Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 190,555,218 Issue: 578 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y15
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Training School

Idea by ruben160

by cevierakasky

The Kadoatery

Krazy Kads.

Also by horse_lovee

by lucas4429

Muckla and the Hat Hunt #5

Since the Kacheek could not wear it, Muckla finally got his hat back! At least for a few minutes.

by lovisa966
Lab Rat Blues #5


by garfmaj
Worst Job Ever!

Poor babysitter...

Also by dreamaheadofme4

by saudadesdagripe

Petpet Problems


Art by l_like_animals

by eddest0001

Shuzu and Tig; Compensating

Don't let it go to your head, Tig.

Also by aaron_luver_2002

by firefriendsforever

The New Battledome

Pff, those angry Yurbles...just enjoy it! :)

Also by wistren

by mumumuchan

Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P: Return of More Meeps

Based on a true story

by shamaela
So Says the Slorg!!!


by supercheezee
The joys of the Shop Wizard!

Maybe Premium would be a good idea...

by epicgiggle
Devilish Priorities

Like us all, the Pant Devil doesn't quite have his in order.

by kimchiin
But That Makes No Sense?

How would that work? o_O

by andy94174
Dinner with the Scarlets: Paintin' Storm 1 of 3

There's bein' nothin' like a Meridellian brogue to make things interestin'.

by june_scarlet

I know it's called "CHEAT", but SHEESH!!

by baby_usul
A Way With Words


by emmilou123
"Cool" Neopet Attempt #1

They are just trying to fit in!

by ssierramae
The Zany Jelly!: Silver Struck

It's so shiny. Too Shiny! TOO SHINY!

by adrian13_56
Bread and Butter

Negative profit

by _epiphany_
Better Than Thou

"Air Faeries are known for being a little flighty..."

by redhoodgirl
The Breadmaster

Peachbread explained.

by toffeedatepudding
Battle for the Keys- Part 6

Final part of the Battle for the Keys series!

by zemutt
Just Sit

Now in grayscale!!!

by katopia12
Perils & Gold: The Vagabond - Part 1

Teeth is delighted to see her brother Viishus return home from his long journey.

by lockord
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"Son of Kass" by derrangeddragon
When I hatched in the Draik Nest, I was all alone. It was dark and creepy and I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know what or who I was, or why I was there alone. So I decided to nap for a while in a dim beam of light that descended from the roof of the cave...

Other Stories


Son of Kass
When I hatched in the Draik Nest, I was all alone.

by derrangeddragon


Beauty is Only Fur-Deep
He wasn't dull boring silver anymore! Some faerie must've noticed how sad he was and granted him this gorgeous pelt of fur.

by cuddlyinfection


Style Guide: A Hairy Situation
This week, we brushed up on our knowledge of wigs. *ba dum tss*

by ilovezacandhsm


Underappreciated: Faeries That Deserve More Love
What about their lesser known peers, who, despite their efforts in doing good for Neopia, have never reached the same tier of popularity?

by 4g0tt3n4ng3l


Unbreakable: Part Four
"Wraith pets... He's filled his entire front line with wraith pets," the faerie murmured. "I don't know whether to call that brilliant or just plain low."

by sporty2443


Dr. Sloth Returns... Again!: Part Two
The frightened Neopets cowered in their cages, obviously scared by the sight of Neopia's Handsomest Supervillain.

by dolphinsareawesome

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