For an easier life Circulation: 188,728,398 Issue: 528 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y14
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Saly's Club: Sleep Issues

Every neopet has the perfect bed, right?

by djudju22_8
More Hardships of... Habitarium P3s 19

Wrong time, wrong impression.

by alagfalaswen
Literally ~ Faeries

Xandra was right... Xandra was sooooooo right.

by pirate_cove
Compare and Contrast - Jellybeans

Michelle... rescue me...

by chocholatedog

Best tasting medicine, ever!

by ghostkomorichu
Smell You Later!

Forever alone... :'D

by akierasu
3 Royals plus 1

Egg is egg, no difference.

by white_tiger0226
Neo Events - The Giant Omelette

I wonder what happens...

by ilovepuppies31
Battledome Adventures 2

Ezra the Sketch Lupe takes on the Flaming Meerca!

by bardaandlindal
Keep It Cool #2: Seeing the World

Seeing the world might be cool...

by jeanandthen9
Frolics - Eggzactly!

If I'm in the way, just roll me into a corner.

Art by izzywizard

by patjade

Maybe Next Year, Kids...

Being a baby pet is very tough sometimes.

by belowzerokelvin
Negg Sandwich - Hidden Tower

Yay for sparkles!

by bubblegoldfish
Misguided Squid

Hey! You're not a Giant Titanic Squid!

Story by barir644

by tohkano

The Lost Treasure of Geraptiku

Now where do they keep the fiddles?

by thegreenspark
Painted Madness: Feeding Poe

Transmogrification Potions sometimes bring unexpected side-effects to normal day-to-day activities...

by kahalb
Berry Troubles

Pesky little sisters are such a pain...

by xxdnhxx
Chiavore: Part 2

How many Chias could a Chiavore eat? Part 2

by frozenicicles
On a Thin Line: Cockroach Towers

5 NP per day!

by silvergullmon77

The pound is a scary place. Part one of three.

by nova_bee
Tylus wants a Petpet, now!

Will Tylus prove himself worthy of a Petpet?

by x_mystichorse_x
Frozen Dinner

Don't eat it like that!

by actinia
Ventures #11

Operation T.R.E.K. Part 5. The anticlimax, for lack of a better explanation which Loange now demands.

by neo_coaster363
Locked Comics: Snowball Fight Part 2

A reason why fire pets can never play with snow...

by lockednloaded21
Invasion of Baby Buzzes

The downfall of Neopia?

Idea by crepe14

by airlineer

Oh Em Gee, I'm MSP: Habitarium


by shamaela
That's Life: Sloth Day!

Happy Sloth Day!

by angel_star7
Happy Sloth Day

Awww, Sloth...

Idea by ruben160

by jokehr

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Taking Over Neopia

The Darkest Faerie, Dr. Sloth, Xandra, all have made at least one attempt to conquer Neopia which failed miserably. Having reviewed what documentation I could find about their attempts at Neopian conquest, I put together the following article, which should help would-be rulers of Neopia to avoid some of the more common mistakes made by those whose failed attempts at Neopian domination...

Other Stories


Addie Meets Dr. Sloth
Some called me crazy, but I was fascinated with Sloth.

by jamba_jukeba


The Sorceress's Choice
Xandra landed face first into a flower bed.

"Ow..." she mumbled...

Also by princesspesa98

by erroro


Appreciating Sloth: A Celebration Plan Proposal
Various ways we can celebrate Sloth Appreciation Day besides the usual cake and candles...

by lute248


Top 10 Most Wanted Random Events
At one time or another we've all wished for a useful random event, but what exactly are the most desirable random events in Neopia?

by mercy_angel


Beautiful Chaos: Part Ten
"I really hope that we don't fall through the sky and end up in Brightvale or something."

"You should really work on your motivational speeches."

by tanikagillam


Clues in the Hidden Tower: Sparkles's Mystery - Part One
"Faerieland is the perfect place to celebrate my birthday!" Sparkles declared.

by downrightdude

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