Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,416,046 Issue: 604 | 19th day of Swimming, Y15
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Feeding Your Pets

by midnight_star411

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A Tale of Two Bori: Part Twelve
Trealiy stayed up all night in the courtyard with Lunara and Terrana, telling them his story. Every few sentences, Lunara would turn to her sister and translate the words into their Shenkuu dialect...

by jjquil


The Tree of Pillar Grove: Part Six
Flicker had regained a little of his lost energy, but he still wasn't recovered enough to put up a fight. As much as he dragged his feet on the palace floor and tried to yank his arms away, the two guards escorting him towards the dungeons kept a firm hold...

by blueys45


Choosing Your Shop's Location
Choose the perfect location for your newly opened -- or not-so-newly opened -- Neopian shop.

by moldier


This was... Smelly
Ew, you smell!

Art by white_draigon

by lyteila

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