Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 99,279,380 Issue: 195 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y7
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Sick Zaffo

by hahoho

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How To Roleplay: Style!
This is not a guide for those who know nothing of the basics of roleplaying, but for those who would like to improve...

by orginalcliche


Adventures of a Musketeer Usul
I'm confused!

Art by shadih_temporary

by johnandadam


A Wizards Beginning: Part Seven
He saw a Minion run past them, the blaster steady in his hand. It seemed to pay no attention to the two as he darted past. "Chief!" it yelled to the other Minion who had followed the smashing of the glass.

by sirussblack


The Son of Sahkmet: Part One
"No. I'm more confused. I feel like I'm being left of something, like how you and my uncle stop talking when I come in a room. You try to act normal, but I can tell something is going on."

by twirlsncurls5

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