A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 174,717,659 Issue: 411 | 25th day of Gathering, Y11
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Tropical Tours: Your Handbook To Mystery Island

Why not take a moment to open your brochures and memorize our various rendezvous points throughout the day—just in case you get lost and NEVER COME BACK.

by alexrae963
9 Holidays That Should Exist

Have you ever stopped to think how many holidays there really are in Neopia?

by ju_ju_beans220
What's Wrong With Spooky Petpets?

There are so many great Spooky Petpets out there that no one ever seems to notice!

by rotomia
Petpets: A Guide to Rocks

Rocks rock!

by emmamouw
The Neopian Food Review: Exquisite Ambrosia

Will a thousand-year stretch secluded from Neopia affect their food?

by mrpanda1
Customisation Survivor: Who'll be the Last One?

Well, now there is a fun new game for customization fans; Customization Survivor!

Also by picklecheesepie

by waterglide

The Terrors of Terror Mountain

I commend you for your bravery, for facing the terrors of this mountain is not for the faint-hearted.

by 5qua5h5qua5h
Gearing Up for Autumn

Summer has come to an end, with autumn (or fall) taking its place.

by firestorm205
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"The Curse of the Deserted Fairground" by faithful_jewel
My paw hovered over the top of the board for only a second as I dropped the petpetpet on its unbidden route. With each minute squeak it moved down and, inevitably, fell to the far right. "We have a loser, ladies and gentleman..."

Other Stories


The First Color in an Unusual Place
She could get anything: books, wearables, usuki dolls, paint brushes. Paint brushes was her goal, though!

by candylandtheonomy


Stealin' From the Snowager
"There's no reason to spend our money on frivolous things like that!"

by mariofan14


Celandine: Part Seven
"There's no point. He's sending all his forces. One Neopet will never make a difference," said Lanshar in despair.

by yampuff


The Foster: Part Three
"Are you sure, Savannah?" Emily asked worriedly when their owner announced that she was going to cook dinner.

by babygirl229911


Geraptiku and the Cursed Wave, Part 9
Evil spirits tend to get agitated easily.

by buizelmaniac


Battle Tactics
Ogrin stench?

by charybdis7

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