The first way you can annoy the Snowager is by gluing his treasure to the ceiling. I know this because I saw a bunch of meepits do it. (Notice it’s always the meepits who do stuff...and then humans repeat what they did.) When he's asleep, take all of his stuff, and painstakingly glue it to the ceiling one by one...
Meti and the Perfect Gift At the end of this road sat a small hut right
on the corner of the sand, and one of the windows cast soft reflected glow,
gold in tone, onto the ground below...
Ezanna and the Christmas Craft Fair "Sorry, Ezanna. The kitchen table was the only
place big enough to make my Stickaments," he replied. Ezanna raised a scaly
Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Five Jeran glared at him; he would walk all night
for Lisha's sake, if he were alone... but it probably wouldn't be the world's
best idea, and they did have a child with them...