They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Nine by sytra
Over the summer, Mel and Sam wrote letters to each other
nearly every day. Sam told her how great Mystery Island was, how it was so much
better than Terror Mountain. How it was sunny all day long, all year round,
and how the beaches were so lovely, and how everyone there seemed happy and
there were no troubles at all.
Mel couldn't help but be jealous of Sam, who seemed
to have a perfect family. Whenever Mel was over at the blue Uni's house, her
siblings never yelled at her or played pranks on her, and were never annoying.
And then Mel was always arguing with her own siblings and could never get any
peace and quiet in her small Neohome. She also wished that there were beaches
in Terror Mountain. Or that she at least lived somewhere warm and tropical.
But then when she thought about it, she actually really loved the cold and snow.
A vacation would be nice, though.
The summer passed with Mel feeling quite lonely. Even
though she had Kira for company, it just wasn't the same without Sam. She then
began to wonder if she would end up in the same class as Sam for sixth grade.
They hadn't been in the same class for two years. Two painful years, full of
trouble, jealousy, competition, and fights. If she and Sam didn't wind up in
the same class that year, she was sure she would go insane.
When summer was nearly over, Mel, Sam, Kira, and the
rest of the gang all went over to Sam's house to open their letters from school
that told them which teacher they would have for sixth grade together. There
were two sixth grade teachers for their school that year, so there was a fifty
percent chance that Mel would be in the same class as Sam.
"I wanna go first!" Chad yelled. All of the pets were
sitting on the ground in a tight circle. The red Lupe ripped open his letter
and rummaged through the papers inside, until he found the strip that held his
new teacher's name. "I got.... Mr. Ticker."
"I'm next, I'm next!" Krystal exclaimed. She opened
her envelope carefully and took out the strip of paper. She was silent for a
few moments until Sam demanded her to tell her which teacher she had gotten.
The red Krawk sat there, snickering, and after she felt she had built up enough
anticipation, she finally revealed that she had gotten Mrs. Larsen.
Garret went next, and his new teacher was Mrs. Larsen.
Mikey and Kira got Ticker. Now only Mel and Sam were left. Sam decided that
she would see what teacher she had gotten first. The blue Uni opened her letter,
took out the slip, and smiled.
"I got Larsen!"
"YAY!!!" Krystal shouted, clapping her hands.
Oh, great... Mel thought, as she rolled her
eyes and sighed.
"All right, you go now, Mel," Sam told her best friend,
prodding the white envelope that Mel was grasping tightly.
The yellow Usul nodded. She hastily opened the letter.
Her whole body was trembling with excitement. She wiped her sweaty palms off
on her fur and fished out the slip. Please, oh please, oh please, Larsen,
Larsen, Larsen, she thought. She unfolded the piece of paper, and sat there,
showing no emotion whatsoever.
"Who'd you get? Tell us!" Kira urged.
Sam jumped as high as a Cybunny into the air, and
squealed with jubilance as she hugged Mel. "Yay! I'm so HAAAAPPPYYY!"
"Humph," Krystal growled. She folded her arms across
her chest and scowled at Sam and Mel. Garret cocked an eyebrow at her suspiciously,
but when she gave him an even dirtier look, he gasped and ran to the opposite
side of the room away from her.
A while after that, Sam told everyone to go home, as
it was getting late. She secretly asked Mel to stay for a while though. They
were sitting on a large and comfortable couch in the living room. Sam turned
to Mel and smiled hopefully.
"I just wanted to tell you something," the blue Uni
said. "I think that we need to try extra hard this year to keep our friendship
strong, because in the past, we've struggled.... a lot. And I know it's going
to be hard, because the past couple years have been difficult for us, but I
think if we try hard enough, we can do it. And being in the same class this
year is going to be helpful too."
"Yeah," Mel agreed. "It's going to be difficult." Especially
with Krystal, she thought worriedly.
Krystal and Mel
It was about halfway into the sixth grade year, and
all was going well with Sam and Mel. Krystal didn't seem to be destroying their
friendship, as Mel had thought she would be doing. In fact, Krystal had been
getting along quite well with Mel. The yellow Usul now sort of considered Krystal
as her friend. But she still didn't trust her entirely.
