"Five Minutes" by biogirl1991 "Hi, Spitsy!" Senya giggled, giving her petpet a fond pat. Spitsy the Spyder cooed with delight and squirmed. The little petpet had gotten its name on account of how much he drooled. The constant leakage made him very high maintenance, but Senya couldn't bear...
The REAL Petpet Rescue She pulled out a blue Gnorbu wool jumper, a Flotsam sweater, wool gloves, and some Kacheek ear muffs. What in the world was all this?
Finding the Perfect Petpet For Your Pet You would like to give your Koi a puppyblew. Well, can you imagine your pet swimming around and his poor puppyblew trying to hold his breath?
The New Prophecy: Part Two Jhudora instantly realized her mistake and bit her lip. Fyora's little mind-wiping frenzy was making things much more complicated...