Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 117,233,045 Issue: 233 | 31st day of Running, Y8
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What Sort of Avatar Collector Are You?

Avatars. 50 x 50 pixel bundles of joy. These microsized forms of self-expression are the stars of countless fan sites, featured on hundreds upon hundreds of pet pages, and are on the forefront of the thoughts of many Neopians.

by yellowbanana5490
Sneaking Your Way to the Great Qasalan Caper

You must be thinking, "How can I possibly get away with stealing? That's just wrong!" Yes, it is, but not with this game. The Great Qasalan Caper encourages you to help the Meercas reach their goal.

by pantsux
How to: Earn 1000 NP for Every Game of Snow Wars II

This is a timed game with the objective of protecting 5 snowmen from Snow Beasts and Lupes. To protect these snowmen you need to build a snow fortress around them.

by x_ryot_grrrl_x
Mynci Beach Volleyball: the Way to WIN!

I have devised a list of easy to follow tips that are designed with YOU, yes you, in mind. Follow these hints, practice your little heart out and with a little luck the avatar and maybe even a shiny trophy might soon be yours.

by alyndasgallery
Faerieland: a Disaster Waiting to Happen

But what if some villain found his or her way into the castle, somehow managed to undo the spell, and sent Faerieland falling to its doom in the sea, a thousand feet below?!

by upcat13
Far Out Gross Out

Gross Foods can be categorized in two ways, by origin and by detestability. There are several origins of gross foods...

by blackcairn
Web of Vernax - a Guide to Spinning

In this game you are a Spyder, and a very handsome one, I might add. Your aim is to survive! To do this you must catch the bugs (Vernax) that scurry around so that you may feast on them later.

by miseryguts5720
Are You Tired of Having a Shop That's ALWAYS Full?

If you follow my instructions, not only will you sell an item or 2, you will probably sell out COMPLETELY! No longer will your shop go MONTHS without selling a thing!

by kt2kool109
A Mutant Chia's Uber-Spiffy Guide to Pillow Fighting

You turn your back for 2 seconds to shut the door, turn the lights on and start discoing with your Gruslen. But all of a sudden…..WHAP! You've been hit in the back of the head with a pillow by one of your younger siblings!

by nintendude12345
10 Key Items for an April Fool's Trickster

Well, has there ever been a legendary joker that didn’t have the proper slippery materials to assist him in his practical joking? I think not.

by lassie_nikki
Neopian Conspiracy

We've all heard the rumor about that certain character who will remain nameless *cough* the Petpet Shopkeeper - trying to take over Neopia behind the scenes (and if you haven't heard about it, now you have).

by aqua_symph
How I Won the Test Your Strength Jackpot!

At the time of this essay, the Test Your Strength jackpot was hovering just over the 600 million neopoint mark. What is it going to take someone to win this jackpot?

by grjocu777
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"The Prankster" by btcomsa12
"I will get you this year!" Tomorrow was April Fools Day. The one day of the year that the siblings could play tricks on each other without getting yelled at. Erika sat at the table writing down different ideas and remembering past years. The banana peel of 2004, where she didn't pay attention and slipped on it herself. Or the water bucket on top of the door gag. Erika waited...

Other Stories


Nightmare of the Full Moon
Without warning a shadowy figure descended on her. She snarled, her claws flashing. A shaft of moonlight revealed a brown Lupe, laughing...

by ezparanza


The Secret Diary of Jeran Borodere
Now that all the fighting's done I can finally get a break from all those fangirls. I swear, those things are far scarier than Darigan ever was...

by nimras23


The Secret Princess: Part Two
Rin rode on Sama's back trying to keep warm as they flew up Terror Mountain. It was so cold that Rin thought that she, herself, was frozen solid at one point of their travels...

by knuckles_1_fan


The Shoyru Tamer: Part Two
The Green Shoyru looked down at Angel. She looked like she had been in the room for a while, and black mascara streamed down her face. She sniffled, and then said, "I'm fine."

by dragoncatcher_sammy


Rojero's Tale

by heart_toes


The Average Eyrie?: Chocolate!?
Uh oh.

by goatsrus

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