Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 177,074,046 Issue: 328 | 1st day of Awakening, Y10
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The Magical Coconut Mission: Part Three

by anjie


Also by chivo

Lying exhausted on the baked sands of the desert, Phobic could do little but watch the approaching figure of the fabled Nightsteed in trepidation. Weak with exhaustion, Spectra dragged herself into an upright position, gazing with wide, frightened eyes at the form which raced toward them.

     Stories and tales of the Nightsteed were varied. The legendary Uni was the cursed steed of the ancient Qasalan prince, Jazan. Some said that the Uni never regained his original form after the curse was lifted from him and his master because he was wicked. Others claimed it was merely because he had been under the dark spell too long. Each tale was shrouded in mystery and few seemed to know any real facts about him. For now, though, Spectra and Pho would have to take their chances. It was either face the Uni who now cantered toward them or suffer the dry, unforgiving heat of the desert.

     Sand swirled around the Uni's horns as he skidded to a stop near them. He reared once, displaying the vicious flames which flickered around onyx colored hooves, burning eternally around him. Crimson eyes took in the sight of the two exhausted friends, no emotion seen within them. Phobic swallowed his fear and tried to find his voice.

     "Lord Nightsteed..."

     The Uni released a loud snort, twin billows of smoke emitting from his nose.

     "I am not royal, Draik. Merely address me as Nightsteed."

     Phobic nodded, babbling a quick apology.

     "My friend and I are trying to make our way to the coast. We seek safe passage to Mystery Island.

     The Uni studied him and moments of rather awkward silence passed, the sun still beating angrily overhead.

     "Why would you wish that? The ocean is dangerous and the journey to the island risks tempestuous oceans and rogue pirates."

     Pho hadn't really given either of those options much thought and wasn't entirely sure he was grateful to the beast before them for raising the possibilities. In soft, determined tones Spectra interrupted.

     "We have to return a sacred coconut to Mystery Island, good Uni. It is something of a life source to the tribes of coconut JubJubs who live at the base of Mount Techo."

     Nightsteed studied them seriously. Spectra observed that they had his attention, and softly explained the story to him, starting with Pho's chance finding of the magical coconut and finishing with their doomed trek across the sweltering desert sands. The Uni listened in silence then considered her story.

     "I do not know much of the island," he stated softly. "But I do understand the importance of magic and restoring order to any place."

     Phobic glanced up, barely daring to hope.

     "Can you help us, then?"

     The Uni nodded slowly.

     "I will take you to the coastline. You are closer than you think, and riding upon my back should have you near the ocean within a mere hour."

     Spectra couldn't help breaking into a wide grin. The idea of any water right now, even if it were salty ocean water, was rather appealing. Who knew they had made such progress and were within an hour's journey of the very place they wished to be! Babbling their eternal thanks, the two pets clambered onto the Uni's back and the trio set off across the golden desert at an alarming speed.

     Riding the Nightsteed's back across the sweltering realm was vastly different from trudging, lost and aimless through it. In the far distance they glimpsed the famed walls of Sakhmet and farther to the north the crumbling outskirts of the ancient Qasalan buildings, which had stood firm through battles and centuries of corrosion from bitter desert winds, flecked with rough sand. The Uni's hooves beat a steady rhythm across the terrain, water bottles found in the saddle pack giving them a renewed source of energy and purpose.

     An hour passed quickly, Phobic almost regretting there hadn't been time to see the famed cities of the desert or visit the game of Tug-O-War, which he had heard many stories about and always yearned to try. Spectra saw the regret in his expression and smiled softly.

     "There will be time to visit all the sights on the trip back, Pho. For now we need to hurry."

     Lost in dreams of playing a tourist on the return journey, Pho was rather startled when the desert sands yielded to a sunny beach, the water lapping gently at the coastline. Blinking in awe, the two dismounted, gazing at a small port. The Uni smiled faintly.

     "This is where I leave you. Several small ships dock here and will no doubt accept a pittance of Neopoints to take you across the sea."

     Pho glanced up at the famed Uni.

     "We thank you, good Nightsteed."

     The equine creature nodded, tossing ebony mane.

     "The mere thanks I require is that you complete your journey. It is one of importance."

     Both nodded, humbled by his presence. They watched as he reared and turned, galloping back across the golden sand until he was a mere speck on the horizon, then nothing, swallowed up by the smouldering heat of the desert.

     Phobic turned and studied the small, busy port. A long wooden jetty jutted out into the aqua waters, ten or so assorted ships and boats tethered there, rocking in serene timing with the ebb and flow of the ocean. At intervals along the rickety jetty various boat owners were relaxing. Some fished; others read tattered copies of the Neopian Times. One was cleaning the side of his boat, a small craft which bobbed merrily on the gentle waves. Stretching their legs, the Draik and the Kyrii started down the jetty, examining each boat one by one.

