Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,612,197 Issue: 577 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y15
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The Issue With the Special Issue

With all that competition you might wonder how in Neopia you are ever going to make it into such a special issue. Well, this is what this article is about.

by chaotizitaet
Top Eleven Budget-Friendly and Versatile Backgrounds

Backgrounds are universal and can be fitting any number of outfits. And the best part is? There's so many of these backgrounds that are very budget-friendly, even free!

by auraichadora
A Guide to Freaky Factory: Working for Krelufun Ind.

So, Krelufun Industries has seen it fit to hire you, eh? The job assigned to you here is to produce Neopets miniatures for the company, and you better do it quickly!

by faeriequeenoffire
The True Value of a Neopet

What do you value in a Neopet? Name? Colour? Stats? Species? But what is true value?

by leviathon96
What Are Your Neo Neuroses?

I simply have to clear out my inventory every night. And I figure that donating all my cheap items to the Money Tree might give me some future Neo luck!

by indulgences
Escaping From Dr. Sloth: a Toy Box Escape Guide!

The Neopets are trapped, and they need your help!

Also by guik44

by saudadesdagripe

Everything You Need for the Month of Sleeping

After a long month of celebrating, all you want to do is hit the hay. Well, that's what the month of sleeping is all about!

by mespirit24
Doctor Sloth Vs. Evil Fuzzles

This article will focus on who has a better chance of beating each other in a duel, Dr. Frank Sloth or the various evil fuzzles around Neopia.

by username_035
25 Fun Ways to Celebrate Sloth Day

From dumping Shampoo on your friends to My First Death Ray, this fun filled guide is sure to bring you a great Sloth Day.

by tyuio_k50
101 Ways to Annoy Dr. Sloth

Disclaimer: The following list is a tongue-in-cheek parody, and can be as much thought of as a list of things not to do.

by debbie1188
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"Wanmei and the Reset Button" by june_scarlet
"Why do you seek the Reset Button?" asked the Baby Grundo. The Striped Meerca considered the Grundo for minute before relenting, "Because I made a mistake." The Grundo considered inquiring further, but he didn't want to scare off his customer. At any rate, he didn't feel she would...

Other Stories


Interview with a Minion... of Sloth
Looking back, there really was no excuse. From the time I walked up to the cottage I should have known that my day would not unfold even close to the way I expected.

by jadianne


Not Another Pound Story
"Well, the Pound doesn't really change," Jefo murmured, distracted by his food again.

by purplepeggie


Honor Among Thieves: Part Six
"Do you relish the title of thief?" 

Dom stood straight and tall. "Thief's a sight more honest than traitor. Wouldn't you say?"

by saphira_27


Unbreakable: Part Three
Brynn sucked in a heavy breath and forced herself to ignore the pain from her harsh landing. She scrambled up and, before the intruder could catch his bearings and run off again, grabbed him by the collar...

by sporty2443


LIke Clockwork - Part Ten
Genre Savvy Rutu attacks! It's super effective.

by keshia_songwings


Fingerless Woes
His name is 'Hanso' for a reason.

by kimchiin

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