Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 177,073,951 Issue: 331 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y10
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The Magical Coconut Mission: Part Five

by anjie


Also by chivo

The rapidly browning foliage of Mystery Island was spread out like a nightmarish postcard. Boughs were bending in defeat, their leaves rotting and dull. Spectra, who had seen countless pictures of the tropical area, felt she could almost cry, so bleak was the sight before them.

     Phobic scoured the treeline, finding what seemed to be the start of a small path. He glanced to the coconut in his paw. "Is this the right way?"

     The coconut spoke, its voice soft and gentle. "Yes. Though this hardly seems the Island that I've protected for many an age."

     Spectra glanced over, tears welling in her beautiful eyes. "Because it looks so different?" She spoke gently, not wishing to upset him. She did however take a moment to reflect that she had never in her life thought she might be spending time considering the finer feelings of a coconut. Even one with glowing golden eyes and a soft, comforting voice.

     "Exactly, M'lady. This beach was once covered in tourists. But with no sunlight, why would anyone wish to holiday here? The Myncies who play volleyball upon these sands would not wish to enjoy a game in the cold; the waves are too rough now for pets to paddle in. No one would wish to stroll through a jungle that is dying slowly."

     Phobic felt like his heart would break at this description of Mystery Island's former glory. It was a world removed from the bleak darkness of the Haunted Woods, light-years away from the stories he had heard of a tropical paradise.

     "Let's get you back to the Coconut JubJub tribe, then. Before..." He trailed off.

     "Before it's too late," the Coconut murmured, voicing the horrible thought they were all occupied with at this stage.

     Spectra led the way through the jungle. Pho had always thought such a place would be steaming and humid with a scent of tropical flowers. Perhaps the island had been before the magical coconut had been stolen. Now it was cold, the sand beneath their feet seeming to be little more than slushy mud. Each tree branch that they needed to push out of the way merely crumbled or broke and the silence around them was unnerving. No tropical birds called and the waves couldn't even be heard in the distance, no matter how rough the Coconut claimed they were now. They walked on in silence until they came to a small clearing.

     Within the space was a small hut, built of bamboo. Outside sat a pair of miniature palm trees, both of which were brown with dull leaves.

     "What is this place?" Phobic whispered, afraid to make too much noise.

     There was no response from the coconut, who seemed to have again fallen asleep. Spectra rolled her eyes.

     "It's a fruit! How much sleep could it possibly need?" She poked the coconut slightly, but it didn't stir.

     Phobic was considering how to awaken their companion when the door of the bamboo hut slowly creaked and opened. Slinking in a most graceful manner, a Kougra stepped forward. He was a silky jade tone, his coat soft and velvety. Twin gold bracelets encircled each of his limbs and his eyes were and enigmatic gold. He glanced at them and slowly blinked.

     "We don't mean to bother you, Kougra," ventured Phobic. "But perhaps you could help us...?"

     The feline creature tilted his head slowly to the side.

     "Blue Delfin pebble,

     Three mountains sing rapid pink,

     Shenkuu five crystals."

     Phobic stepped back, looking confused. "Excuse me?"

     Spectra shook her head. "It's a Haiku, Pho. I don't think he's going to be much help."

     The Kougra simply gave them an enigmatic smile, as if he was sure his small poem held all the answers they sought. Phobic lost his temper.

     "That doesn't make sense! We're trying to save your home!"

     The Kougra smiled mysteriously, wandering back into his bamboo hut, Pho's shoulders slumping in defeat. Spectra squeezed his paw.

     "It doesn't matter, Pho. I can see smoke coming from the north, I bet it's coming from Mount Techo!"

     Pho cheered up, the coconut in his paw giving a loud snore, which caused both pets to giggle. They hurried past the strange Kougra's home towards the smoke, scurrying quickly down the path. The foliage grew thicker as they walked and Spectra glanced back several times, feeling as if they were being watched.

     "Something wrong?" Pho enquired, distracted by the trail of smoke they were meant to be following. Spectra shook her head, dismissing her suspicions.

     Together they wandered, finally coming to a second clearing. Pho peered through the palms and sighed. The smoke they had been following didn't emit from the volcanic Mount Techo, but rather from a massive green cooking pot, guarded by an exotic looking Faerie.

     "Jhuidah?" gasped Phobic out loud. He had heard of the beautiful Mystery Island Faerie.

