Why the Haunted Woods Beat the Darigan Citadel by lassie_nikki
The most recent and quite shocking turn of events concerning the Altador Cup was
the triumph of the Haunted Woods over the minions of the Citadel! This victory
has left various members of the Darigan Citadel puzzled over how their beloved
fortress of evil could be defeated. However, it’s proved to the many eerie Haunted
Woods supporters that quantity matters least and quality matters most. I, being
one of the troubled followers of the Darigan Citadel, was just as surprised as
the next Gelert to see that the difference of points between the two teams wasn’t
in favor of the Citadel.
Once I grasped the fact that we had been beaten, and stopped being depressed,
I visited the Altador Cup results page again and realized that the two scores
were very close to each other. The Haunted Woods achieved an amazing score of
2,189,644 points and the Citadel had impressed everyone by attaining a score
of 2,155,935. That is a difference of a simple 33,709 points! Sure, that seems
like a ton of points to one person. But considering each team was home to millions
of members, it’s not a bunch if you stop and think about it. I mean, in the
first round, Mystery Island crushed Faerieland’s players with a difference of
496,320 points! Compared to that beating, the final round was incredibly close.
After I’d taken in how close the Citadel was to overcoming the Woods, I was
very curious as to figure out the cause for our distressing loss. I researched
both teams and came up with a few reasons as to why the Haunted Woods had emerged
victorious from our battle.
• First, we’ll talk strategies. The Haunted Wood’s main tactic was defense.
They centered their playing time on taking out the opposing team’s forwards
and creating easier scoring opportunities for them. While the Darigan Citadel
has a strong and durable pair of defenders and a gifted goalkeeper, the Citadel’s
offense was undeniably weaker than the Woods’ defense. They faced problems when
it came to the Haunted Wood’s Krell Vitor. Vitor often aggressively bullies
opposing forwards into a corner of the pitch, giving them no choice but to turn
the ball over. With Vitor and the other brilliant defenders on the Haunted Woods
team, it’s not wonder that the Citadel wasn’t able to score as well and bring
themselves to victory!
• One of the Citadel’s major weaknesses (and possibly their worst flaw in this
match against the Haunted Woods) is their lack of practice before the tournament
season. Before this year’s Altador Cup Tournament Season began, the squad foolishly
refused numerous chances at playing games during the regular season. Although
they had been criticized for this snubbing by many a commentator, the team didn’t
put in a strong enough effort to practice and win during the regular season.
This resulted in the squad being, unfortunately, unprepared when the tournament
commenced. Sure, the Citadel used their immense talent to get to the finals,
but once the finals were underway, they ran out of luck and fell behind as it
came to an end.
• One conflict that the Darigan Citadel faced was the fact that one of their
players had been through irritating and distressing injuries. Tandrak Shaye,
the Citadel’s Right Forward had been victim to some pesky grievances near the
end of the regular season. Although he claimed that he was 100% alright and
healthy, it might have done the team good to have substituted Shaye for another,
more fit forward during their Tournament season.
• Considering the Darigan Citadel has a large and eventful past full of evil
betrayal and terrible war, the team may not have seemed quite appealing to many
Neopians. Naturally, a sane, pleasant Neopian would immediately join the Citadel’s
opposing team. Believe it or not, many Meridellians still have feelings of hate
and disgust when it comes to the war they faced against the malevolent Lord
Darigan and his minions. Thus, since the Haunted Woods had never been in a war
or treated another world of Neopia badly, numerous Neopians sided with the Haunted
Woods, so that the Citadel would finally get the punishment they deserve by
losing the Cup. I consider this a very common and understandable obstacle that
the Citadel faced.
• Reason #5 that I observed is that the Haunted Woods received much more publicity
than the Citadel of Darigan. By searching for the Haunted Woods in the search
bar, one can see that there is an entire Neopedia article dedicated to this
creepy, ghostly world of Neopia. When people attempted to decide on a team between
the two, they’d search for information on both worlds and, sadly, would only
find information regarding the Haunted Woods.
• Another explanation for the Citadel’s loss is that the Darigan Citadel Team
Pennant is simply worse-looking than the Haunted Woods Team Pennant! I mean,
come on, TNT! Anyone can see clear as day that the Citadel’s Team Pennant is
frayed and tattered around the edges of the flag. An ugly flag obviously scares
away the neater Neopians that are obsessed with symmetry in their items. Plus,
no one in their right mind wants to be seen waving around something as messy
as that. Right?
• My next reason is just a hunch. I heard from a Meepit who heard from a Uni
who heard from another Meepit that the Brain Tree in the Haunted Woods was insulting
passerby and threatening them with his frightening strength. If what I heard
is true, this nasty character has been threatening to hurt any Neopian that
doesn’t support his beloved Woods. How rude! Let’s hope the Brain Tree doesn’t
read the Neopian Times... for my own safety.
As you can probably tell from my lame Brain Tree excuse, I’ve run out of possible
causes for the unfortunate Citadel loss this season. Sure, it was disappointing
but I’m very happy for all the Haunted Woods supporters out there at the same
time! I wish them all luck with next year’s tournament. However, I doubt they’ll
be so lucky next year... Muahahaa! Congratulations to all the ghosties out there!