Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 191,440,698 Issue: 544 | 11th day of Hunting, Y14
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Tyrannia versus the World

Message sponsored by the Tyrannian Tourism Board.

by fressed
Oh Em Gee, I'm MSP: Lupe Snack Pack

& King Altador never gave me one again :c

by shamaela
Tooth Faerie Tales

Why the Tooth Faerie loves Tyrannia.

by arcipello
Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Squid Makes Me Happy

Like my new outfit?

Also by 0llyness

by __ninth_gate__

The Adventures of Mint!

Crosswords are harder than they look...

by flynnscifo
We Can't All Be Good Listeners... (Part 2)

Ouch! Where did that come from...?

by anneburns
Chill Pills

When you thought it was safe to go back to the (apple bobbing) water...

by cremelda

I don't think that is meant for you.

by elassar
Edible Nonsense ~ Picking on the Weak

All that training effort....

by tic2tac

Having some lab ray troubles?

by bellepsyche
The Goofers

We are all forced to bow to the horrifying power of cuteness...

by lintsuf

A pirate Lutari is a little bit disappointed because few people find the cool skull on his tail.

by phyllismi

Something has happened.

by bleeding_marker
Grey Pets Have a Sense of Humour Too

What's wrong?

Also by deiimos

by ruben160


I guess we missed him...

by testrachelamy
The Roleplay Cafe

With thanks to singing_meadows, elegysanft and mike11695. c:

by purrfect_cookie
Royal Flush: Reflection

A nice walk at the beach turns into a horrifying experience for this little Usul.

by tr_avenger
Random Oddness

Apparently, I've been keeping Meuka at bay for years.

by mistyqee
The Nut Farm

It's not wise to brag out loud...

by ramheart
Scary Soup: Carrot Quest

Did you get any gold keys?

by raykitty
Search the Neopian Times


Does Technology Exist?

I, for one, find our lack of technological advancement highly suspicious. Isn't it illogical that our development has been completely static, and there has been no apparent desire to change this? Why haven't we contacted... whoever's in charge of Virtupets... now that we're at peace and asked them to teach us how their technology works? After mulling it over, I came to a stunning realization...

Other Stories


The Tomb of the Jellianculus
I really don't know why I brought him along with me; of course he was going to be a nuisance! But still, he is my most trusted companion...

by _dontstopbelieving_


Lanya and Lowel
Lanya flipped the sign in the window of the Coffee Cave from "Open" to "Closed". The yellow Shoyru pulled off her apron, grabbed a Tigersquash Iced Bun from her shelves, and stepped outside.

by chestnuttiger787


Ten Tips to Feed Florg
Help Florg eat his dinner with these ten essential tips!

by qelato


Making The Most Of Your New Gift!
So you open the door to your neohome one morning and you notice a finely wrapped present on your doorstep...

by usukii


Greenglade: Part Four
"I can't leave until we've discussed what your group does around Greenglade." She tried her best to feign confidence, though she was trembling inside.

by aquadaika


The Story of B.: Part Three
"You're serious..." His eyes hardened and they searched the room. "Where is he? Is he invisible?"

by kooky_user

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