The Battle for Kreludor: Part Seven by azellica
Hallway 14-B, Virtupets Moon Base 32, Kreludor:
The door to the control room was open wide. Inside several
Virtupets Grundos were running around frantically trying to fix the main computer.
They were desperately tossing wires around and mashing buttons.
Outside the room, Oen gave a signal and the
Resistance moved in. The fire Grundo raised his laser gun. "All of you get into
the center of the room. Now!" he commanded.
The technicians froze and shuffled away from
the monitors.
"Right." Oen turned to his team. "We'll stun
them and take them to a secure area." He aimed his virtublaster.
"Not so fast!" a voice shouted from the hallway.
The Resistance turned to see a Darigan Scorchio
standing alone in the doorway. He was holding a bzzt blaster. "All of you antis
drop your weapons!" he yelled.
In an instant the Resistance opened fire on
"Wait!" Oen shouted.
It was too late. Lasers were being fired in
all directions. They bounced off the reinforced metal door and ricocheted across
the control room. Oen dropped to the ground to get to safety. The lasers struck
the computer screens and ran along the wires. The control room's electronics
began to fizz as they were hit.
"Get out of the way!" Oen cried as more lasers
were fired at them.
The green screens of the computers began to
shut off. The technicians scrambled to the edges of the room in fear.
"Stop firing!" one yelled desperately. "You're
going to destroy the computers!"
The lights flickered and went out. The control
room was submerged in darkness except for the many brilliant beams of blue and
red light that were rebounding in every direction.
Things were going wrong. Oen was the first to
recover from the loss of light. In the hall outside dim green emergency lights
were flickering on. The fire Grundo knew they had to get out of the control
room. Several of his comrades had already been stunned by the ricocheting lasers.
The huge metal door that was the exit suddenly
gave a groan. Oen looked up as he crawled towards it. The Scorchio was outside,
pushing it closed. He was going to lock them in.
Oen jumped to his feet and dodged a blue laser.
He leaped over an unconscious Grundo and bolted to the door. The fire Grundo
threw himself at it and tried to hold it open. He felt his feet sliding under
him. The Virtupets officer on the other side was stronger.
Oen sank to his knees to avoid another stray
laser. Other members of the Resistance were crawling over to help him. There
wasn't time. The door slid forward another foot.
"Let go, you snivelling anti!" Captain Dwolt
roared from the other side. "You cannot do anything now!"
The door moved another few inches. Oen ducked
under another laser and glanced around. A Cybunny from the Resistance was lying
stunned on the ground near him. The fire Grundo quickly pulled the helmet off
her head and pushed it between the moving door and the wall.
"Hurry!" he called to his fellow members of
the Resistance. The door was pushed into the helmet and it suddenly stopped.
Oen could feel the officer on the other side slamming against it.
The helmet shuddered and began to crack. Several
members of the Resistance reached the door and helped the fire Grundo brace
it. It began to open.
Hallway 5, Virtupets Moon Base 32, Kreludor:
Commander Krule gripped an old elite blaster
and released a series of green lasers at the Resistance. He had rushed several
dozen Virtupets officers from the guest rooms and brought them to help in the
fight. None of the virtublasters were working; the officers had grabbed whatever
would work as a weapon. The Commander took an ancient elite blaster from his
private collection.
Krule fired another stream of lasers. Two Grundos
dropped stunned at the other end of the hallway. The Resistance was falling
back; the Virtupets officers were much better trained.
"Move forward!" Krule yelled at his officers.
They began to advance firing whatever weapons
they had. One captain was using a frying pan to reflect enemy lasers back at
the Resistance.
Up ahead the remaining Grundos dodged behind
a corner for protection. Krule smiled and aimed his blaster at a blue Grundo
who was giving commands.
As his finger squeezed the trigger the Commander
felt the heat of an electric blue laser fly within in inch of his face. It came
from behind. Several Virtupets officers suddenly fell down stunned beside him.
Krule whirled around and saw several lasers coming at him. The mutant Grundo
ducked and fired back.
Another group of the Resistance had snuck up
from behind. The Commander winced. He and the officers were trapped in the cross
The hallway's lights suddenly flickered and
Hallway 5, Virtupets Moon Base 32, Kreludor:
Retep raised a QX-92 Neutrino Blaster and aimed
it straight at the Commander.