     Jhuidah glanced over, her lovely soft brown eyes lighting up. The Faerie's wings were a delightful coral color, the edges of which were laced with some kind of shimmering substance, giving the illusion that they glowed. Her gaze fell upon the sleeping coconut and she reached for it. Phobic took a moment to react and gasped.

     "Oh, no! It's not for the cooking pot!"

     The Faerie looked surprised.

     "It's not? Why else would you bring me food?"

     Phobic clutched the snoring coconut and explained their story. It took some time and even he was amazed at the adventures they had experienced. At the time things that might have seemed scary or uncertain now sounded like the stuff amazing stories were made from.

     Jhuidah nodded slowly as the tale ended.

     "I had noticed the Island was in danger, but I could not understand why. The Coconut JubJubs are the oldest inhabitants of this land. It stands to reason they would possess a magical object that may sustain the life-force of our beloved Mystery Island."

     Phobic looked relieved. Finally, someone who wasn't going to quote strange poetry, or try and rob them of everything they owned.

     "We need to return the coconut to the JubJubs. I don't think we have much time, from the look of the area!"

     The Faerie nodded, sorrow in her eyes.

     "Then you must rush, good pets. The base of Mount Techo lies a mere few moments walk from here. Walk straight down the path; you cannot miss it. But be wary. The JubJubs do not welcome strangers."

     Phobic nodded, a little concerned at her warning. Spectra thanked her softly, dragging her friend toward the path. They hurried down it, the Kyrii still unable to dismiss the feeling that they weren't being watched.

     "Pho? Can you hear anything?"

     The Draik opened his mouth, prepared to inform her that evidently their travels had gone to her head and she was now as jumpy as he. However, the chance didn't come. Seconds later they found themselves surrounded by the tribe of Coconut JubJubs, whose eyes glowed in fury when they spotted the coconut dozing in Phobic's paw.

     "They think we're the thieves, Pho!" Spectra gasped, stepping backwards nervously.

     "No, you don't understand!" cried Phobic in distress. "We're here to return it, we've come so far!"

     The JubJubs crowded around, babbling angrily. It was evident that they spoke their own language and didn't understand a word of the explanation. The tribe edged in, each tiny, but as a group Coconut JubJubs were more menacing than anyone might have dreamt. Phobic was just wondering if he was fated to spend his life as the captive of a bunch of JubJubs when a soft, rumbling voice spoke up. The coconut had awoken.

     It spoke in a strange language the JubJubs evidently understood, for they seemed to relax. One stepped forward and gently took the coconut from Phobic, who felt a little sad to see it go. The tiny JubJub lifted the magical object up high, and it began to glow. Slowly Mystery Island came to life. The trees began to brighten, leaves again shimmering a luscious green color. Clouds parted in the sky, revealing a warm sun, its gentle beams washing over the sand, turning it gold again, Pho and Spectra only able to watch in wonder as flowers blossomed, sweet tropical perfume now travelling a humid breeze.

     "You have brought me home," the coconut spoke softly, its eyes closed. "The Island is safe once more; my tribe thanks you."

     Phobic slowly bowed his head, Spectra still gazing around in awe.

     "It was an honour," he whispered. This was the simple truth. As Phobic watched life restored to the beautiful paradise, he could honestly think of no greater privilege than to be the one who helped this come about.

     Amidst the celebrating of the Coconut JubJubs, Spectra gently turned to her friend.

     "I think it's time to go home, Phobic."

     The Draik nodded softly.

     "I know. I just can't believe we did it. We hadn't even left the woods before this; look how far we've come."

     Spectra smiled faintly, recalling their long journey.

     "It seems like someone else’s life, Phobic. The kind of thing you read about. Perhaps you should be the one to write it?'

     Phobic glanced up at her, trying to tell if she were poking fun at him. Her gentle eyes, however, were devoid of laughter.

     "Write?" he whispered. "Not go back to picking up coconuts for that Quiggle?"

     Spectra laughed as they started to head toward the Mystery Island shore.

     "Why not? Who better than the Draik who made it happen? How would it start?"

     Phobic grinned slowly. Chapters about pirates and betrayal, coconuts, and a famous Halloween Uni rushed through his mind.

     "How would it start?" He paused, and grinned. "I had seen thousands of coconuts, but I've only ever been friends with one."

The End

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Other Episodes

» The Magical Coconut Mission: Part One
» The Magical Coconut Mission: Part Two
» The Magical Coconut Mission: Part Three
» The Magical Coconut Mission: Part Four

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