Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,670,624 Issue: 579 | 25th day of Sleeping, Y15
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Mysterious Petpets

by vo_ohh

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Comical Comedy
The problems with word balloons...

by emmilou123


The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Seven
"He's such a professional!" he cried. "Spooky tower, booming disembodied voice at the entrance... I bet the candles in the wall brackets light themselves when we go inside!"

by herdygerdy


Frolics- Iced Coffee
Qthoneyb has had a hard time...

Written by patjade

by izzywizard


Blue Ribbon Ahoy! Round Table Poker Strategies
Round Table Poker: one of Neopia's oldest, non-Flash games, and a game with a very stylish and attractive trophy!

by gabunni

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