"Balthazar's Beginning" by dan4884 and neox52492 Real Spyder webs clung to the trees, catching in Balthazar's fur as he ran. A huge clap of thunder sounded from the storm clouds. The young Lupe darted behind a large boulder, whimpering in fear; heavy raindrops began to fall as he cowered there. Lightning lit up the Haunted Forest...
Balthazar's Beginning Spyder webs clung to the trees,
catching in Balthazar's fur as he ran. A huge clap of thunder sounded from the
storm clouds. The young Lupe darted behind a large boulder, whimpering in fear...
Plotting Along: Bob the Yurble - Again?!?!?!?! All heck broke loose this past week in Altador, when it was discovered that
Bob the Yurble, a prominent member of the now forgotten Lost Desert Plot, had
indeed been hired yet again.
Now You See Me, Now You Don't: Part Five "How can he still be sleeping through all of
this, new owner?" Marigold asked with a cough and a wink. "I can't wait to get
to my new neohome..."