Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 135,120,765 Issue: 267 | 22nd day of Storing, Y8
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How to Pick the Right Instruments for Others

I really think I have good taste on which instruments should be played and which should be packed away in a cake and eaten by the Turmaculus. I shall list twelve random instruments that first come to mind.

by pirate_ahoy

At Pizzaroo you can buy uniquely flavored pizzas! All pizzas come straight from the oven and you rarely every have to wait for yours to be made!

by doggieloover23
Matchmaker - Finding the Perfect Petpet

We all wonder how cute a petpet is, what avatar it will get us, and how admired we'll be when we have it. But let's face it, what is the real reason of buying a petpet? Think a moment. Oh yes, to give to our Neopets!

by forgottencreation
National Neopia - A Traveler's Guide to Hotels

Here, in our first issue, we shall cover a topic important to most travelers and vacationers: Hotels.

by kawaktongbee
The Top 20 Faerie Foods of Neopia!

This is a hopefully helpful review of some of the best, cutest, tastiest, and most mysterious Faerie Foods in Neopia!

by matthewm344
Veggie Livin'

Neopets all over are adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. Despite what some nay-sayers may think, like those Chia loving Lupes, a meatless diet is interesting and tasty...

by pixie_dust_318
A Beginner's Guide to Sophie's Stew

I play this game almost every day. I know a lot of things about it. So if you just started to play, here are some TIPS!!

by thepetlover48
The Exquisite Winged Scholar

A personal study of the enigmatic library faerie...

by nurtureearth
Dinner Party Treats 101

What to serve, you may ask? You want to go for the most flavorsome, elegant, exquisite, delectable, festive foods that your guests will love.

by star_lilly_784
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"Annunciation, Arguments, and Airspray" by silent_snow
"It's called dramatic effect, Aethia. And I'll have you know that the instructions clearly state that one must add in a dramatic pause between the Kyrii's hair and the Golden Juppie soup..."

Other Stories


A Lesson in Understanding
"Tell you what," I said, "I'll erase the worst of those parts and make it up to you with that cake in my SDB." She kept her eyes lowered...

by fairy8queen


The Box
"Well then... Why don't you try opening it, eh? There might be something worthwhile inside..."

by chibi104


A Break in Memory: Part Six
They reached the cell and were roughly shoved or dragged in, a force field zipping up to lock them inside once the Mega Three stepped out of the cell's boundaries. Without a second glance, the three Alien Aishas exited. Mr. Sonix sighed...

by appaloosa500


Adventures in Brightvale: Book I - Part Two
The Grarrl looked at his partner and fluttered his eyes. "'To the authorities if necessary.' Well, if our little telltale don't take the cake. He's a fancy talker, ain't he?"

by newenglandquizzer


Tea Time - Midterms ):
And that's my secret to good midterm grades. :3

by kleptie


Don't Ask!
October is for Squares...

by snowcat737373

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