Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 190,777,828 Issue: 585 | 8th day of Running, Y15
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Niptors: One of Neopia's Under Appreciated Petpets

There are many petpets that go underappreciated, forgotten, or hardly known about despite the items, or even an avatar they're in. One in particular is the Niptor.

by dustinismine
Meet the Faerie Abilities

When the new Battledome was introduced to Neopia at the end of 2012 and beginning of 2013, it was only appropriate for the Faeries to do their part as well and re-vamp their abilities.

by _mariokart_
But Wait—There’s More!: Joining a Faction

Who should you join?

by yami_wolfwood
Secretary-General Condemns War in Tyrannia

"The Thieves Guild, The Sway, The Order of the Red Erisim, The Brute Squad, and the Awakened are particularly untrustworthy due to their unethical practices, cult-like activities and following, and / or magical mischief..."

by neomonorail
Prepare for War--And Save Neopoints Doing it!

Everybody likes to have a good fight in the Battledome, but sometimes it can be hard to find the right equipment, right?

by erikareneelove
March - the Month of Makeovers

If the winter blues have hit you hard, consider these tips to regain your health and confidence!

by brittboo_x
Reading Up on Magic

When dealing with something as powerful and dangerous as magic, it's always best to start with the basics.

by bittersweet52
An Exclusive Look at The Thieves Guild

They lurk in the shadows, just out of sight, and you don't realize they've been around until they're gone... and your pockets are lighter.

by moonandflowers
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"The Obelisk & The Thieves" by joni242
Ven floated up to the tavern, known to most thieves as the main base for the Thieves Guild. He never really asked himself why this was the case. He simply assumed it had something to do with Kanrik liking the coffee served here. It wasn't a fancy tavern in the least, rather it was quite run down, and looked as if it would fall apart if a large blizzard had occurred. That was the problem...

Other Stories


Why the Thieves' Guild Got There First...
The door creaks open and a nearly toothless Yurble pokes his head out. He scans the shadows to make sure that you weren't followed, nods, then motions for you to follow him inside.

by sarahbunnii


I Called Her Claudia
"Welcome to the family!"

by almedha


Infinity II: Control - Part Nine
Flying not too far behind Lampyri was Dimitri, who yelled out to her, "Hey! Whatever happened to keeping a distance?!"

by blueys45


We All Fall Down: Part Four
"...Is he afraid of her? Put those in the pan over there, dear; I'll cook them in a minute."

by ellbot1998


I Baked a Cake
Why did you run away?

by andy94174


Doglefox Duets: Factions
Have you decided?

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo

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