Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 143,141,548 Issue: 299 | 6th day of Swimming, Y9
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In My Life

by firefree_animegirl

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Altadorian Astrology
Those twelve signs are beings both alive and unique unto themselves. So, too, is each being influenced by many hundreds of factors, few of which can be learned by studying these stars alone...

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A Fiery Friendship: Part Two
Then, to everyone's surprise, Jeran Borodere walked outside. "I thought I should see whether or not the squire I sponsored is any good." The giant Lupe winked...

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Writing a Great Story
This is the fun part. What do you want to write about? Is it something dark and evil? Something beautiful and perilous? Well, no matter what...

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A Return to Sportsmanship
It's true that everyone likes to win, and no one ever likes to lose. That's just a simple fact of life. But really, isn't the whole point of participating in the Altador Cup, and in fact, all of Neopets, just to have fun?

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