     The last in line was the small ship whose owner was still scrubbing the side of it, attempting in vain to scrape off a small collection of barnacles. He was a rotund, squat little blue Bruce, a striped headscarf tied over his head as protection from the overhead sun. Scrubbing away, he glanced up, startled as the two approached.

     "Ahoy there, pets! It's rare we see strangers around these shores!" was the friendly greeting offered. Phobic liked him instantly.

     "We're travellers!" he explained proudly.

     The Bruce nodded in a polite fashion, even though the statement was blatantly obvious. Pho realized this, and blushed.

     "We're seeking someone to take us to Mystery Island."

     The Bruce squinted out to the calm ocean.

     "Aye, I could take you. This old tub is a little rusty, but she sails well!"

     Pho looked relieved, and dug around in his satchel, avoiding the coconut, who seemed to be dozing if the loud snores being emitted were anything to go by. He dug out his small sack of Neopoints and studied them. The Quiggle at Coconut Shy hadn't been the most generous of employers and the Draik's funds were never plentiful. Spectra noticed the pitiful sack of dull coins and quickly reached behind her neck, unclasping her extravagant necklace.

     "Will this pay for our passage?" she asked boldly.

     The Bruce studied the necklace, running his flipper over the sapphires encased within pure gold.

     "Aye!" he exclaimed happily. "That should more than cover my fee, mateys!"

     Payment thus secured, the two pets stepped into the little boat, finding a seat at the back of the ship and settling down. Spectra cast her gaze sideways at the satchel, from which the snores were still emitting.

     "Can't you make him stop that?" she hissed.

     Pho gave her an exasperated look.

     "Sure, Spectra. I'll tell the great Coconut guardian to shut up."

     Spectra rolled her eyes and had a typical royal pet sulk. In the meantime, the small Bruce had untied the ship and pushed away from the dock, the little craft bobbing bravely on the waves as he steered it out to sea.

     The ocean breeze was cool and refreshing after the stifling heat of the desert and the pets were grateful for the relief. Now and then they would glimpse schools of Koi weaving their way through the tranquil waters below, their fins shimmering like liquid silver. In the distance, back toward the coast, a group of Flotsams played in the water, diving and dancing amidst the white peaked waves.

     The Bruce seemed at ease navigating the ocean, whistling a jolly sea shanty as they sailed, the atmosphere calm and delightful. They had been travelling in peace for a good hour or so when a shadow was cast on the tiny craft. It was as if the approaching boat had appeared from nowhere, Phobic reflected, and from the way its sinister black sails were billowing in the wind, this wasn't a good apparition at all!

     The approaching ship was much larger than their tiny craft and Pho noticed the sudden fear in the Bruce sailor's eyes.

     "Aye, it's pirates, for sure!" he exclaimed in distress.

     Pho gasped, quickly surveying the other ship. It towered above them, ominous skull and crossbones flag whipping around the peak of the mast dangerously. The boat creaked to a slow halt beside them, the smaller ship having no chance of outrunning such a craft. Pho gulped, and glanced up to the distant deck.

     There stood a rather smug looking Gelert, a hook covering one paw, a patch askew over his eye. Behind him stood rows of dangerous looking pirates, each clutching a sword, the Gelert's own weapon having an elaborate jewelled handle, no doubt worth more than the entire Haunted Woods.

     "Ye scurvy dogs!" bellowed the pirate, raising his hooked paw and shaking it. "Prepare to have your valuables plundered! Do as we say and that leaky tub might make it to shore!"

     Spectra gasped, glancing to Phobic.

     "Stay calm, Spectra!" he whispered. "If we try to sail away, they'll just catch us."

     The Bruce nodded, trembling.

     "Aye. We best do as they say. Pirates aren't known for giving second chances, m'lady!"

     Frightened, all three slowly walked up the plank that the pirates had lowered, clambering onto the deck to face their fate. The crew were a sinister looking bunch, and Pho wasn't sure whether they simply should have taken their chances and left the coconut rotting in the fairground for a moment. He gathered all his courage and pleaded his case to the scowling group.

     "Please, good sailors..."

     He was interrupted by a roar of laughter from the Gelert.

     "Sailors? Are you mad? We're pirates, lad!"

     Pho winced, nodding.

     "Er, yes. Pirates. We mean no offence; we're simply seeking to make our way to Mystery Island..."

     The Gelert snorted, noticing Spectra's necklace in the Bruce's pocket and grabbing it, holding it aloft for his crew to see. There were cheers and the celebratory stomping of many wooden legs.

     "They're got jewels, lads!" bellowed the Gelert. His crew smirked and slowly edged in closer as their leader glanced at Phobic, his eyes narrowing.

     "What's in the satchel, lad?"

     Pho grasped the bag in fear.

     "Nothing! It's not for you! Please!"

     The Gelert smirked slowly, reaching out his glinting hooked paw and grabbing the satchel, coconut and all.

To be continued...

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Other Episodes

» The Magical Coconut Mission: Part One
» The Magical Coconut Mission: Part Two
» The Magical Coconut Mission: Part Four
» The Magical Coconut Mission: Part Five

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