Another good thing about that year was that the Cool
Kids Club was no more.
"It makes us look too shallow," Sam had said. "And
we should be able to talk to whoever we want to. The Cool Kids Club is now officially,
like, so last year."
It didn't really matter that the Cool Kids Club was
dead anyway, because Mel and Sam were as popular as anyone could be. And since
they actually started to talk to people who weren't their friends, they started
to become respected, because the other pets found out that they were actually
very, very nice.
One day after school, Krystal came running up to Mel,
who was stuffing a couple of textbooks into her backpack. School had just gotten
out, and Sam had too much homework that evening, so she couldn't go over to
Mel's house. Mel smiled at Krystal. "Hey," she said.
"Hi," Krystal replied. She hugged her books to her
chest, looking sort of nervous. That was unusual for Krystal. "I was wondering
if you wanted to go to the mall with me today..."
Mel thought about this. Why would Krystal want to hang
out with her? Sure, they had become nicer around each other, and kind of considered
each other as friends, but they had never actually hung out before. Mel bit
her lip. "All right, sure!"
"Great! Well, I'm meeting my sister like, right now,
so it would be best if you came with me now. Can't you just tell your brother
to tell your owner that you're coming with me?"
Mel nodded, and looked around for Koru, her older brother.
She spotted the blue Zafara around a bunch of fifth graders, and she approached
him to tell him that she was going shopping with Krystal.
"I'm so glad that we are finally hanging out." Krystal
beamed as she browsed through the rack of clothes. They were in one of the most
expensive stores in Terror Mountain. Krystal only wore clothes from there, and
Mel certainly couldn't afford clothes like that. The yellow Usul was standing
off to the side while Krystal was collecting a mountain of clothes to buy.
"Yeah... me too," Mel said softly, wondering why Krystal
was suddenly being so nice. It was almost a fake kind of nice, and Mel was starting
to become suspicious.
"Hey, you can pick out some clothes," Krystal suddenly
said. "Because I know you and your family, like, aren't the richest people in
the world, and I really want to do something nice for you because I feel like
I've been mean to you for the past couple years."
"Huh?" Mel gasped. Krystal was offering to buy her
some clothes? But why? Mel thought. "No, no, it's really okay... you
don't have to, Krystal. But thank you very much for offering--"
"No, no, no! I am buying you some clothes, Mel! I mean,
I have so much allowance money I don't know where to put it all!" She chucked
to herself. "You know how rich my owner is, Mel... believe me, it wouldn't hurt
if I just bought you a few items of clothing."
Mel's eyes widened. She was hesitant, but finally agreed.
"All right, I guess."
"Yay!" Krystal exclaimed, and then grabbed a handful
of shirts off of the rack. She threw them on top of Mel, who went off into the
dressing room to try them on. The yellow Usul was nervous about Krystal buying
her all of these clothes. It would surely cost her a few thousand Neopoints
for all of the shirts, coats, and scarves Krystal was insisting on buying for
It turned out that buying Mel some clothes was all
that Krystal had to do to get Mel to like her. The two of them started getting
along much better at school, and were actually becoming real friends. Sam was
"Finally, my two best friends actually like each other,"
the blue Uni had said one day at recess. Mel and Krystal grinned. They were
making a snowman, as they did every day. There were so many snowmen in the field
on the playground that it would take years to count them all. Making snowmen
was almost everyone's favorite thing to do during their break from school, aside
from snowball fights, but Sam refused to participate in any such thing. So they
made men out of snow and chatted during recess.
Kira had sort of moved on after the Cool Kids club
separated, so Mel hardly saw her anymore. She was always off playing with her
other friends, the pets she had been friends with before she met Mel in fourth
grade. Mikey, Chad, and Garret, on the other hand, were always thinking up ways
to sabotage Sam, Mel and Krystal with their huge stockpile of snowballs.
Though Mel and Krystal were friends now, Mel couldn't
help but still be just a little suspicious. For it is hard to come to trust
someone you have not trusted in for a long time.
To be continued...