Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 186,904,183 Issue: 332 | 29th day of Awakening, Y10
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For the Love of Sloth Loyalty Quiz

by faithstarlite


With the current Sloth plot and the Sloth Day last month, it is time to determine your loyalty! Take this quiz and the master will be pleased. Oh, and his minions will punish you severely if cheat by looking anywhere else for the answers! And don’t forget to write down your answers! (Scoring rules follow the quiz.)

Note: All results will NOT be automatically sent to Sloth to determine your loyalty.

1. Sloth Day was last month. What day was it?

a. January 13

b. January 14

c. January 17

d. January 16

e. I don't know

2. Is your current avatar Sloth related?

a. Yes, it's I *heart* Sloth

b. Yes, it’s the random Sloth! avatar

c. Yes, it’s the TCG Return of Dr. Sloth or Moehog Halloween avatar

d. Yes, its I *heart* Happiness

e. No or I don't know

3. There are five Sloth related avatars (See question above). How many Sloth Avatars do you have?

a. 4 or more

b. 3

c. 2

d. 1

e. 0 / I don't know

4. What are the correct answers to the Sloth quiz?





e. What? / I don't know

5. What is Dr. Sloth's first name?

a. Fred

b. Frank

c. Bob

d. Dr.

e. Master

6. Do you play the game Splat a Sloth?

a. Yes, it’s in my favorites.

b. Yes, when I need the neopoints.

c. No, I don't like the premise.

d. No, I just don't like the game.

e. No, my master would not like that!

7. What is in your gallery?

a. Nothing but Sloth!

b. Nothing but Faeries!

c. Some Sloth and some Faeries.

d. Neither Sloth nor faeries.

e. I don't know / I don't have a gallery

8. If I go to your lookup, will I see the word Sloth somewhere?

a. Yes! I have pictures and pets named after him!

b. Yes, but only my current avatar

c. Yes, my entire lookup is devoted to Sloth!

d. No, why would you?

e. Yes, but only because I wish to defeat him!

9. How do you want the current Sloth Plot to end?

a. Sloth's complete domination, of course!

b. The resistance will win easily!

c. Sloth will retreat this time, but he'll be back.

d. The fight will continue forever.

e. Does it matter?

10. How do you make the Sloth Emoticon on the Neo-boards?

a. *Evil*

b. *Frank*

c. *Sloth*

d. *Master*

e. I have no idea / don't care

11. What do you think of the Space Faerie?

a. She is the greatest of the fairies!

b. Like all faeries, she is nothing!

c. I would love to push her off a cliff!

d. She is a good faerie! What's not to like?

e. Who’s that? / Don't care

12. Your Neo-signature / Neo-title?

a. Both are Pro Sloth!

b. One is pro Sloth.

c. Neither Has anything to do with Sloth

d. Both are Pro Faerie!

e. Does it matter? Don't bother with neoboards.

Bonus Round!! (Add one point if true!)

13. I have a pet or pet pet named after Sloth!

14. I frequently make neoboards that are Pro-Sloth!

15. Even if I could, I would not get the space faerie avatar!


For each question, find the points for your corresponding answer. Add them all plus one for each bonus point in the bonus round.

1. a= 3, b= 4, c= 2, d= 1, e= 0

2. a= 4, b= 2, c= 3, d= 1, e= 0

3. a= 4, b= 3, c= 2, d= 1, e= 0

4. a= 1, b= 3, c= 4, d= 2, e= 0

5. a= 1, b= 4, c= 0, d= 2, e= 3

6. a= 0, b= 1, c= 3, d= 2, e= 4

7. a= 4, b= 0, c= 3, d= 1, e= 2

8. a= 3, b= 2, c= 4, d= 1, e= 0

9. a= 4, b= 0, c= 2, d= 3, e= 1

10. a= 1, b= 2, c= 4, d= 3, e= 0

11. a= 0, b= 3, c= 4, d= 2, e= 1

12. a= 4, b= 3, c= 2, d= 1, e= 0


Sloth’s Cherished General (51-40 points)

You are among the most devoted to the master! Congratulations! You will join the ranks of Sloth's army and defeat the resistance. (But for now, you can pretend to be join the resistance in order to serve me better later. So hurry up and finish those 3 mod puzzles! You could even end up as a general in the master’s army!)

You Just Love Evil (30-39 points)

Maybe you just want the avatars, maybe you think evil is cool, maybe you even like the color green, but you are not totally devoted to the master. Read some more books about the evil glory of Sloth! I suggest The Complete Guide to Dr Sloth, but don't trust the Neopedia. I think that entry was written by the Space Faerie. I'm sure you will see the truth soon.

Neutral Territory (16-29 points)

You are the middle of road. It doesn't matter if you side with Sloth, the Space Faerie, General Garoo, the resistance, Cylara, or the Esophagor in this plot. As long as you get an avatar or a trophy, you'll be happy. So, complete the mods or don’t; it's entirely up to you.

Space Faerie / Resistance Supporter (0-15 Points)

Get out of here! You don't deserve to utter the master's name! You have no knowledge of him or his eternal glory! You do not understand his power if you love the faeries. Think of all the faerie quests you have done, the countless neopoints you have spent and for what? I bet you still haven’t gotten a fountain faerie quest, and if you did, I bet the item was impossible to find. The master would never do that to you! He would reward your loyalty and devotion! Finish the plot, but in the end, you will see the master’s power!

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