Inner Tubing for Dummies by vanillastar12
It is a phrase so exciting that it can even revive the dead from slumber, a tool
that Neopians use to relieve their boredom, and earn some Neopoints in the meantime.
It is steering through obstacles such as whirlpools and arrows. It is (to most
participants' horror) swimming through swamp water, it is-
In this game, you have to help a Kiko named Kavi cross the finish line in
first place! Sounds easy, doesn't it? But as I've already said in the first
paragraph, there are many obstacles to cross. So, before you click that 'play'
button, here are the basic things you have to know.
1. One of them, is of course, how to score points, and here are the many ways
to do so:
- float/swim through a checkpoint (30 points)
- pick up floating items (1-10 points)
- shoot your enemies (who will shoot you with arrows as well) (10 points)
2. And moving/controlling.
- left: paddle to your left
- right: paddle to your right
- up: paddle to your left, backwards
- down: paddle to your right, backwards
Those are the more basic ones, and these are the more advanced ones:
- left+right: paddle forwards
- up+down: paddle backwards
- up+right: turn clockwise on the spot
- down+left: turn anti-clockwise on the spot
If you suddenly see something in your way (o_o), you can either turn clockwise
on the spot, then paddle forwards, or move in the opposite direction.
And if you want to pick items up, it'll be better to:
- turn in that item's direction, then
- move forward
than to use the left/right buttons. Seriously.
Does it sound complicated? The best advice anyone can give you on this is to
practice - then practice, and practice again! Practice by swimming around in
the first level or something like that, until you're comfortable with the controls,
then move on.
3. Misc. tips and information
- Your shield can only help you escape from 2 arrows.
- Each bullet that you pick up gives you 3 shots.
- You cannot shoot any of those sun-tanning (or whatever they're doing) Kikos.
Well, you can, but I don't think anything will happen if you do. (haha)
- It is best to switch the sound on (off the music if you wish to), because
then you can hear the arrows coming.
- I've heard that if you lose your life, then the bonus points you get from
the items you picked up is reset to 1. So that gives you 1 more reason not
to lose your life. :)
- Seeing a speedstream doesn't mean that you have to ride it, 'cause they
can make you miss checkpoints and other items you want to pick up, like bullets.
They can be very handy when you're trying to escape from arrows coming in
many directions though.
- Having a shield on only protects you from arrows, so watch out for the whirlpools
even if you have a shield.
- Memorize the course! It really helps a lot. :D
- Don't stick to the basic maneuvering stuff; you have to remember the more
'advanced' ones in the game, for sure!
1st level
This is, of course, the easiest level, with only 4 checkpoints. You have to
get them all if you want to get an 'ok' score (700-800+) at the end of the game.
Besides that, you also have to try shoot as many enemy Kikos as possible. Usually,
I shoot the same few Kikos, and they are:
- The light blue one that is above the flat thing sticking out of the water.
You can see him after floating past the first checkpoint.
- The orange one below the him
Those two are easy 'cause you can let yourself get stuck by the flat thing
sticking out of the water, then shoot the two of them, before quickly swimming
to the second checkpoint (swim UNDER the whirlpool if you're too slow to swim
above it, there is actually enough space to do so, but you have to make sure
that you are not too close to the top).
Then, at your third checkpoint, there is this 'house' with a porch. Swim beside
the shoreline at 90 degrees and as you float past the Kiko above the house,
shoot it! Then, you HAVE to move more to your right because there will be a
tornado on the left, after you pass the checkpoint.
Move to your right until the speed stream pushes you forward, then continue
moving to your right, so you can pass the last checkpoint! (After you pass that
one you can hit the orange Kiko, then pick up the bullet below it.)
2nd level
The things to look out for in this level are not the checkpoints, but the arrows.
This is because there can be a lot of arrows shooting at you sometimes. I think
it is better to try get all your checkpoints, so I usually shoot the fewest
enemy Kikos in this level.
There are some Kikos that are easier to hit, such as the one you see right
after passing through the first checkpoint, and I'll leave you to decide which
ones to hit for yourself. If you want a hit a Kiko, I think it is best to:
- Move very near it (make sure you have a shield, or if you don't, make sure
you move away fast enough), turn so that you're at 90 degrees, and shoot it
when you're right beside it. Or...
- Get yourself to stop floating using an obstacle, so you can aim better.
This only works when there is an obstacle near the enemy Kiko, though.
One thing you may find useful to remember is that the first shield is on the
very right hand side of the page when you first start the level. So, if you've
already lost your shield, just swim there before the 'loading level map' thing
comes out and you'll catch it.
3rd level
This level is quite easy, just long and with more enemy Kikos. Make sure you
get the easier checkpoints, because you may miss some of the other ones. Also
try to shoot as many Kikos as possible to boost your score. That should be quite
easy 'cause there will be more obstacles to 'stop you floating' with. However,
as you are not moving, the arrows that are shot will be all directed at the
same place, and you may get killed. When that happens to me, I usually press
up+down, cause most of the time, that is the fastest way to escape.
After playing the game many times, you will be able to remember the checkpoints
where there are whirlpools below, so you will remember to steer away the next
The first shield for this level is in the middle, to the right of the first
checkpoint. Move Kavi more to the right, though, so you won't bump into the
checkpoint. After you get the shield, press up+down to move backwards, then
move to your left to pass through the checkpoint.
I hope this guide will be helpful; this is my first time writing a guide.
I also hope you like the game as much as I do! It always cheers me up to play
this game. The Kikos look so cute even when they're shooting you, haha!