The Best Daily No One's Talking About - Faerieland Employment Agency by phadalusfish
FAERIELAND - Tucked away in the narrow, bustling streets of Faerie City is an unassuming pink-purple building with an unassuming sign hanging over the door: FAERIELAND EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Most Neopians pass by this sign multiple times a week, on their way to shop or turn in quests from Neopia's mercurial faeries, and never give the small building a second thought. This is a mistake! The Faerieland Employment Agency is one of the best ways in Neopia to fill your vault at the National Neopian bank with piles and piles of shiny, gold Neopoints. It's better than Trudy's Surprise. It's better than the Quest Log. (Yes, even counting selling your weekly prizes.) It's even better than Food Club returns. The only daily that can beat the Faerieland Employment Agency's profitability is bank interest...if you're already a NeoBillionaire. No, this is not a joke ^.^ The Faerieland Employment Agency can provide fastidious Neopians with a regular income of 150k-400k NP *every day*. All it takes is time, patience, and a stash of Job Coupons. Are you ready to learn how? Excellent! This article covers what you need to know about job listings and job coupons, and next time, you'll get tips and tricks for maximizing your profitability and minimizing the time you have to spend refreshing job listings. Read on! *** The Basics - Jobs & Job Coupons Jobs at the Faerieland Employment Agency aren't that different from Faerie Quests -- you have to buy items! With agency jobs, you'll have to buy multiple items (at least 2, and up to 6), you get to choose which jobs you want to do (and therefore the items you have to buy and the payout), and you're rewarded with Neopoints instead of stats for your active pet. All you have to do is pick your job, hand over your job coupon, and consult your preferred shape of the ever-friendly Shop Wizard (cape or no cape), and return with the requested items in the time limit. Oh, yes. There is a time limit. It's not a bad thing though! The faster you complete your job relative to your time limit, the more bonus pay you get. Each job gives you between 1 minute and 59 minutes to complete. One minute is plenty of time -- if you're focused and have a good connection, you can complete jobs in 20-30 seconds, but the more time you have, the easier it is to max your payouts. More on choosing jobs later :D You can do five jobs a day. That's it. Just five. This is why picking the right jobs is essential :) When you walk into the building, you'll see two counters - Basic Jobs and Super Jobs. The difference between the two is the currency of the employment agency: Job Coupons. Super Jobs require a coupon. Basic Jobs don't. There are guides out there that say you can make a consistent few thousand Neopoints a day doing Basic Jobs. This is absolutely true-- --but making a few thousand Neopoints a day isn't what we're here for, so we're going to ignore the Basic Jobs counter, and go straight to the Super Jobs counter. Job Coupons come in many flavours, as explained at the Welcome counter: Gold Brightvale Job Coupon (highest) Silver Brightvale Job Coupon Bronze Brightvale Job Coupon Green Brightvale Job Coupon Pink Job Coupon Purple Job Coupon Gold Job Coupon Silver Job Coupon Red Job Coupon Blue Job Coupon Green Job Coupon (lowest) You can use a higher-tier Job Coupon for a lower-tier job. Keep that in mind. When you use a coupon by taking a job, it *does not* disappear! It downgrades to the next-highest coupon type (unless you're using a Green Job Coupon, in which case it will disappear--but you're never going to be using Green Job Coupons, so don't worry about that!). If you want to see some interesting stats about the different job coupons, check out JellyNeo's article on the employment agency -- it has lots of interesting nitty-gritty information about job types, payouts, and requested items. You don't need that information to succeed at the employment agency, but it *is* interesting. Go on, take a few minutes and take a look, then come back :) You're also never going to use Red, Blue, or any colour of Brightvale Job Coupons. Why? I'm glad you asked :D *** Picking Jobs If you took a close look at that JellyNeo article, you may have noticed a line in it that says Red, Blue, and Green job coupons are worthless, and using them is costing your Neopoints. This is true -- the payouts for Green, Blue, and Red jobs are in the same range as the payouts for Basic Jobs. This means you could just go do a Basic Job for the same rewards *without* using a Job Coupon at all. Do that, sell your Job Coupon for literally any amount of Neopoints, and now you have more NP than you would have if you'd used the coupon! We're also going to ignore Brightvale Job Coupons. Unlike the non-Brightvale coupons, the Brightvale flavour haven't been mass released as daily Quest Log prizes, so the cost of them is still quite high. As of writing, Gold Brightvale Job Coupons cost about 280k. You *can* make a profit using them, but you can rack up same-size payouts using Pink and Purple Job Coupons, which are cheaper. And cheaper coupons = more profit. Since the number of jobs you can do per day is so limited, maximizing profit per job is important. The cost of Brightvale Job Coupons eats too much into that profit, so they're going into the "do not use ever" pile.