Dancing With Slushies by kai_pawz
Hello there! I'm Kai_pawz, and I will be counting down the top 11 most awesome slushies in the whole world! As they dance, they move, and they shake their booties, I will tell you about slushies: what they are, how they taste, about their price, and a lot more! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the article!

11. Peanut Butter Slushie
Number 11 is the Peanut Butter Slushie! It is probably pretty gross for some neopians, but for a poor owner, this is the perfect snack for them and their neopets! A Peanut Butter Slushie only costs about 300 neopoints. It is made up of Cold Grape Jam and Warm Peanut Butter, so if you love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, this is the slushie for you! *slurps a taste of it* BLEGH! Yuck - I mean - Mmmm, peanut butter! ^.^ Let's move along, shall we?
10. Tangy Tropic Slushie
Ahh, the Tangy Tropic Slushie! This slushie has a lot of flavor, thanks to the raisins, hazelnuts, bananas, apples, coconuts andjuppies that get mixed into it. It only costs 500 neopoints, so you should go and try it. It's the perfect snack if you want to relax. It has that 'zip' to it when you take your first sip. Besides that, it's colourful! The orange and the green look great together. Heheh! :3
9. Grapity Slushie
This great slushie is made primarily out of - well, of course, grapes! You can always tell it's fresh because it still has some whole grapes inside of it! *points at little blue things in the slushie* Again, this is a great slushie if you are tight on neopoints, going for a low price of about 400-500 neopoints. For some reason, it looks excited, hopping around like that. :D
8. Rainborific Slushie
If you thought that the Tangy Tropic Slushie was colourful, just look at the Rainborific Slushie! It has a total of 7 different colours, making it perfect if you're having problems trying to get your young neopets to eat food. They will be attracted to the colours, and besides that, it's yummy! Neopets claim that it's made out of the essence of rainbows, but I'm not sure about that. It goes for 800 to 900 neopoints.
7. Pepperminto Slushie
The Pepperminto Slushie was invented by the famous magician and confectioner Minto the Magnificent. One day Minto was thirsty, so he mixed some magic, ice, and peppermint together, and ta-da! It formed the perfect snack. The Pepperminto Slushie. Unfortunately it costs about 3,000 neopoints, an expensive price to pay.
6. Berry Cola Slushie
There is nothing much to say about this slushie. The Neopets Team only described it as "Such a vibrant explosion of taste!" So there's only one way to find out about it... TASTE TEST!!!! *Slurp* Oooooh! It tastes like Neocola and tchea berries mixed together! Anyway, they go for about 2,000 neopoints.
5. Chocolate Chip Cookie Slushie
Being one of the most fattening slushies in Neopia puts this slushie back in number 5. Although it is really super delicious, you can only eat one a week if you want to keep in shape. It's approximately 1,000 neopoints, so sometimes you can get carried away, buying ten of these and eating all of them in five minutes. So people, try not to get fat. :3
4. Chocolate Mint Slushie
Layers of fresh mint and creamy chocolate whipped with cream and crushed ice - sounds good, eh? I just described the Chocolate Mint Slushie. This delicious slushie is Tamari (my Halloween Lupe)'s favorite slushie. He is a chocolate fanatic. If you are a chocolate lover too, rush to the slushie shop and try to get one of these babies. Again, these slushies go for approximately 300 to 400 neopoints.
3. Coco Whip Slushie
Going for about 2,500, Coco Whip Slushies have a very creative description. "Created only where the Neopian Chocolate River meets the Cream Waterfall... the resulting mixtures is collected by a remote tribe of Myncis." ...Sounds pretty cool! *gets swim suit on* So where's that Neopian Chocolate River? :P
2. Space Slushie
This super special slushie is really expensive, but it is one of the best slushies in neopia. The Space Slushie is made out of baby planets! They are imported to Neopia by cunning Grundos. The Grundos make a fortune, selling these delicacies for 18,000 neopoints a piece! Now we come to a conclusion, for now it is time for the number one slushie in all Neopia..
1. Holiday Slushie
What better way to start the holidays than with this zesty combination of gooseberries, ganboplant, and ice cream? No other way in the world. Number one in our countdown is the holiday slushie. It brings cheer to everybody who drinks it, with its zesty taste and wonderful colour. Not one neopet in Neopia does not like the holiday slushie. The problem is that it's worth about 3,500 neopoints. :( If you really work up to it, you can buy one of these and make your neopet happy. :)
Well, that was the countdown. Hope you liked it! And I hope the Neopian Times people liked it enough to put it in the Neopian Times. Maybe you should go to the slushie shop now and get a delicious slushie. Even though I showed you some of the slushies, there are more than 60 different kinds of slushies that were not in this article. And Neopets Team, maybe you guys should make an annual Slushie Festival. ^^ Ok, ok, buh-bye! But really, a Slushie Day would be nice. XD ~*~The End~*~
Authors Note~ Hope you enjoyed this, and I hope everyone on Neopets has a wonderful and special Holiday season, including YOU! *slurps on Holiday Slushie* And by the way, I'm sorry if you don't like this article; I will try better next time. But any questions and comments are welcome. ^^ Happy New Year!