Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 542 | 27th day of Eating, Y14
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by neorocket__xx

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The Scarab and the Sea: Part Three
Tomos looked around the deck of the Sea Queen at the sailors preparing for a battle with pirates, wishing that any second he would wake up and it would have all turned out to be a nightmare.

by saphira_27


The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Ten
Even though it was ruined and partially buried by sand, the temple was still a magnificent structure.

by macana


NeoSmart!: Preparing You for the Real World...
Neopets will never just feed themselves. Ever.

by shellbentts


The Story of B.: Part One
Maybe it should be a secret... but I felt like I had to share this with someone. The world deserves to know about B.

by kooky_user

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