Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 112,409,164 Issue: 224 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y8
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The Kadoatery Addiction Recovery Program

Yes, you guessed it. I’m here to help the soulless Kad-obsessed get away from their little ‘addiction’ to feed the Kads, for the people who want to stop it but can’t resist...

by shadowcristal
A Trip to the Pound

You don’t know how many times I have seen pets with almost the same exact names in the pound. People are creating pets to be abandoned. How sad is that?

by czenko28
Wreathies on the Record

The special program we bring you today is one of mysterious origins. Until recently, very little has been known about these jolly wintery petpets known as Wreathies.

by sum41girl2k
The Blus

Most of us have heard of Roo Island, the happy little spot where everyone is bouncing and smiling all day long. Sounds like a great place, doesn't it? But what shadows and secrets lurk behind every smile?

by literalluau
Skeiths; Malicious or Misunderstood?

When most Neopians hear the word ‘Skeith’, the first thing they think of is the lazy, rude, and greedy dragon-like image that most of us are familiar with. And they wouldn’t be all wrong; many do fit this exact description.

by katiecoo802
Fifty Ridiculous, Outrageous, and Just Plain Stupid Ways to Spend Your Neopoints (And Some Decent Ones)

39. Fund an expedition to find out what happened to Kass. *sniff*

by jesse12_3
Making the Most of your User Shop

The first step to optimizing your shop is to determine who you’ll be selling to.

by arcanegoat
Are you an Involved Neopian?

Have you ever wondered if you are as involved in Neopets as you should be?

by draco__girl
Have You Missed the Boat?

Many things must be considered when estimating how much they will go up. Two crucial words sum it up. They are supply and demand.

by aspinbee
10 Ways to Get Items From the Neocola Machine

Do you have one of those Neocola tokens? If you do, go waste it on the machine! You don't have one? Well, don't fret...

by cheesechart
An Interview with an Ogrin

Well, here I am in the forest, and I only see one, so I'm going to interview that Shadow Ogrin right over there.

by dark_knights_sabre
Helping your Jubble Bubble Troubles!

Do you have Jubble Bubble troubles? Hopefully this will help! In this guide, I will teach you tips that will help you score over 1000 consistently.

by jamintha
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"A Broken Bond" by 42930
"Jhudora, hurry up, we're going to be late for school!" shouted an exasperated 10-year-old Illusen. "Jhudora!" And older sisters were supposed to be good role models, even if they were only older by five minutes...

Other Stories


A Broken Bond
"Jhudora, hurry up, we're going to be late for school!" shouted an exasperated 10-year-old Illusen...

by 42930


Scarblade's Past
The water sprayed the young Lupe with mist. His green fur whipped around in the wind. He sniffed the salty breeze of the ocean, and a smile appeared on his face...

by gamegirllupelover


Sleeping Beauty: Part Three
Where were we going? Suddenly I was wide awake. We were going to Neopia Central! I practically sprinted across the corridor...

by ruff_zette


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Absent Anubis - Part Seven
As soon as we realized what happened to Damien, there was no time to stop and think. I hoisted him onto my back where Luna was busy making sure that the unconscious Aisha didn't slide off while shouting instructions on how to get out...

by playmobil_is_my_life


Lupe Moments
Next time we send the Pteri.

by kateh_pwns


Rojero's Tale
Rojero can't wait!

by heart_toes

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