The lights sputtered and went out.
The royal Lupe fired his weapon into the darkness.
Laser beams were streaking in all directions and it was nearly impossible to
see the enemy up ahead.
"Hold your fire!" he called out as he ducked
under a red laser. He knew that there was a group of Resistance at the other
end of the hallway and it would not do to have them shooting at each other.
Gradually the lasers dissipated into the darkness.
Someone was calling for help up ahead. Retep
frowned and turned to the other antis.
"We can't do anything without light. What happened
to the computer?"
"I don't know," answered a brown Grundo. "I
tried giving it a command, but it won't respond now."
"We'll have to do without it, then," Retep said
worriedly. "This complicates matters."
Suddenly weak green emergency lights glowed
to life to light the hallway in front of the Resistance. Several of the officers
were lying stunned on the ground. The rest were waving scavenged weapons in
the air and firing weak lasers.
"Alright, drop your weapons," Retep shouted
to them. "You're surrounded and outnumbered."
One by one the officers threw their weapons
to the floor as they were overwhelmed by the Resistance. Retep glanced at his
captives and then groaned. Commander Krule was missing.
Spaceport, Virtupets Moon Base 32, Kreludor:
Captain Zara was on guard duty. She had dodged
through the base's hallways to come to the small spaceport where Virtupets shuttles
were stored. Her new job was to ensure that none of the minions escaped in a
The Kyrii was leaning against an old transport
shuttle and polishing her Virtublaster. She adjusted her ear piece and listened
to the reports coming in from the Resistance. Apparently most of the minions
had been stunned and moved to the base's prisons. The Resistance forces were
moving quickly and searching for any remaining Virtupets troops.
Zara glanced around. The spaceport was completely
empty except for her. Three sleek fighter ships and a star cruiser were perched
on the shiny metal tiles, and several small kreludite transport shuttles lay
scattered around the port.
The Kyrii suddenly stood up and listened into
her earpiece; someone was yelling for help over her communicator. Something
was going wrong...
The spaceport's brilliant while lights shuddered
and faded all of the sudden to blackness. Zara froze and lifted her communicator.
"What's happening?" she spoke into it.
"Computer is down... stay in your position,"
a Grundo's voice replied.
The Kyrii frowned and peered into the darkness.
She knew that there was an emergency box embedded near the spaceport's entrance
and that it would contain spare flashlights. Zara put a hand onto the wing of
the transport shuttle and slowly began to stumble towards the entrance.
A noise unexpectedly echoed across the hanger.
Someone was opening the thick door that covered the entrance. Zara stopped moving
and listened.
Someone had entered the spaceport. The Kyrii
could hear their footsteps moving across the metal tiles. She quietly drew her
"Who's there?" she called.
There was a long silence. Zara shrank back against
the transport shuttle. Surely if someone from the Resistance was nearby they
would have replied.
Suddenly an electric green laser beam shot at
her from the darkness.
Zara ducked under the wing of the transport
shuttle just in time to avoid it. The Kyrii rested her virtublaster on the ship's
wing and released a stream of blue lasers into the blackness. She watched as
they zoomed away and faded. There was silence again. Did she hit whoever was
The seconds passed slowly and Zara slowly edged
away from the wing of the shuttle. Her instincts told her to stay where there
was cover but she found herself moving forward and peering into the dark.
Suddenly with a click emergency lights flickered
on and cast a sickly light across the spaceport. Zara glanced up in time to
see a brilliant green laser flying at her face. She only had time to widen her
eyes before it struck her in the forehead.
The Kyrii sank to her knees and felt consciousness
ebbing away. The last thing she remembered was the sound of a spaceship's engine
coughing to life.
Discipline Center, Virtupets Moon Base 32, Kreludor:
Oen bolted the door on one of the detention
cells and checked the lock. All of the minions found in the base had been stunned
and dragged to the discipline center to be locked up. Eventually the officers
would be moved to the Resistance's Headquarters for interrogating.
Oen turned to see Retep enter the room.
"We've called it a victory and claimed moon
base thirty-two for the antis," Retep told him.
"Excellent, but will the other Virtupets bases
attack us?" Oen asked.
