Ah, April Fool’s Day. One of the best holidays by far. This day is a day cherished by mischievous Neopets all over Neopia. It gives pets who usually behave by the rules a day to let loose, pull pranks and laugh at the expense of others' dignity! How fun, right? Well, has there ever been a legendary joker that didn’t have the proper slippery materials to assist him in his practical joking?
Where We Belong She wasted no time in filling up the glass jar
with fresh ocean water, and then she hastened back to the pool. Nat pulled the
Peo out the water...
How to: Earn 1000 NP for Every Game of Snow Wars II This is a timed game with the objective
of protecting 5 snowmen from Snow Beasts and Lupes. To protect these snowmen you
need to build a snow fortress around them.
Neopian Conspiracy We've all heard the rumor about that certain character who will
remain nameless *cough* the Petpet Shopkeeper - trying to take over Neopia behind
the scenes (and if you haven't heard about it, now you have).
Walk the Plank: Part Four "Wow, you must have been out in this desert for days! The heat here is enough
to make any pet lose their mind! Come, my house isn't far from here, and there's
a lake a bit beyond that."