Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 132,843,682 Issue: 273 | 5th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Pop 'Em In Your Mouth!

by lurking_and_giving


I bet you’re wondering, “Pop ‘Em In Your Mouth Candies? What’s that?” Why, they’re literally pop them in your mouth candies! These tiny candy drops, as you may call them, are a highly addictive snack that you can take ANYWHERE you go, because they are just that tiny!! If you’re going out and need a quick snack, just grab one of these Top 10 pop ‘em in your mouth candies and you’ll be set to go! Pop ‘em in your mouth candies are so sweet and yummy and can take care of any sugary craving you have! Your Neopets will have a blast having a handful of these scrumptious candies! Pop ‘em in your mouth candies are perfect for eating if you’re bored or just want something just plain yummy! Mmm... mmm... these candies are fun to eat and easy to carry around with you too! Stick them in a pocket, or stuff them in your mouth all at once... it's that easy! So take a look at Neopia’s Top 10 Pop ‘Em In Your Mouth Candies, and pick your favorite!!

Rainbow Neodrops

Rainbow Neodrops are the PERFECT snack for all those Neopets who just can’t get enough of sweet, sharp, tasty, and delicious flavors Neopia has to offer! Lemon, lime, raspberry, chocolate, orange, blueberry and strawberry are flavors that your Neopet will encounter while eating these Neodrops. Pop one in your mouth and taste the sour flavor of lime, then instantly taste sweet, scrumptious strawberry... only to find yourself finishing the Neodrop off with a burst of blueberry! Rainbow Neodrops are one of a kind! I mean, could you find candy that can have up to 10 flavors in just one!? I think not!

Assorted Pear Drops

If one side of you is craving something sour and tangy, and the other side craving something sweet and sugary, than Assorted Pear Drops are just for you! Assorted Pear Drops are a scrumptious blend of a sour, yet sweet flavor of strawberries and pears that makes them deeeeelicious! So, don’t wait, and go buy yourself some Assorted Pear Drops at the Chocolate Factory to feed your sour and sweet side! Cheap and quick to eat, hurry before they all run out!

Gummy Fish

All right, people... raise your hand if you DON’T like munching on fruit flavored fish shapes! If your hand is raised... GET OUT! Gummy Fish is possibly the best shaped flavor snack I’ve ever tasted in Neopia! They come in great flavors such as cherry, lemon, orange, and lime! Pop a fish in your mouth, and your taste buds will go on a joy ride as they taste their way into a gummy, sticky, gooey paradise! Yummy!!! Grab a handful before trekking up Terror Mountain or swimming in Maraqua and you will feel re-energized and raring to go!

Warning: Gummy Fish highly ADDICTIVE. You may find yourself buying the whole Gummy Fish stock at Chocolate Factory and raiding Neopian’s shops. Neither Neopets nor this article is responsible for any damage you may cause. Thank you.

Root Beer Barrels

Close your eyes and think of yourself lying out in the sun in the summer with a nice, cold glass of root beer. Perfect, huh? But wait...! Something has happened! The Pant Devil steals all your root beer! Noooo!!

Never fear! Root Beer Barrels are here! Root Beer Barrels are a perfect treat that tastes exactly like root beer! Chewy, tangy, and sugary, Root Beer Barrels will make any Neopets frown upside down! Filling and mouth-watering, Root Beer Barrels will fill any Neopian’s stomach!

Chocolate Covered Carmel Corn

Mmmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmm. And mmmmmmmm. My stomach is just grumbling looking at this scrumptious Chocolate Covered Carmel Corn! These tempting bites are covered to the max with rich, creamy, smooth milk chocolate! Beyond this velvety chocolate, there is delicious, crunchy, oh-so-mouthwatering caramel corn! So fun to look at, so fun to eat! Chocolate Covered Carmel Corn is great to munch on while attending Neoschool or great to give as a yummy gift to that special someone!

Yummy Drops

These drops are just so... so... so... YUMMY! There’s only one word to describe the Yummy Drops: Yummy!!!! Yes, that yummy five letter word... yummy! What more can you say!? Except yummy!

Yummy Drops come in five yummy flavors. Yummy apple, yummy grape, yummy strawberry, yummy orange, and yummy pineapple! YUM!

Fizzy Neocola Bottles

Can’t you just taste the refreshing, rejuvenating taste of Neocola in these sweet gummy treats? I can! Fizzy Neocola Bottles are the perfect treat to have if you’ve run out of your favorite soda, or if you’re just plain hungry and need a snack! Once you taste Fizzy Neocola Bottles, you’ll go off your rocker! The fizziness of these Neocola gummy treats will give you a boost that you’ve never seen before! You’ll feel raring to go after snacking on these luxuries!

Rosy Apples

Didn’t pick enough sweet apples from the trees at your local apple farm? Find yourself opening the fridge only to find yourself staring at rotten, inedible apples? No worries! Now you can find your favorite fruit in candy form! Rosy Apples features the delicate taste of a crunchy, sweet apple in just one Rosy Apple! Cool!

Sherbert Strawberries

Whoa! Isn’t the pink color of these Sherbert Strawberries just capture your eyes! Sherbert Strawberries not only capture your eyes, but your taste buds too! These extra sweet and sugary treats taste just like luscious strawberries you find on a fresh fruit farm! Sherbert Strawberries will keep your Neopets quiet for hours! A perfect candy to give to your Neopets if you need some relaxation time! And you’ll find them delicious too!

Caramel Creams

Caramel Creams are probably one of the most delectable and delicate candies any Neopian will have the pleasure of having! Once you pop a Caramel Cream in your mouth, your taste buds will go on a joy ride like no other! First you will taste the smooth, velvety caramel, rich and luscious in your mouth. Then, you will hit the middle, which is filled with a rich, creamy center that will take you right up to Faerieland! Caramel Creams are a MUST HAVE candy! Even if you’re feeling blue, a Caramel Cream will light up your day! So forget about that boring chocolate bar and go buy yourself scrumptious Caramel Creams!

So there you have it... the Top 10 pop ‘em in your mouth candies! Hopefully this article helped you choose your favorite pop ‘em in your mouth candy! Enjoy!!

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