"I doubt they can do much without their officers,
but we'll monitor them just in case."
"Right. Did you find Commander Krule yet?"
The royal Lupe frowned. "No, he vanished when
the power went off. A team is searching the base for any remaining minions,
but none have been found."
"That's not good at all... we need him captured."
"If he's hiding then we'll find him very soon.
The power is repaired now and we have all the exits guarded."
"I hope he's caught soon. The rest of the other
minions are locked up here now," the fire Grundo said. "When this is finished,
we'll have to hope that Sloth doesn't send shiploads of Virtutroops here to
win his base back."
"Sloth can't do anything now." Retep laughed.
"He's always been weak and pathetic. And he can't attack us while we have his
officers as prisoners."
At that moment Zara stumbled into the discipline
"Where've you been?" asked Retep. "You've been
ignoring my messages."
Zara blinked and clutched the wall for support.
"I've just been revived. I was guarding the spaceport when someone stunned me."
She gave her head a shake to clear it.
"Who stunned you?" Oen asked.
"I didn't see... the lights had gone out before.
But a shuttle is missing from the port. I thought I heard it take off. I think
I need to drink another reviver," the shadow Kyrii said groggily.
Oen and Retep exchanged a glance.
"Do you think the person who escaped was Commander
"Didn't you capture him?" Zara frowned.
"Nope, he disappeared with the lights," Retep
told her.
"This is just great," Oen sighed. "Krule must
have escaped in a shuttle. He'll be going to inform Sloth of what's happened."
Navigational Arena, Virtupets Star Cruiser V-167, Deep Space:
Commander Krule had sunk into the cushy pilot's
chair. His narrowed red eyes scanned the stars flying past the spaceship. He
was leaving Neopia and Kreludor far behind.
The Commander could stay on Kreludor and be
imprisoned by Resistance forces, or he could return to Virtupets where he'd
be punished for his failure. The mutant Grundo had decided that neither of these
options appealed to him and was now fleeing deeper and deeper into the void
of space.
He planned to search for help and reinforcements.
When he found them, he would return to Kreludor and wipe the Resistance from
the moon. He would come back as a hero to Virtupets. And if he was strong enough,
why not take over Virtupets and become the Emperor of Sloth's enterprise?
Commander Krule smiled. Defeat wouldn't be so
bad if it lead to later victory. No matter what happened, he'd manage to destroy
the antis in the end. Sooner or later vengeance would belong to him.
Virtupets Moon Base 32, Kreludor:
Retep tore the Virtupets flag off of the flagpole
and threw it onto the rocky ground. Then he attached the blue and red banner
of the antis to the flagpole and raised it to the stars. The royal Lupe turned
to his friends.
"The moon base belongs to the Resistance now.
And as long as there are Kreludans being oppressed by Sloth's forces we will
continue the fight for freedom."
"We have a long ways to go before the moon is
free of minions," Oen said. "There are many other bases."
"And Sloth will most likely send troops to deal
with us from the space station," Zara added. "We can't expect this to go unnoticed."
"Who cares?" said Retep. "Let him try. So long
as we stand strong and united we will never fall."
Location Unknown:
Doctor Sloth flung a transmogrification potion
against the wall in a moment of anger and watched it shatter with a grim satisfaction.
He spun around to tower over this informative.
"How could they capture my base?" he growled.
The small Grundo shrank into his Virtupets uniform.
"I-I don't know the exact d-details, s-sir. I'm just r-repeating the report
I received from Kreludor. I'm s-sorry."
"Leave me," Sloth commanded as he paced across
the room. "I shall devise a way to deal with this recent development."
The Doctor slammed a fist on his desk. It was
useless! He should've found someone more competent to lead his forces. The antis
were weak... there was no way they could have destroyed his elite troops.
He would have to send someone else... the Resistance
would have to be crushed and his forces needed a strong leader to guide them.
He would find another commander and begin to plan for the complete invasion
of Kreludor. He would regain control of the moon. It was an important part of
his plan for taking control of Neopia.
Sloth smiled. The Resistance may have won a
battle, but they would never win the war.
The End
Azellica: I'd like to thank neofiretamer and jamesuk2 for their support
and advice. Without you guys I'd never have finished. ^^