"The Un-Surprise Party" by qazx301 She had to be planning a surprise party! "I don't know. What kind of surprise?" I tried to play the fool, but I was an expert on surprise parties. I knew that with most of them, your owner spends a lot of neopoints, hoping to make up for not consulting you. All I had to do was hint her in the right direction, and it would be really, really huge. "I'm not a fan of scary surprises, but I like fun ones, like Puppyblews, or parties..."
Inspiration Something had changed. Instead of staring absently at the ceiling or playing around with his quill, he was scratching away like mad at the parchment in front of him...
Legacy of Ice: Part Seven "It makes sense... My mother, she used to go away, every month or so... No one ever told me where, but my grandfather once told me she was going into the mountain's heart..."
The Shadows: Part Seven I felt so insecure and helpless without my wings. Oh well, it'd just have to do. I looked around the bustling city and then spotted what I looked for. Towering above the city of Faerieland was the Faerie Tower...