse.
"Nova-dust," it tinkled softly, and Wystella
actually understood it. As if she knew its language. And then it hit her like
a Gormball to the head.
"Oh! I guess that stuff makes me understand you,"
Wystella said sheepishly. The nova nodded.
"Now come on. We're going to give you a memorable
night." The nova grinned as the two flew off to join the other novas.
They had been flying for what seemed like forever,
but were getting nowhere. Turning to the nova beside her, Wystella asked it
where they were going.
"It's not about the destination. It's about the
journey. Don't worry so much about where we're going; just enjoy the ride. Look."
The nova signaled out at the breathtaking landscape that Wystella hadn't even
noticed before. Forests of green trees, lakes sparkling with starlight, and
darkened homes filled with sleeping families flew by, all of their raw beauty
enhanced by the rush of happiness flowing in her veins. She gasped in sheer
awe, and her nova friend smirked. She was learning...
Wystella giggled in delight as she darted through
minefields of tinkling novas, working her way to the front of the lineup. Her
nova-friend flew along side her, tittering happily as they flew. Wystella, almost
subconsciously, began to talk about her dilemma.
"It's weird, you know? I have all of these exciting
times, but I can't remember them! I mean, I vaguely remember what happened,
but no details. If I want to become a writer, I should at least be able to remember
things that happened in my life!" Wystella rambled to the nova, who nodded.
"Well, maybe you're too focused on the destination
again." It tinkled thoughtfully. Wystella looked at the nova confusedly, waiting
for it to elaborate.
"I mean, if you keep focusing on your goal in
life, how are you going to remember what happened before that? If you think
the highlight of your life is going to be accomplishing that goal, then you
aren't going to remember the special moments that happened before. It's like
what I said before; it's not about the destination; it's about the journey.
You can't remember those good times because you didn't view them as that at
the time. You just wanted to move on so you can get to your goal." The nova's
wise words hit Wystella so hard, it stopped her right in her tracks. Her sky
blue body hung suspended in midair, her azure eyes wide in realization.
"Wow," Wystella commented bluntly. She was at
a loss for words. What could be said of her naivety, anyway? She had wasted
her whole life up to this point. It hurt, and she didn't know how to ease the
pain. Except, that is, through tears of shame.
Her tears flowed freely, the silvery droplets
caressing her cheeks. Her small frame shook as silent sobs overtook her. Her
nova friend tried to calm her, but its attempts were in vain. Wystella let herself
cry until her tears stopped. Facing the nova with her shame evident on her features,
she began to speak.
"I'm sickened by the way I've wasted my life.
If I could just do it all again, I know I would do it right this time. But of
course, this is impossible, and so I must live with my mistakes." Wystella's
head hung as she finished speaking. He nova friend gave her a small smile, the
best it could do without a mouth.
"You may not be able to start your life over,
but I can help you remember those times that have passed you by." The nova told
Wystella. It began tinkling softly, in a tongue that Wystella couldn't understand.
The other novas joined in, and the chanting became almost unbearably loud. Wystella
went to cover her ears, but the tinkling stopped abruptly. She looked around.
She was surrounded by a tunnel of swirling rainbow light, flecked with every
color imaginable. The effect was dizzying, so Wystella tried to fly out of it.
Her nova friend led her out, and what she found on the other end was mind boggling.
She was looking at an image of herself, back
in her owner's arms as Emma carried her new Shoyru home from the Create-a-Pet
building. She was giggling happily as Emma hugged her, and a curious maroon
Ixi looked curiously at her new sibling. Emma stroked her sky blue fur; her
soft brown eyes alight as she laughed joyfully. Her long brunette hair flowed
down her back as her slender frame walked off towards home. Wow, I forgot
how pretty Mom could be...
