Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 114,248,913 Issue: 228 | 17th day of Awakening, Y8
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Xweetok hates this kind of chase.

by wicked_dragonite
Sibling Rivalry

A scary face a day will keep the bad guys away!

by evilpuppyangel
Always Complaining


by sabertigerblade
Utterly Random

You have won the fight!

by arornedhel
The Disappearance of the Jin Jah Table

................ yeah, well, about that table. o_O

by sissy_sugar_queen
Cloning for Dummes 101

Even Sloth has to find new ways to make clones these days.

by 0riginal_sin
Splodge - Snow Snake

If only it were that easy....

by scribble

Gravity is not on the side of good...

by chibikatza
Neo Mania! Slippers

How much are those?

by unis_lover200
tMoStA #1 - I Have the Feeling We're Being Watched

Don't say that!

by bobo36000
The Lottery

Can you get me a Lottery Ticket?

by frayedknot
The Crabby Owner

Well, look who's all grumpy today!!

by blackdragon8866
Why He Does It

What's he gonna do with that?

by kalaiaspirit
Head in the Clouds

Ohhh, so THAT'S why...

by candykitty
Razzle Dazzle

Let's try on your costume...

by khestrel
Aisha Groove

Kadoaties really are afraid of the dark...

by discokitten
Hero Rivals

Look at me!

by subzeroace
Slorg Trails

Attack of the Slorg is a cruel game, and must be stopped!

by d_stibs
Fear My Randomosity~

...Is that really fair?

by riimaru
Days of our Neolives

Because sometimes shampoo isn't enough.

by rumplesocks
All in a Neopian Day

Great cookies!

Also by confuzerated

by sunset_rose285

Tyrannian Tusks

They're more than just stylish!

by lilgreymouse
Sheep of Doom

"what to do with a gnorbu"

by oddhatter
Chocolate a la Chia

I should have known...

Also by fillin

by richnangela005

Zeh Cute One: My Aviroli!

Blah blah blah...

by glowing_banana
Why Sloth "Loves" Usukis

The answers shall be REVEALED... *crazy eyes*

by spongebobfan484

Poor Chias always have it bad. :(

by bluepen
Triple Negative


by sillygirl_543

I don't think that's what he meant....

by homage2fromage

Rojero wants a job, and a job he will get!!

by heart_toes
Unique: the Sincerest Form of Flattery

Ever feel like someone was mocking you? They probably were...

by lexiobah
Evil Feepit

Someone has been playing Meepit vs. Feepit a little too hard...

by fmoura_98

She used to be an Ixi, btw. c:

by jupeboxgal
Smycks' Tales

Lab Ray consequences...

by helmfinland
The Neo397s

Too... much... info...

by isaiahdjkim

Oh, he loves this, doesn't he?

by disturbeded_banana
Search the Neopian Times


"Hidden Sister" by _jadestorm_
My heart skipped as the bag of one million Neopoints landed in my blue paw. This could pay for a lot. The Petpets I wanted, the furniture Aileen coveted, a years worth of codestones for Maureen... My paws couldn't close over the Neopoints. They were frozen solid. Aileen laughed...

Other Stories


Of the Scamanders
The great and grand city of Sakhmet was abuzz with the daily activities of its occupants. Shouts of merchants were coming from every stand...

by krawkster92


A New Home
Jess cringed back, looking nervously at the dark blue waves, continually lapping the ocean shore. "But... um... I can't swim..."

by starfairy123234


The Top Nine Easiest Trophies to Get
Not even the most successful Neopian would be complete without these!

by danman111111


How to Hydrate a Meepit
These meepits were evil. They were dangerous. More importantly, they were THIRSTY...

by iamskot


As the Clouds Clear: Part Five
It was several more hours before the peak of the mountain came into view. Once she reached it, Nili wasted no time...

by puppy200010


Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Twelve
Kass saw that his attackers were familiar; everyone had known of them during the first war, and he had last seen them on the Citadel. Come to think of it, they'd jumped on him then too...

Also by schefflera

by ikkin_with_attitude

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