Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 140,357,144 Issue: 294 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y9
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The Secret Behind Boochi

I am going to paint you royal!

by pink_xplosion

Fyora is so greedy...

by christian_in_black
Little Orby

Fyora Day Special!

by tashni
Banana Juice

ANOTHER Usuki Frenzy comic?!

by tewa380

Life gets complicated when you're a plushie.

by firecat5
Silly Paws!

My, what tasty Neopets you have!

Also by polar_falcon

by pirate_ahoy

Behind the Scenes: Mystery Island Training School

The truth is revealed.

Idea by coffeesage

by lisaw1215

The Happiest Quiggle

The cupcake might be delicious with gray icing, but black is pushing it.

by nut862

You gotta admit, that does come in handy...

by detective_edogawa
My Grarrl Bob! - Cooking!

Bob is cooking!

by larenchan
Faerie Blunders

Hey, Light can be Dark too!

by ontongil
Feepit Frenzy #4

I knew it wasn't a good idea!

by fariy287
The Valley of Spam

It's looking at me...

by chichikokoyamma
Not So Innocent

How cute, a little chia pen top. :)

by vaphire
Kermy's Mishaps Part 1

The unluckiest of Quiggles.

by my_lil_ones
Be Were!

One girl's dream home is another person's dinner.

by draizard
Battledome Woes

Take that, creepy bug!

by macc_o6
Don't Bother Me; I'm Sleeping


by zelda2222
The Art of Restocking - Part II

Plushies have feelings too.

by caioschleich
The Trouble with Whack-a-Kass

Mmm... bread.

by yaketsuki
t0t4lly r4d c0m1c

Advice: Never eat a fish you find on the sidewalk!

by mimed
Fyora Day Soup

A little something for Fyora ...

by linnipooh
Where's My Book?

You know your owner is obsessed with questing when...

by invalid_character
Sibling Rivalry

The fine art of flying a kite.

by evilpuppyangel
Sketch'd - Neopia's Sketch Book Adventure

When Neopians aren't plot or battle savvy....

by hanna_xu
Fyora Day Truths

Happy Fyora Day!

Also by goosher

by imogenweasley

Fyora Day... Muffin Talk??

This shows how one small little Fyora Muffin makes a difference for the other faerie muffins... by being too original. ^.^

by xx_yuna___xx
Razzle Dazzle - Episode XII


by khestrel
...Shift eleven.

Cotton is so last season.

by brag
On Your Last Nerve

I guess that explains it...

by ixigreen32
Freaky Transmogrification

Mutant petpetpets are cute, aren't they?

Idea by kallysta_rynns

by hypno_the_cat

Bees' Kneez

Warning: This doll is not a toy.

by looweez
Smelly Nelly

"Visits the Hidden Tower."

by i_hate_backstabbers
Search the Neopian Times


"A Day with a Legend" by munchkin24547
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the one and only, Judge Hog!" The gymnasium erupted with applause and screams of joy as Judge Hog walked out onto the stage. He walked obnoxiously slowly and his shiny black boots made squeaky noises as he walked. He stopped for a moment...

Other Stories


A Royal Stroll
"I know what to do!" Skysong exclaimed, his cheerful spirit irrepressible. "We'll disguise ourselves as royal pets! It'll be easy!"

by shorea682


An Irritable Queen
The shy Neopian walked up toward the queen. "Do I have enough for a Squeezy Tombola Guy Toy?"

by chao_keeper21424


Common Misconceptions: Dark Faeries
It is commonly and mistakenly assumed that almost every single Dark Faerie in Neopia is an evil, villainous, conspiring maniac out to doom Neopia.

by visorak_commander


How to Find the Hidden Tower
But I've smartened up since then and have really and truly found where the Hidden Tower is located! I would be very glad to tell you all where it can be found...

by azn_suga_babe


Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Eight
"You're going to get zapped," Ara explained, "into a brainless minion of the Meepits. You will become pink colored, and you will not have a will of your own..."

Also by fsufan266

by kioasakka


Secrets and Shadows: Part Five
"You mean to say that because you lost your way, you led the Meridell ambassador through the dregs of the keep all night long, while every officer, soldier, maid, and kitchen servant scoured the Citadel looking for the two of you..."

by dragonlover8560

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