Home < High Seas: Part Five by destervetha
Chapter 5
Desterenel spent three years aboard the pirate ship.
During that time, they intercepted and looted twelve ships, a nigh unheard-of
The vessels were invariably merchants of course,
of middling prosperity. The pirates accomplished their captures with shouting,
excitement, and much scrambling up and down the rigging. After an exhilarating
chase that lasted several heart-pounding days from the time the other ship was
sighted on the horizon to when it was boarded, it was taken over. With more
shouting, their ship would draw alongside the merchant and the grey tide of
pirates would begin to roll inexorably over their hapless prey.
Howling, the pirates would swing from lines attached
to their masts and sails expressly for that purpose, flying through the air
into the rigging of the enemy's ship. Others would topple long boards with hooks
on the end so that they would land like bridges between the 'Feather and her
unfortunate victim. Still others would swing grapples, trying to catch the railing
along the other deck. All the pirates would be screeching the most bloodcurdling
war cries while Desterenel flitted excitedly above them, darting under and through
the intertwined rigging of both ships.
However, the little Eyrie cub was fortunate.
Not once was there any real bloodshed on the part of the merchants or her pirates.
Faced with the barbaric splendor and smell of the army swarming over them, the
traders invariably surrendered quickly. Aside from minor knife-cuts, sword-slashes,
and some splinters, no one was ever seriously hurt. So Desterenel enjoyed the
thrill of the chase and the battle, the fresh innocence that still sparkled
in her eyes safely intact.
But life wasn't all fun and games for her. She
had duties, too, despite her size. Though she was exempt from working the ship
like the other crew, every morning she launched herself from the bowsprit and
flew across the sea. Scouting far ahead of the ship until her mobile home was
merely a speck on the horizon, she gazed about for possible targets, then returned,
rested, and flew in another direction. Indeed, every ship they captured was
sighted by Desterenel's piercing amber eyes. She became an invaluable resource
to the Grey Feather, as without her they could miss their prey like other pirates
did within the vastness of the heaving grey ocean.
True to the Wocky Dockmaster's prediction, their
name became well-known across the sea. More than thirty piratings were attributed
to them, the number growing each time they docked for provisions. They had several
near misses with the Defenders of Neopia and their battle-ships; only averted
by Desterenel's lucky sighting of their hopeful pursuers. Her efforts enabled
Yoharran to correct their course and avoid the pursuing law, keeping the cannons
of the Grey Feather silent.
But apart from her work, she didn't get special
treatment. She was fed the same slop the others ate, and kept their same hours,
which meant she had to catch two four-hour naps per day. As she was smaller
than the other pirates she frequently got last pick of everything, including
food and a place to sleep, no matter their proprietary fondness of her. If she
got in the way of someone she got booted out of it just like the next pirate.
If she annoyed someone she got a cuff 'round the ears, perhaps a little gentler
than if she was another crewmember, but she was still struck. However, even
the hard living couldn't bring her down.
She adapted. If someone sidled her out of line
she hissed and spat like any wiry crewmember. If someone bumped into her, or
stepped on her, she'd curse and flail with the best of them. If someone gave
her food she bolted it quickly and neatly, and if someone gave her an order,
she jumped.
Even her appearance began to alter. Over the
course of the first year, her feathers grew scruffy and unkempt, and even though
she preened regularly, the salty air made her plumage ragged. Her shoulders
grew muscled and burly, the mane cloaking them long and coarse. Her wings grew
in breadth, seeming over-large for her small frame. The second year her brilliant
emerald gradually bleached to a grayish-green by the sun and the wind and the
waves. Her new feathers began to grow in dull and sullied, too. Her face changed,
also, her beak becoming heavy and thick from crunching up the iron-hard daily
rations. Her lower mandible acquired sharp, fang-like protrusions, and her beak
turned steel-grey. The third year aboard the 'Feather she managed to scrounge
up an earring from a robbed merchant and got Rebarr to pierce her left ear-tuft
for her. She even begged an old shirt off a Lupe and wore it constantly. Soon
the only thing setting her apart from the rest of the crew was her age. Not
even Ma could recognize her daughter now.
She earned herself friends, not just alliances.
