Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 106,486,787 Issue: 212 | 14th day of Collecting, Y7
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Help! The Fishing Cavern is Causing Excess Garbage!

What else can we do with all this fishing junk that no one wants?

by purplepassiony2k
The Tax Beast - Evil or Lost Soul?

Although not as well known as other monsters, he still has a reputation that not even Adam would want; he's listed in the Gallery of Evil (Not Adam, the Tax Beast!).

by podgeb
Faerie Cloud Racers, the New Trend or Bend?

Faerie Cloud Racers, a beloved game, has been changed! *waits until shocked silence is broken, or gasping has stopped*

by unis_lover200
What Sparks Your Story?

Sometimes ideas just pop into people’s heads. Sometimes another writer inspired their writing. Sometimes a question asked by someone else, a ‘what if’ question, for instance, makes ideas come rolling. But what sparks your story?

by kemppotatoe

Getting Back to Basics

I wondered how these pets survived with just enough to eat when my pets could barely go on for a day without their Red Long Hair Brushes. I thought it over and came to a conclusion: Why couldn’t we survive like wild pets do? It couldn’t be that hard...

by horserider12302
Toybox Escape Guide

Dr. Sloth thought they were useless, and threw them into the toybox. These little neopets burn, jump, dig, climb, make ramps, and push their way out for freedom. Careful, they don’t have long, or they’re toast!

by powerzoshi
11 Uses for your Newly Acquired Pile of Soot

Your poor pet still claims to love their dusty little pile of petpet but trying to speak or interact with them yields no result. That’s no fun, is it?

by velveteen
Magic Smelly Socks - USEFUL?!

Magic Smelly Socks. Wait wait wait! -grabs you by the back of your shirt- Don't worry! There won't be any demonstrations!

by fip
An Amateur's Guide to Pterattack (II)

This article is to help show you how to bust those evil Pterodactyls out of Tyrannia.

by brytelytex001
Kreludor Interviews

Well anyway, let's go into the first store! It's... the Kreludan Mining Corp! It's... a mine?

by mooniebunnypenny
111 Symptoms From the Lost Desert

I have put together a list of 111 of the most common symptoms of OLDPD, Obsessive Lost Desert Plot Disorder.

by kristine2467
Eyries: Good or Bad?

But why is there such a great difference between the heroes and villains? Are Eyries inherently good or evil?

by dragonlover8560
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Sparks of Inspiration

One of the most common questions I see is: what inspired you? A question that I find quite hard to answer. Sometimes ideas just pop into people’s heads. Sometimes another writer inspired their writing. Sometimes a question asked by someone else, a ‘what if’ question, for instance, makes ideas come rolling. But what sparks your story?

Other Stories


The New Family Member
Ah, this is the life. Rolling around in the front yard with your Neopet, letting her fuss over you, feed you, paint you a fancy color, love you…what more could a Faerie Doglefox ask for?

by animalnutz1993


Selina and the Rainbow
However, for one particular light faerie, today would not be just any regular day...

by moelucyme77


Ummagine: Part Three
From here he was close enough to see. That fat blue Skeith Jamaar had been a fool, holding the white Ummagine in his hand...

by shadowcristal


Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part Six
Ash swung her own blade, the jagged iron sides whistling as they cut through the air. The Gelert nearest her dodged the blow as well, and Ash growled her frustration. A Gelert appeared outside the circle, walking almost daintily. Her fur, like the other Gelerts, was a rich black...

by cpmtiger


Fiesty Freaks
Oh my gosh!

by eevilbirdiezuh


The Adventures of Karia & Roo
*creeps along passageway*

Also by watershipknl

by boogleloo

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