* If you get them, sell them. So that leaves Pink, Purple, Gold, and Silver jobs. On average, those job types payout, per job, approximately: Pink: 100k Purple: 95k Gold: 70k Silver: 35k These numbers are *before* the cost of items and coupons. Your overall profit will be less than this. But these numbers are useful approximations to keep in mind Why are these numbers different from what you see at the Super Jobs counter? Because they take into account the time bonus! The faster you complete a job, the more you're rewarded, up to a 20% bonus for finishing the job instantly (which you'll never do; you can do that on Basic Jobs if you buy the item first before you take the job -- Basic Jobs are much less competitive, so there's rarely a downside to doing them that way... but we're not doing Basic Jobs :D). It seems like a no-brainer to do Pink and Purple jobs all the time, right? Their payouts are about equivalent and they represent the maximum profit per job you can get. This is also true, but there's one downside to a Pink-and-Purple-only strategy: Pink and Purple jobs are rare and highly competitive. If you limit yourself to Pink and Purple jobs only, you're going to spend hours, on average, refreshing the Super Jobs listings every day to complete your five. This is why Gold and Silver jobs are also good options -- there are many more of them, they tend to be just a little easier to get, and 150k in profit a day is nothing to scoff at -- it's better, on average, than Quest Log earnings and Food Club returns, remember! You can usually knock out five Silver jobs while you're doing your other dailies. You'll never get two Pink or Purple jobs in the same refresh. So it's entirely up to you -- if you have more time to spend, skip some Silver and Gold jobs and hold out for the Purple and Pink ones. If not, Silver and Gold jobs show up most refreshes, and sometimes, if you're quick, you can snag a second one right after! Picking Coupons I mentioned above that you can use higher-tier coupons for lower-tier jobs, and it sometimes makes sense to do this. You'll have to do the math to figure out the cost per job of each coupon type to be sure which ones are most cost effective. Remember too that each coupon other than Silver you'll use multiple times. Here's an example from the time of writing: Silver Job Coupons cost about 1300 NP Gold Job Coupons cost about 1600 NP Red Job Coupons are selling for about 500 NP (remember, as soon as our Silver Job Coupons turn Red, we sell them!) We can use the Silver Job Coupon once, so it costs about 800 NP to take that Silver job. But we can use the Gold Job Coupon twice for 1100 NP, or about 550 NP per job. So it makes more sense to buy Gold Job Coupons and use them twice than it does to buy Silver Job Coupons. This isn't always true -- it depends heavily on the relative price of each coupon colour, so remember to double-check if prices have changed substantially! Purple Job Coupons, by the way, are almost always much more expensive than Pink ones. Which is silly because a Pink Job coupon is effectively twice as good as a Purple one (it lets you do *two* of the most valuable jobs instead of just one). Search them up with our favourite Jubjub anyway just in case, but expect to be buying Pink Job Coupons *much* more often than Purple ones ^.^ When the good coupons (Silver, Gold, Purple, and Pink), are in the Quest Log prize rotation, stock up! They're not right now, but they're still cheap enough that it's *very* profitable to complete your five Faerieland Employment Agency jobs every day if you don't have a stash built up, and you can tuck some of that profit away to build up your stash later. If Pink Job Coupons are too expensive, focus on Silver and Gold jobs -- there's still *fantastic* profit to make on those. Armed with this information, you know everything you need to know to experiment with the Faerieland Employment Agency! But next time, I'll show you some of the best ways to maximize your profitability and minimize the time you spend searching for jobs--so check back soon!