The Chomby that ferried heavy loads around the ship became her constant companion,
along with the handsomer of the Sublieutenants, Rebarr. They guided her and
protected her with gruff kindness. They were a refuge when her world became
a little too coarse, a little too real. For they were the honorable pirates
of her old tales, at least the side she saw of them…the side that happily told
tall tales to an eager youngling and viewed each of her new accomplishments
with pride.
Even Yoharran became an almost-friend to her.
When not absorbed in the difficult duty of keeping a pirate ship running, he
often spared a moment or two to ask how she was faring, whether she was getting
enough to eat, how she was handling the flying and whether she had any pulled
muscles. He watched her grow and change, with an unaccustomed feeling in his
heart. He even caught himself, once or twice, wishing he could see her more
often, comfort her when she was struck for dawdling, or play with her like Rebarr
sometimes did.
Those three years passed like a fleeting zephyr
for Desterenel. Before she knew it, she was a full-fledged young Pirate Eyrie,
as integral to the working of the 'Feather as Yoharran himself. Until one fateful
week, with the sight of golden sails on the horizon, that all changed.
One fine, misty morning, Desterenel paced towards
the bow of the ship. They were far north, and every dawn got a little chillier.
Breath wreathing her in a cloud of white, she stepped carefully to avoid coils
of frost-coated lines gracing the deck. Flicking an ear in greeting to the bristly
Yurble on watch, she stepped up onto the foredeck and climbs out onto the ornately
carved bowsprit. Perching on the end she crouched and dug her claws into the
sea-bedewed wood. Tensing her hindquarters to launch, she cast her gaze out
across the sea, and…
A ship lay dead ahead of them. Desterenel could
see it clearly, although to the other crewmembers it was but a tiny speck on
the horizon. Bedecked in finery even gaudier than the Grey Feather, the gold-sailed
ship was tacking to port. She couldn't quite make out the name, but she knew
that ship. All pirates knew what golden sails meant.
It was the Tonne of Bullion, a member of the
Bullion Fleet! The richest merchant ships to ever grace the waves! No other
merchant would have the audacity to run gleaming golden sails; in fact legally
they couldn't, as Bullion, inc. had copyrighted it.
Elation written in every line of her wiry frame,
her tail stiff behind her, she spun about and leapt off of the bowsprit. Clearing
the foredeck with room to spare, she blithely avoided the Yurble, her paws thundering
across the thick wooden deck. Swelling her lungs with the freezing morning air,
she roared as loudly as she could.
"Cap'n! Cap'n Yoharran sir!" Howling, she charged
straight to Yoharran where he stood at the stern rail. Across the deck, past
the masts, over the cumbersome masses of lines and cleats and rails, and up
the stairs she ran, touching but one step as she used her wings to aid her progress.
Then she came to an undignified halt, tatters, rags, earrings and chains flapping
and jingling about her. Panting, she attempted to get her breath back, wicked
beak gaping wide, exhaling plumes of steam. Shifting from foot to foot, digging
thick claws into the planks she gasped out her message, eyes as wide as they
could go.
"Sir, Sir! I've sighted a ship onna horizon Sir!
Sir, she's a'flyin' gold sails! She's the Tonne of Bullion! An' she's dead ahead
o' us!"
Yoharran, turning with surprise at her shout,
now reached out his claws and took her firmly by the mane growing from the sides
of her face. He had to reach a ways up to do so, as she was finally growing
into her wings, and had at least a foot on him now. Shoving his snout close
to her beak he snarled excitedly, every yellowed, rotten fang bared.
"Ye see it fer truely? Are ye sure o' it, lass?
Certain sure?"
"Cert'in sure! Cert'in sure! I read th' name
on 'er, Cap'n, Sir, she's the Tonne of Bullion fer cert'in surely!" Desterenel
affirmed, lying through her beak. She had not read the name, but there was only
one gold-sailed ship on the Terror Mountain-Faerieland Port run. She opened
her beak to speak again, but realized that there was no one to speak to anymore.
Yoharran had sprinted away, wicked back claws tack-tack-tacking across the deck
as he scrabbled for the All-Hands bell. Desterenel, abandoned to her own devices,
launched herself happily to the air in one powerful excitement-charged leap.
Flapping vigorously she rose swiftly, and as
she did so the rising sun caught something hanging from her neck. It was a medallion,
glinting in the new day, dislodged from the protection of her shirt by her wild
rush to Yoharran. Feeling it flapping on its hemp cord, she caught it in her
paw and tucked it safely away once more. Her flight faltering from moving her
arms about, she dropped several yards through the air. Quickly regaining her
former altitude, she began a circle about the ship, watching the 'Feather begin
her port tack to follow the prey.