The image soon vanished, a new one taking its
place. A sky blue Bruce was holding her owner's hand as it walked timidly into
its new home. Its cerulean eyes were filled with trepidation as he was led into
his new home. Wystella stood next to her sister Nylairr as they both stared
at their new brother. Wystella, only a few days old, greeted her new sibling
with a huge hug, while Nylairr offered only a small wave.
A flash of light brought a new image up. Emma
had brought home a small, hyper blue Usul, Mystery, to serve as a lab pet. Nylairr's
fierce purple eyes narrowed as she scrutinized the pet. Nylairr immediately
decided that she disliked the newcomer that had caused their brother to get
a new home. Nylairr stormed upstairs to get away from the 'little brat,' as
she put it. Wystella saw herself hug the frightened pet, welcoming it to her
new home. She then proceeded to lead her to her new room, as Emma chased after
Loud cheers announced the arrival of a new scene,
where her friend Ginny was leaning over a birthday cake. The Gnorbu had just
blown out the candles, and the guests were cheering happily. Nylairr stood off
to the side, depressed as always, while Wystella and Mystery hugged their friend.
When Mystery had asked why Nylairr was always in a bad mood, Ginny had laughed
and told her that Nylairr wanted a grey paint brush, but since Emma couldn't
afford one, having a grey demeanor was the next best thing. This had sent the
threesome into a fit of hysterical laughter, but only worsened the Ixi's mood.
Oh yeah, that's what happened! Wystella
thought as a new image replaced the birthday party. It was a hot summer day,
and Wystella proposed that they play some Gormball. Nylairr quickly challenged
Wystella to a match, but scowled when Mystery joined the game. Grinning evilly,
Nylairr filled a blue water balloon with one of her latest concoctions, a vile
liquid that turned you into a mortog on contact, if only for a few minutes.
After filling the balloon until it looked like a Gormball, Nylairr told Mystery
they were going to play now. With the faintest trace of a smirk, the devious
Ixi tossed the full balloon to her sibling. Mystery stretched her arms skyward
to catch it, but the balloon hit her sharp nails (she was a faerie Kiko, at
the time) and burst. The potent brown potion immediately morphed Mystery into
an unsightly Mortog. Nylairr had burst out in a fit of laughter, and Mystery
shrieked until the spell wore off.
Nylairr got in so much trouble for that. Mom
grounded her for a week! Wystella smirked. Nylairr could be so cunning when
she wanted to.
Several other memories flashed before Wystella's
eyes before the rainbow light tunnel appeared before them. The novas and she
glided through it, bringing them back outside Wystella's window. Wystella turned
to her nova friend.
"Thank you so much. You have taught me one of
the most valuable lessons I will ever learn, and there is no way I can ever
thank you enough." Wystella glided over to the nova and embraced it tightly.
It hugged her back, its warm yellow glow lighting up her face.
"There is no need to thank me. Just remember
one thing; always take time to enjoy the journey." The nova smiled at her, and
turned to fly off into the night. Wystella halted it.
"Wait! What if I never see you again?"
"Don't worry, I'll come visit. Just wish upon
a star, and I'll be there." The nova touched her cheek, and Wystella felt a
tingling feeling run through her veins. Winking, the nova proceeded to fly off
into the night, until it was just another star in the sky.
"Mmmmm..." Wystella stretched lazily as she woke
up. She was sprawled out on her bed, her starry quilt rumpled from her slumber.
Getting up from her bed, she smiled at the wonderful dream she had had last
night. All of these pretty novas... wait. Something felt strange about her face.
Rushing over to a mirror, she carefully scrutinized her appearance. It was an
obvious change, and so she spotted it easily. On her left cheek, there was a
golden star tattooed onto her light blue fur. It had a trail of golden light
following behind it, much like the novas of her dream. Touching her hand to
her cheek, she knew that last night's dream was no ordinary dream; it was real.
Smiling to herself, she sat down at her desk. This essay wasn't going to write
itself, and there were just so many things to write about...
The End
Thanks to nuranna020 for letting me use Cottin_Gin (Ginny) in my story!