Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 128,455,649 Issue: 262 | 20th day of Collecting, Y8
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by spyonline5000

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Life of a Lutari: Common Questions Finally Answered
Most of you think we just popped up on a random day, taking the Neopian world by storm and surprise. But this simply isn't the case! We Lutaris have been around just as long as any other pet...

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Totally Electrified
Shouldn't have touched.

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Fire and Gold: Part Four
"Oh, so you're the one!" said the Fountain Faerie. "I've been hearing a lot about you. For the past few days, it's been nothing but requests from people who got mixed up in that mess. I've been doing all I can to straighten it out, but not everyone has the means to travel to Faerieland, and it's been more work than I can handle..."

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Neoquest II
"Growing Pains"

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