She gazed in awe as she did every time the great
sails move. Grey backs swarmed up the lines and rigging, clinging tenaciously
in the morning breeze, tattered clothes flying gaily in the stiff wind. Gold
gleamed about them, scattered liberally over every pirate. The rich times had
been good to them, if ill for others, and they wore their wealth in jewelry.
Each one was covered in golden buckles, earrings, paw-rings, and finger-rings
for those pets whose hands could carry them. Even the brave veteran ones encumbered
beyond the norm with their heavy treasures scampered with alacrity about the
heaving forest of rope and sailcloth like Myncis. Well, some of them were Myncis,
but they scampered even faster.
Working together, they unsheathed all sails,
hauling on some lines, cleating off others, until the mighty green, blue, and
gold sheets swiveled around and caught the wind. The sails snapped taut and
the ship bucked and plowed forward, pirates holding on gamely. As their speed
picked up, the ship leapt forward, nose-on to the heavy swell. Flying like a
slim sea-bird, the 'Feather knifed through the ocean, seeming as light as her
namesake as she barreled onward towards her goal.
Raising her eyes to the horizon, now the ship
was finished with the tack, Desterenel gazed eagerly and hungrily at the gilt-driven
ship on the sea so far ahead.
This was an unprecedented opportunity. Throughout
the Bullion Corporation's two-hundred-year domination of the jewelry industry,
only three of their ships had ever been taken by pirates. Though common Neopian
history ended with the Pirate's names, Cap'ns Rawhide, Doug the Horrible, and
Blueberry Beard, respectively, pirate history went somewhat further. Each captain
came out of their successful encounters with over one million neopoints each…and
that was after they'd paid the crew.
The 'Feather had just made port three weeks ago,
and their hold was still empty. There would be plenty of room for all the spoils!
Every pirate, e'en me, she added slyly to herself, would be able to take full
pick of the personal jewelry. The Tonne' was about three times the size of the
'Feather, a freighter of gargantuan proportions. In order to make maximum profit
Yoharran could not afford to take anything but jewelry into the ship, and even
with a hold filled to bursting with such treasure there will be quite a bit
left over.
But that was getting ahead of herself, surely.
They still had at least three days, far away as they were, between them and
their golden prize. Especially once their prey saw the 'Feather, saw for themselves
the legend come chasing. There would be many watches, much excitement as they
tacked to and fro to corner their fleeing prey, countering every futile move
to escape. Luckily, they were out in the very middle of the ocean; no chance
of the 'Tonne reaching safe haven before her capture.
But capture her they would, in time, and then…!
Mind filled with glorious visions of riches
and celebration, Desterenel pinwheeled happily through the air, executing barrel
rolls, flips, and loops. Lost in her excitement, she drifted high above the
ship, and was finally brought back to the heaving deck by a shouted order. She
was to stow herself below until needed. Gazing down at the ship, small below
her, she calculated for a moment. Then, sighing through her nares in an irritated
huff of air, she dove, snapping her wings open at the last minute and coasting
up and onto the deck, toes skimming the waves.
No one noticed. Flicking her tail free of seafoam,
she stepped quickly out of the way of several hurrying deckhands, only to step
into the way of two Kacheeks coming the other way carrying long coils of line.
Flustered, she leapt smartly, bounding over their heads and gliding to the double-doors
that lead to crew quarters under the foredeck.
She walked inside the triangular-shaped room
in the bow, pacing along the rightmost of two pathways around the enormous anchor
mechanism. Passing rows and rows of bunks, padded thickly with gaudy, damp-ravaged
blankets stolen from other ships, she proceeded to the very front. There lay
her bunk, in the least desirable space of all.
It was built right above a hole in the bow, the
outlet from which the mighty anchor chain ran. It was a horrible place to sleep,
as freezing winds gusted in periodically with a load of foam, chilling her.
If there was ever a very heavy swell, waves splashed in also. It was so undesirable
that she didn't even have someone hotbunking there during the times she was
working. It was hers and hers alone. A refuge, uncomfortable as it may have
Curling up on her sodden, freezing mattress,
she prepared to wait out the long, long chase, comforting her physical discomfort
with visions of lustrous gold.
To be continued...